For I can raise no money by vile means: By heaven, I had rather coin my heart, And drop my blood for drachmas, than to wring From the hard hands of peasants their' vile trash By any indirection. Exercises in Reading and Recitation - Page 105by Jonathan Barber - 1828 - 251 pagesFull view - About this book
 | Michael Schulman, Eva Mekler - Drama - 1998 - 370 pages For certain sums of gold, which you denied me: For I can raise no money by vile means: By heaven, I had rather coin my heart, And drop my blood for...denied me: was that done like Cassius? Should I have answer' d Caius Cassius so? When Marcus Brutus grows so covetous, To lock such rascal counters from... | |
 | William Shakespeare - Drama - 2000 - 248 pages
...curo. Ti ho mandato a chiedere certe somme d'oro For I can raise no money by vile means; By heaven, I had rather coin my heart, And drop my blood for...denied me ; was that done like Cassius ? Should I bave answered Caius Cassius so? When Marcus Brurus grows so covetous, To lock such rascal counters... | |
 | William Shakespeare - Drama - 2000 - 164 pages
...drachmas than to wring From the hard hands of peasants their vile trash By any indirection. I did send 130 To you for gold to pay my legions, Which you denied...covetous To lock such rascal counters from his friends, 135 Be ready, gods, with all your thunderbolts; Dash him to pieces. CASSIUS I denied you not. BRUTUS... | |
 | Orson Welles - Drama - 2001 - 342 pages For certain sums of gold, which you denied me; For I can raise no money by vile means. By heaven, I had rather coin my heart And drop my blood for drachmas...legions, Which you denied me. Was that done like Cassius? CASSIUS I denied you not. BRUTUS You did. CASSIUS I did not. (Pause.) He was but a fool that brought... | |
 | William Shakespeare - Drama - 2001 - 166 pages
...heart And drop my blood for drachmaes than to wring From the hard hands of peasants their vile trash 75 By any indirection. I did send To you for gold to...denied me. Was that done like Cassius? Should I have answer'd Caius Cassius so? When Marcus Brutus grows so covetous 8o To lock such rascal counters from... | |
 | William Shakespeare - Drama - 1989 - 1286 pages
...certain sums of gold, which you denied me;— • For I can raise no money by vile means: By heaven, ree farthings: three farthings — remuneration. —...price of this inkle?' — 'A penny.' — 'No, I'll JULIUS CAESAR IV. HI. 1 19-150 To you for gold to pay my legions, Which you denied me: was that done... | |
 | George Wilson Knight - Drama - 2002 - 396 pages
...'justice': but soon we feel his primary anxiety is a very practical one — lack of gold: Brutus. ... I did send To you for gold to pay my legions, Which...denied me: was that done like Cassius? Should I have answer'd Caius Cassius so? When Marcus Brutus grows so covetous, To lock such rascal counters from... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 2003 - 164 pages
...cynically calculated to get his own way. How could these different interpretations be shown on stage? Should I have answered Caius Cassius so? When Marcus...covetous, To lock such rascal counters from his friends, 80 Be ready gods with all your thunderbolts; Dash him to pieces. CASSIUS I denied you not. BRUTUS You... | |
 | Kenneth Muir - Literary Criticism - 2005 - 224 pages
...For certain sums of gold, which you denied me: For I can raise no money by vile means — By heaven, I had rather coin my heart, And drop my blood for...legions, Which you denied me. Was that done like Cassius ? (IV.iii. 66-77) No other of Shakespeare's characters goes as far as this in praising his own virtue... | |
 | William Shakespeare - Drama - 2005 - 292 pages
...For certain sums of gold, which you denied me, For I can raise no money by vile means. 80 By heaven, I had rather coin my heart And drop my blood for drachmas...indirection. I did send To you for gold to pay my legions, 85 Which you denied me. Was that done like Cassius? Should I have answered Caius Cassius so? When Marcus... | |
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