What modes of sight betwixt each wide extreme, The mole's dim curtain, and the lynx's beam: Of smell, the headlong lioness between, And hound sagacious on the tainted green : Of hearing, from the life that fills the flood, To that which warbles thro... The Poetical Works - Page 18by Alexander Pope - 1828Full view - About this book
| 1808 - 408 pages
...between, And hound sajacious un t lie tainted creen ! Of hearing, from the life that fills the 0ood, To that which warbles through the vernal wood ! The...touch, how exquisitely fine! Feels at each thread, and li\es alón» the line! In the nice liée what sense so subtly true From pois'uous herbs extracts the... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - English poetry - 1809 - 606 pages
...ascends : Mark how it mounts to Man's imperial race, From the green mxriads in the peopled grass : Mr hat To lend a wife, few here would scruple mate : But,...with the Stoic chief our stage may ring, The Stoic tlie flood. To that which warbles through the vernal wood! 'Hie spider's touch, how exquisitely fine... | |
| Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1810 - 548 pages
...ascends : Mark how it mounts to man's imperial race, From, the green myriads in the peopled grass : 210 What modes of sight betwixt each wide extreme, The...mole's dim curtain, and the lynx's beam ; Of smell, the hea- Hong lioness between, And hound sagacious on the tainted green; Of hearing, from the life that... | |
| Alexander Chalmers - English poetry - 1810 - 748 pages
...that intends; Therefore such forms as she doth cease to see. To memory's large volume she commends. 9 The spider's touch how exquisitely fine, Feels at each thread, and lives along the line. Pope's Essay on Man. This ledger-book lies in the brain behind, Like Janus' eye, which in his poll... | |
| Alexander Chalmers - English poetry - 1810 - 538 pages
...green myriads in the peopled grass : 210 What modes of sight betwixt each wide extreme, The mole'g d'"> curtain, and the lynx's beam ; Of smell, the headlong lioness between, And bound sagacious on the tainted green; Of hearing, from the life that fills the flood, To that which... | |
| Dugald Stewart - Philosophy - 1811 - 590 pages
...some of the insect tribes, seem to enlarge the sphere of this sense, far beyond its ordinary limits. " The spider's touch, how exquisitely fine, " Feels at each thread, and lives along the line." The two circumstances which I have chiefly enlarged upon, in the foregoing observations on the principle... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1812 - 348 pages
...ascends : Mark how it mounts, to man's imperial race, From the green myriads in the peopled grass : 210 What modes of sight betwixt each wide extreme, The...the headlong lioness between, And hound sagacious to the tainted green : Of VER. 213. the headlong lioness] The manner of the lions hunting their prey... | |
| Daniel Staniford - Elocution - 1814 - 254 pages
...mole's dim curtain and the lynx's beam : Of fmell, the headlong lionefs between, And hound figacious on the tainted green ; Of hearing, from the life that...To that which warbles through the vernal wood, The fpider's touch, how exquifitely fine ! Feels, at each thread, and lives, along the line : In the nice... | |
| Elegant poems - 1814 - 132 pages
...ascends : Mark how it mounts to man's imperial race, From the green myriads in the peopl'd grass: 210 What modes of sight betwixt each wide extreme, The mole's dim curtain, and the lynx's beam I Of smell, the headlong lioness between, And hound sagacious on the tainted green : Of hearing, from... | |
| Maria Edgeworth, Richard Lovell Edgeworth - Education - 1815 - 526 pages
...lines, for example, may not be immediately apparent to a child. " What modes of sight betwixt each vast extreme, " The mole's dim curtain, and the lynx's..." And hound sagacious on the tainted green." " Of smell." A girl of ten years old (C ) was asked if she could tell what substantive the word " of" relates... | |
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