| Alexander Pope - 1777 - 212 pages
...IMITATIONS. Ver. 169. Flow, Weljhd foui ! &c.] Parody on. Denham, Cooler's riilL " O could I flow like thce, and make thy ftream " My great example, as it is my...clear, tho' gentle, yet not dull; " Strong without rage ; without o'erflowing, full I Ver. 177. Embrace, emhrace, my fans? be foes no more !] Virg. ^n. vi.... | |
| Joseph Priestley - Criticism - 1777 - 348 pages
...that ftanza of Denham's, which Dryden propofes as a paradox to be explained by the wits oi" his age : Tho' deep, yet clear ; || tho' gentle, yet not dull : Strong without rage ; J| without o'erflowing, full. Anciently, I believe, in all nations, mankind were fo captivated with... | |
| English periodicals - 1781 - 510 pages
...So that to us no thing, no place is ftrange, While his fair bofom is the world's exchange. O could I flow like thee, and make thy ftream My great example,...; tho' gentle, yet not dull ; Strong without rage, without o'er-flowing full. Heav'n her Eridanus no more mall boaft, Whofe fame in thine, like lefler... | |
| English poetry - 1781 - 516 pages
...So that to us no thing, no place is ftrange, While his fair bofom is the world's exchange. O could I flow like theeģ and make thy ftream My great example,...! Tho' deep, yet clear; tho' gentle, yet not dull j Strong without rage, without o'er-flowing full : Heav'n her Eridanus no more mall boaft, Whofe fame... | |
| John Moore - Europe - 1781 - 544 pages
...that, to us, no thing, no place is ftrange, While his fair bofom is the world's exchange. O could I flow like thee, and make thy ftream, My great example, as it is my theme ! Though deep, yet clear ; though gentle, yet not dull; Strong without rage, without o'erflowing full.... | |
| John Scott, John Hoole - English poetry - 1785 - 544 pages
...poetry,' This is lavifh praife; it will now be proper to examine how far it is really me-? rited : Tho' deep, yet clear, tho' gentle, yet not dull ; Strong without rage, without o'erflowing full, The meaning here comprized, if fimply exprefled, is only this ; that the... | |
| Henry Headley - English poetry - 1787 - 228 pages
...Page 69. Low without creeping, &c. Thus Denham in his popular lines, addrefiing the Thames: O could I flow like thee ! and make thy ftream My great example,...clear; tho' gentle, yet not dull; Strong, without rage ; without overflowing, full. Cooper's Hill. ,See an excellent parody of thefe lines in the Dunciad.... | |
| John Moore - Italy - 1787 - 548 pages
...that, to us, no thing, no place is ftrange, While his fair bofom is the world's exchange, 0 could I flow like thee, and make thy ftream My great example, as it is my theme ! Though deep, yet clear j though gentle, yet not dull; Strong without rage, without o'erflowing full.... | |
| Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - English literature - 1787 - 498 pages
...commended them, almofl every writer for a century paft has imitated, are generally known : '" O could I flow like thee, and make thy ftream " My great example, as it is my theme ! *• Though deep, yet clear ; though gentle, yet not dull ; " Strong without rage, without o'er-flowmg... | |
| Henry Headley - English poetry - 1787 - 212 pages
...lines, addreffing the Thames : O could 1 flow like thee ! ami make thy ftreara My great example, as i: is my theme ; Tho' deep. yet clear; tho' gentle, yet not dull; Stronir, without rage j without overflowing, full. Cooper's Hill. See an excellent parody of thefe... | |
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