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" Tis now the very witching time of night When churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out Contagion to this world. Now could I drink hot blood, And do such bitter business as the day Would quake to look on. "
The Works of Shakespeare: in Eight Volumes - Page 177
by William Shakespeare - 1767
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The Works of Mr. William Shakespear;: In Six Volumes. Adorn'd with ..., Volume 5

William Shakespeare - 1709 - 598 pages
...will come by and by. Pol. I will fay fo. [Exit. Ham. By and by is eafily faid. Leave me, friends: Ext. *Tis now the very witching time of Night, When Church-yards yawn, and Hell it felif breiths out Contagion to this World. Now could I drink hot Blood, And do fuch bitter Bufmefs...
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The Works of Shakespeare in Seven Volumes, Volume 7

William Shakespeare - 1733 - 524 pages the very" 'witching time of night, •-•' • When church- yards yawn, and hell it felf breaths out Contagion to this world. Now could I drink hot blood, And do fuch bitter bufinefs as the d&J',:'1 /! '" v'-.i .' Would quake to lobk on. S6ftv::now to my mother — O heart, lofe(not thy nature!...
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The Works of Shakespear: In Six Volumes, Volume 6

William Shakespeare - 1745 - 574 pages
...come by and by. Pol. 1 will fay fo. _ Ham. By and by is eafily faid. Leave me, friends. , [Exeunt. 'Tis now the very witching time of night, When church-yards yawn, and hell it felf breathes out Contagion to this world. Now could I drink hot blood, And do fuch bitter bufinefs...
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The Works of Shakespeare: In Eight Volumes : Collated with the ..., Volume 8

William Shakespeare - English drama - 1762 - 436 pages
...will come by and" by. Pol. I will fay fo. Ham. By and by is eafily faid. Leave me, friends. [Exeunt. 'Tis now the very witching time of night, When Now could I drink hot blood, And do fuch bitter bufiriefs as the day Would quake to look on. Soft, now to my mother— G heart, lofe-not thy nature...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare in Eight Volumes: With the ..., Volume 8

William Shakespeare - 1765 - 540 pages
...will come by and by. Pol. 1 will fay fo. Ham. By and by is eafily faid. Leave me, friends. [Exeunt. 'Tis now the very witching time of night, When church-yards...Contagion to this world. Now could I drink hot blood, ' ZL'ijfcol ite to the tap if my t! e fool, till , I can endure to do tin'.] T hi.y compel nit 10 play...
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The Works of Shakespear: Troilus and Cressida. Romeo and Juliet. Hamlet. Othello

William Shakespeare - 1768 - 462 pages
...Pol. Very like a Whale. Pol. I will fay fo. Ham. By and by is eafily faid. Leave me, friends. [Exeunt. 'Tis now the very witching time of night, When Churchyards yawn, and hell itfelf breaths out Contagion to this world. Now could I drink hotblood, * And do fuch bufinefs as the better...
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Othello, the Moor of Venice: A Tragedy

William Shakespeare - 1770 - 958 pages
...Ham. By and by is eafily faid. Leave me, friends. 'Tis now the very witching time of night, [Exeunt. When church-yards yawn, and hell itfelf ' Now could I drink hot blood, •» And do fuch bufinefs as the day Would quake to look on. Soft, now to my mother— 0 heart, lofe not thy nature...
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The Works of Shakespeare: Collated with the Oldest Copies, and ..., Volume 8

William Shakespeare - 1773 - 476 pages
...will come by and by. Pol. I will fay fo. Ham. By and by is eafily faid. Leave me, friends. [Exeunt-. Tis now the very witching time of night, When church-yards...bufinefs as the day Would quake to look. on. Soft, now to-my mother— 0 heart, lofe not thy nature ; let not ever The foul of Nero enter this firm bofom...
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Romeo and Juliet. Hamlet. Othello. Appendixes

William Shakespeare - 1773 - 630 pages
...tte tcf of my lent. ] They compel me to R 2 Ham. Ham. By and by is eafily faid. Leave me, friends. 'Tis now the very witching time of night, When church-yards...Contagion to this world. Now could I drink hot blood, 1 And do fuch bitter bufinefs as the day Would quake to look on. Soft j now to my mother 0 heart, lofe...
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A Philosophical Analysis and Illustration of Some of Shakespeare's ...

William Richardson - 1774 - 220 pages
...very ftriking manner, with the warnings of his moral faculty, and the tendernefs of his affection, "Tis now the very witching time of night, When church-yards...'to this world. Now could I drink hot blood, And do filth, bitter bufinefs as the day Would quake to look on. Soft ; now to my mother—* 0 heart, lofe...
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