| Samuel Johnson - 1811 - 394 pages
...alarms ; for thoughts are only criminal, when they are first chosen, and then voluntarily continued. , Evil into the mind of God or man May come and go, so unapprov'd, and leave No spot or stain behind. MILTON. In futurity chiefly are the snares lodged,... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1811 - 388 pages
...alarms ; for thoughts are only criminal, when they are first chosen, and then voluntarily continued. Evil into the mind of God or man May come and go, so unapprov'd, and leave No spot or stain behind. MILToN. In futurity chiefly are the snares lodged,... | |
 | English literature - 1811 - 600 pages
...tells him he must not hope. — Loose thought* may arise, but they are rebuked and dissipated — " Evil into the mind of God or man " May come and go, so unapprov'd, and leave " No spot or blame behind. " ' Gentlemen, I trouble you with these reflexions,... | |
 | Enos Bronson - Literature, Modern - 1812 - 556 pages
...honour tells him he must not hope. Loose thought^ may arise, but they are rebuked and dissipated — " Evil into the mind of God or man " May come and go, so unapprov'd, and leave " No spot or blame behind." " Gentlemen, I trouble you with these reflexions,... | |
 | James Ridgway - Freedom of the press - 1812 - 282 pages
...honour tells him he must not hope.—Loose thoughts may arise, but they are rebuked and dissipated—- " Evil into the mind of God or man " May come and go, so unapprov'dj and leave *' No spot or blame behind." Gentlemen, I trouble you with these reflections,... | |
 | Thomas Erskine Baron Erskine - Forensic orations - 1813 - 278 pages
...honor tells him he must not hope. Loose thoughts may arise, but they are rebuked and dissipated— " Evil into the mind of God or man " May come and go, so Xinapprov'd, and leave " No spot or blame behind." Gentlemen, I trouble you with these reflections,... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - English literature - 1816 - 524 pages
...alarms ; for thoughts are only criminal, when they are first chosen, and then voluntarily continued. Evil into the mind of God or man May come and go, so unapprov'd, and leave No spot or stain behind, MILTON. In futurity chiefly are the snares lodged,... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1818 - 368 pages
...alarms ; .for thoughts are only criminal, when they are first chosen, and then voluntarily continued. Evil into the mind of God or man May come and go, so unapprov'd, and leave No spot or stain behind. Mn. TON. In futurity chiefly are the snares lodged,... | |
 | John Milton - Freedom of the press - 1819 - 484 pages
...pure, &c.] Epistle to Titus ; ch. I. ». 15. — There is a similar thought in Par. Lost. V. 117. " Evil into the mind of GOD or Man " May come and go, so unapprov'd, and leava " No spot or blame behind." * The chief of learned Men reputed in thit Land,... | |
 | Juvenal - 1819 - 770 pages
...ut nosmet iuuoceutia tuteiuur. Praeclare quoque nostram iu rem Miltoniu iu Paradise lost V, 117 sq. Evil into the mind of God or Man May come and go so unapprov'd and leave No spot от blame behind. Couf. Heynius in Praefat. ad Tibullum, iupr. {.... | |
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