| John Bell - 1807 - 562 pages
...feel ?— Who breaks a butterfly upon a wheel ? ''. Yet let me flap this bug with gilded wings, r''is painted child of dirt, that stinks and stings ; Whose buzz the witty and the fair annoys, 311 Yet wit ne'er tastes, and beauty ne'er enjoys : So well-bred spaniels civilly delight In mumbling... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1807 - 474 pages
...or sense, alas ! can Sporus feel ? Who hreaks a hutterfly upon a wheel ? P. Yet let me flap thU hug with gilded wings, This painted child of dirt, that stinks and stings'; Whose huas the witty and the (air annoys, Yet wit ne'er tastes, and heauty ne'er enjoys : So well-hred spaniels... | |
 | Alexander Pope, Thomas Park - 1808 - 388 pages
...of asses' milk 'i Satire or sense, alas ! can Sporus feel t Who breaks a butterfly upon a wheel? /'. Yet let me flap this bug with gilded wings, This painted...stinks and stings ; Whose buzz the witty and the fair aunoys, Yet wit ne'er tastes, and beauty ne'er enjoys : So well-bred spaniels civilly delight Tn mumbling... | |
 | Alexander Pope - English poetry - 1808 - 702 pages
...or sense, alas! can Sporus feel? Who breaks a buttcrfly upon a wheel ? P. Yet let me flap this bu^ with gilded wings, This painted child of dirt, that...stinks and stings ; Whose buzz the witty and the fair aunoys, Yet wit ne'er tastes, and beanty ne'er enjoys : So well-bred spaniels civilly delight In mumbling... | |
 | Vicesimus Knox - English poetry - 1809 - 606 pages
...Satire or sense, alas ! can Sporus feel ? Who breaks a butterfly upon a wheel ?• P. Yetletincflap en, Ta different nations, makes their blessings bu/z the witty and the fair annoys, Yet wit ne'er tu?les, and beauty ue'er enjoys : So well-bred spaniels... | |
 | Alexander Chalmers - English poetry - 1810 - 538 pages
...? Satire of sense, alas ! can Sponis feel ? Who breaks a butterfly upon a wheel ? P. Yet let me Hap this bug with gilded wings, This painted child of...stings ; Whose buzz the witty and the fair annoys, 31 1 Yet wit ne'er tastes, and beauty ne'er enjoyi : So well-bred spaniels civilly delight In mumbling... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1810 - 548 pages
...Spurns feel ? Who breaks a butterfly upon a wheel ? "P. Yet let me flap this bug with gilded «»[.•-, This painted child of dirt, that stinks and stings ; Whose buzz the witty and the fair annoys, 31 1 Yet wit ne'er tastes, and beauty ne'er enjoys : So well-bred spaniels civilly delight In mumbling... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1812 - 348 pages
...of ass's milk I 306 Satire or sense, alas ! can Sporus feel ? Who breaks a butterfly upon a wheel I P. Yet let me flap this bug with gilded wings, This painted child of dirt, that stinks and stings ; 310 Whose buzz the witty and the fair annoys, Yet wit ne'er tastes, and beauty ne'er enjoys : So... | |
 | William Coxe - Prime ministers - 1816 - 464 pages
...ridicule, in allusion to his effeminate appearance, as a species of half-man and half-woman, which " P. Yet let me flap this bug with gilded wings, " This painted child of dirt, that stinks and sings, &c. " Eternal smiles his emptiness betray, " As shallow streams run dimpling all the way. "... | |
 | John Aikin - English poetry - 1820 - 832 pages
...curd of ass's milk ? Satire of sense, alas ! can Sporus feel ? Who break* a butterfly upon a wheel ? ongman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown tlie fair annoys, Yet wit ne'er tastes, and beauty ne'er enjoys : So well-bred spaniels civilly delight... | |
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