| Bible - 1705 - 522 pages
...wit whether me LORD had made hb journey prosperous, or not. 2i And it came to pafs as the camels bad done drinking, that the man took a golden ear-ring, of half a fhekel weight, and two bracelets for her hands, of ten t weight of gold ; gold ; 23 And faid, Whofe... | |
 | Society of Antiquaries of London - Archaeology - 1829 - 594 pages
...Rebekah, who it will be remembered drew water for all his camels, " As tlie camels had done drinking, the man took a golden ear-ring of half a shekel weight, and Two BRACELETS for her hands often shekels weight of gold; and said, Whose daughter art thou ? tell me, I pray thee, is there room... | |
 | Herodotus - Greece - 1791 - 502 pages
...of gold, which was ufed for that purpofe in his country.— See chap, xxiii. " And it came to pafs as the camels had done drinking, that the man took a golden ear-ring of half a fhekel weight, and two bracelets for her hands, of ten (hekels weight of gold." That 'the bracelet... | |
 | Sarah Trimmer - 1835 - 276 pages
...wondering at her, held his peace, to wit, whether the Lord had made his journey prosperous or not. And it came to pass as the camels had done drinking,...bracelets for her hands, of ten shekels weight of gold ; And said, "Whose daughter art thou ? tell me I pray thee. Is there room in thy father's house for... | |
 | Christianity - 1803 - 430 pages
...of his young master. Accord, ingly, to her he made a present of a golden ear-ring of half a shekt-l weight, and two bracelets for her hands of ten shekels weight of gold.' After this Rebekah invited them to her fa. thei's house, where the servant man of Abraham spoke with... | |
 | Job Orton, Robert Gentleman - Bible - 1805 - 444 pages
...every circumstance, and consider closely, whether the LORD had made his journey prosperous or not. 22 And it came to pass, as the camels had done drinking, that the man took a golden earring, or jewel for theforeficad, of half a shekel weight, and two bracelets for her hands of ten [shekels]... | |
 | Job Orton, Robert Gentleman - Bible - 1805 - 444 pages
...every circumstance, and consider closely, whether the LORD had made his journey prosperous or not. 32 And it came to pass, as the camels had done drinking, that the man took a golden earring, or jewel for the forehead, of half a shekel weight, and two bracelets for her hands of ten [shekels]... | |
 | Ely Bates - Christian ethics - 1806 - 445 pages
...man wondering at her held his peace, to wit whether the Lord had made his journey prosperous or not. And it came to pass as the camels had done drinking,...bracelets for her hands of ten shekels weight of gold : and said, Whose daughter art thou ? tell me, I pray thee, is there room in thy father's house for... | |
 | 1809 - 1152 pages
...man, wondering at her, held hs peace, to wit whether the LORD had naae his journey prosperous, or not and Stebbins ami two bracelets for her hands of ten tkekelt weight of gold ; 23 And said, Whose daughter art thou... | |
 | Mrs. Trimmer (Sarah) - Bible - 1810 - 410 pages
...wondering at her, held his peace, to wit, Whether the LORD had made his journey prosperous or not. And it came to pass, as the camels had done drinking,...bracelets for her hands, of ten shekels weight of gold ; and said, Whose daughter art thou ? -tell me, I pray thee : is there room in thy father's house for... | |
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