States, than are or shall be payable on the like articles being the growth, produce, or manufacture of any other foreign country ; nor shall any higher or other duties or charges be imposed in either of the two countries, on the exportation of any articles... Papers Presented to Parliament In... - Page 3231816Full view - About this book
 | United States - Sweden - 1932 - 890 pages be made in vessels of the United States or of the Republic of Bolivia. . . . v Article VI . . . Nor shall any higher or other duties or charges be...two countries, on the exportation of any articles to the United States or to the Republic of Bolivia, respectively, than such as are payable on the exportation... | |
 | United States Department of State - United States - 1934 - 890 pages
...manufacture of the United States than are or shall be payable on the like articles being the growth produce or manufacture of any other foreign country nor shall...two Countries, on the Exportation of any articles to the United States, or to His Britannick Majesty's Territories in Europe respectively than such as are... | |
 | United States. Department of State - United States - 1933 - 1152 pages
...manufacture of the United States than are or shall be payable on the like articles being the growth produce or manufacture of any other foreign country nor shall...two Countries, on the Exportation of any articles to the United States, or to His Britannick Majesty's Territories in Europe respectively than such as are... | |
 | United States. Department of State - Arbitration (International law) - 1934 - 764 pages be made in vessels of the United States or of the Republic of Bolivia. . . . Article VI . . . Nor shall any higher or other duties or charges be...two countries, on the exportation of any articles to the United States or to the Republic of Bolivia, respectively, than such as are payable on the exportation... | |
 | United States - United States - 1938 - 1912 pages
...Rica, Guatemala, Honduras or Salvador". "That, similarly, no higher or other duties or charges shall be imposed in either of the two countries on the exportation of any articles to the other than are payable on the exportation of the like articles to any foreign country with the... | |
 | United States. Department of State - United States - 1932 - 868 pages
...foreign country with the exception of Cuba." "That, similarly, no higher or other duties or charges shall be imposed in either of the two countries on the exportation of any ** Copy transmitted to the Department by the Chargd as an enclosure to his despatch no. 371, July 11;... | |
 | United States - Treaties - 1922 - 1240 pages
...Rica, Guatemala, Honduras or Salvador". '' That, similarly, no higher or other duties or charges shall be imposed in either of the two countries on the exportation of any articles to the other than are payable on the exportation of the like articles to any foreign country with the... | |
 | Edmund Burke - History - 1817 - 862 pages
...manufacture of any other foreign countries ; nor shall any higher or other duties or charges be imposed on either of the two countries, on the exportation of any articles to the United States, or to his Britannic Majesty's territories in Europe respectively, than such as are... | |
 | United States. Department of the Treasury - Customs administration - 1912 - 1328 pages
...of the United States, than are or shall be payable on the like articles being the growth, produce, or manufacture, of any other foreign country; nor...two countries, on the exportation of any articles to the United States, or to his Britannick majesty's territories in Europe, respectively, than such as... | |
 | United States - United States - 1968 - 1352 pages
...manufacture of the United States, than are or shall be payable on the like articles, being the produce or manufacture of any other foreign country. Nor shall...two countries, on the exportation of any articles to the United States, or to the dominions of His Majesty, the King of Denmark, respectively, than such... | |
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