What modes of sight betwixt each wide extreme, The mole's dim curtain, and the lynx's beam: Of smell, the headlong lioness between, And hound sagacious on the tainted green : Of hearing, from the life that fills the flood, To that which warbles thro... The Poetical Works - Page 18by Alexander Pope - 1828Full view - About this book
 | Connie Robertson - Reference - 1998 - 686 pages
...Man Why has not man a microscopic eye? For this plain reason, man is not a By. 8895 An Essay on Man st whom England bore, shaped, made aware, Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to ro 8896 An Essay on Man All are but parts of one stupendous whole, Whose body. Nature is, and God the... | |
 | Michael Lipton, Shahin Yaqub, Eliane Darbellay - Business & Economics - 1998 - 234 pages
...lender retain control and incentive for repayment at each stage, however decentralized, of the web - "The spider's touch, how exquisitely fine! Feels at each thread, and lives along the line" [Pope 1733: 217] - but the smallest borrower can, by his or her repayment or default, trigger a series... | |
 | Kevin Hart - Literary Criticism - 1999 - 254 pages
...ascends: Mark how it mounts, the Man's imperial race, From the green myriads in the peopled grass: What modes of sight betwixt each wide extreme, The...lioness between And hound sagacious on the tainted green . . .30 And so the poem goes on, for page after elegant page. The doctrine of metaphysical subordination... | |
 | John Lutz - Fiction - 2003 - 454 pages
...States of America For David Bauer And in fond memory of Ed and Betty Bauer Thi s One Q50D-2YB-7FYS The spider's touch, how exquisitely fine! Feels at each thread, and lives along the line. —Pope Essay on Man News fitting to the night, Black, fearful, comfortless and horrible. — Shakespeare... | |
 | Kenneth Hyde - Science - 2006 - 632 pages
...syiders ticks scorpions yseudoscoryions sea sviders Chapter 12 THE CHELICERATES: Spiders...and more The spider's touch, how exquisitely fine! Feels at each thread, and lives along the line. - Pope Arthropod Variety It's hard to imagine the vastness of the phylum Arthropoda. The number of... | |
 | Jeff Peters - 2005 - 157 pages
...HotDog Junior, all from Sausage Software. 13 The Collected Webspinner The Webspinner #2 - HTML Inside The spider's touch— how exquisitely fine!— Feels at each thread, and lives along the line. - Alexander Pope: Epistle i There have been so many analogies drawn between the World Wide Web and... | |
 | Stephen Gill - Literary Criticism - 2006 - 417 pages
...covert metaphorical application to the verse-lines themselves. Pope had used such a self-referring: The spider's touch, how exquisitely fine! Feels at each thread, and lives along the line. o (An Essay on Man, I, 217-18) quisitely fine, as feeling, as alive. Wordsworth evokes both the line... | |
 | Diana Donald - Art - 2007 - 402 pages
...pow'rs ascends: Mark how it mounts, to Man's imperial race, From the green myriads in the peopled grass: What modes of sight betwixt each wide extreme, The...between, And hound sagacious on the tainted green 10 However, this ancient notion of a 'Great Chain', envisioned as a single series of animal forms of... | |
 | Michael Ortiz Hill, Mandaza Augustine Kandemwa - Body, Mind & Spirit - 2007 - 244 pages
...twinship is with God and everything and not just between Michael and Mandaza. MICHAEL AND MANDAZA'S STORY The spider's touch, how exquisitely fine! Feels at each thread and lives along the line. -Alexander Pope TTTTT I JUST THOUGHT IT WAS THE WAY THINGS WERE M AN DAZA: When I started to know about... | |
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