| Hippolyte Taine - English literature - 1871 - 564 pages
...stupidity which extends over England and will swallow it up. What paving-stones to crush flies ! ' See skulking Truth to her old cavern fled, Mountains...heap'd o'er her head ! Philosophy, that lean'd on Heav'n before, Shrinks to her second cause, and is no more. Physic of Metaphysic begs defence, And... | |
 | Hippolyte Taine - English literature - 1871 - 586 pages
...of stupidity which extends over England and will swallow it up. What paving-stones to crush flies! ' See skulking Truth to her old cavern fled, Mountains...of casuistry heap'd o'er her head! Philosophy, that Ican'd on Heav'n before, Shrinks to her second cause, and is no more. Physic of Metaphysic begs defence,... | |
 | Hippolyte Taine - English literature - 1871 - 572 pages
...stupidity which extends over England and will swallow it up. What paving-stones to crush flies i ' See skulking Truth to her old cavern fled, Mountains of casuistry heap'd o'er her head I Philosophy, that lean'd on Heav'n before, Shrinks to her second cause, and is no more. Physic of... | |
 | William Makepeace Thackeray - 1872 - 660 pages
...ethereal plain ; As Argus' eyes, by Hermes' wand oppress'd, Closed, one by one, to everlasting rest ; — Thus, at her felt approach and secret might, Art after...Truth to her old cavern fled, Mountains of casuistry heaped o'er her head ; Philosophy, that leaned on Heaven before, Shrinks to her second cause and is... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1872 - 744 pages
...eke h" imagined this poem of a fresher date.— PW Thus at her felt approach, and secret might, es» Art after art goes out, and all is night. See skulking Truth to her old cavern fled,1 Mountains of casuistry heap'd o'er her head t Philosophy, that lean'd on heaven before, Shrinks... | |
 | Hippolyte Taine - English literature - 1873 - 498 pages
...d'ordinaire ennuyeux ou choquant, le détail est admirable. Il en est ainsi à la fln de tous les 1. See skulking Truth to her old cavern fled, Mountains of casuistry heap'd o'er her head I Philosophy that lean'd on Heav'n before Shrinks to her second cause and his no more. Physic of metaphysic... | |
 | William Makepeace Thackeray - 1873 - 610 pages
...Argus' eyes, by Hermes' wand oppressed, Closed, one by one, to everlasting rest; — Thus, at her fell approach and secret might, Art after Art goes out, and all is night. Sce skulking Faith to her old cavern fled, Mountains of casuistry heaped o'er her head; * " He (Johnson)... | |
 | John Bascom - English literature - 1874 - 348 pages
...As Argus' eyes, by Hermes' wand oppressed, Closed one by one to everlasting rest ; Thus, at her fell approach and secret might, Art after Art goes out,...casuistry heap'd o'er her head ! Philosophy, that leaned on Heaven before, Shrinks to her second cause, and is no more. Religion, blushing, veils her... | |
 | John Bascom - English literature - 1893 - 458 pages
...As Argus' eyes, by Hermes' wand oppressed, Closed one by one to everlasting rest ; Thus, at her fell approach and secret might, Art after Art goes out,...fled, Mountains of casuistry heap'd o'er her head 1 Philosophy, that leaned on Heaven before, Shrinks to her second cause, and is no more. Religion,... | |
 | John Reynell Morell - Literature - 1874 - 236 pages
...His writing is qualified as paving stones to crush flies, and the following instance is given : — " See skulking Truth to her old cavern fled, Mountains of casuistry heap'd o'er her head 1 Philosophy, that lean'd on heaven before, Shrinks to her second cause, and is no more. Physic of... | |
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