What thou art we know not ; What is most like thee ? From rainbow clouds there flow not Drops so bright to see, As from thy presence showers a rain of melody. Like a poet hidden, In the light of thought, Singing hymns unbidden, Till the world is wrought... The Book of Gems: Wordsworth to Bayly - Page 39edited by - 1838Full view - About this book
 | Leigh Hunt - English poetry - 1845 - 372 pages
...clouds there flow not Drops so bright to see, As from thy presence showers a rain of melody. VIII. ' Like a poet hidden In the light of thought, Singing...wrought To sympathy with hopes and fears it heeded not. ix. Like a high-born maiden1 In a palace tower, Soothing her love-laden Soul in secret hour With music... | |
 | Leigh Hunt - 1845 - 372 pages
...not Drops so bright to see, As from thy presence showers a rain of melody. Like a poet hidden VIII. In the light of thought. Singing hymns unbidden, Till...wrought To sympathy with hopes and fears it heeded not. ix • Like a high-born maiden 1 In a palace tower, Soothing her love-laden Soul in secret hour With... | |
 | Joseph Fletcher, Mary Fletcher - 1846 - 96 pages
...song we raise; Oh, make us by thy power divine, In life, in death, for ever, thine! MARY FLETCHER. '' Like a poet hidden " In the light of thought, " Singing...' To sympathy with hopes and fears it heeded not.' AN INVOCATION TO POESY. SWEET POESY! thou maid divine, Now let thy radiant beauties shine, And charm... | |
 | Eliphalet L. Rice - American literature - 1846 - 432 pages
...He, with his strong sympathy and ethereal genius, is the very being that he likens his Skylark to : -A poet hidden In the light of thought, Singing hymns unbidden, 'Till the word is wrought To sympathize with hopes and fears it heeded not. He has as fine a fancy as Coleridge,... | |
 | Periodicals - 1846 - 730 pages
...the individual Poet, than that he has furnished of his own in this ode. Who other than Shelley is " Like a poet hidden In the light of thought, Singing hymns unbidden, Tilt the world is wrought To sympathize with hopes and fears it heeded not !" But it was an atmosphere... | |
 | Robert Turnbull - Scotland - 1847 - 396 pages
...is most like thee? From rainbow clouds there flow not Drops so bright to gee, As from thy presence showers a rain of melody Like a poet hidden In the...wrought To sympathy with hopes and fears it heeded not. Sound of vernal showers On the twinkling grass, Rain awakened flowers, All that ever was Joyous and... | |
 | Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1847 - 638 pages
...rainbow clouds there flow not Drops so bright to see, As from thy presence showers a rain of meiudy Like a poet hidden In the light of thought, Singing...hymns unbidden. Till the world is wrought To sympathy wilh hopes and fears it heeded not; Like a high-torn maiden In a palace tower, Soothing her love-laden... | |
 | Half hours - 1847 - 614 pages
...is most like thee ? From rainbow clouds there flow not Drops so bright to see, As from thy presence showers a rain of melody. Like a poet hidden In the light of thought, Singing hymns unhidden, Till the world is wrought To sympathy with hopes and fears it heeded not. Like a high-born... | |
 | English literature - 1847 - 482 pages
...soldier who has blustered and bullied till the world has taken him for a hero, with the poet who has sat In the light of thought. Singing hymns unbidden, Till the world is wrought Sympathy with hopes and joys it heeded not ;" 6nds a common mode of utterance, and that utterance to... | |
 | English literature - 1848 - 490 pages
...words were put into his mouth, — of the poet, who tells his tale as a messenger from heaven, who sits hidden — " In the light of thought Singing hymns...wrought To sympathy with hopes and fears it heeded not, — they never dreamt. A well-known truism was the utmost at which they aimed. The poet stands before... | |
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