| Alexander Pope - 1869 - 570 pages
...too wide3. To ask, to guess, to know, as they commence, As Fancy opens the quick springs of Sense, We ply the Memory, we load the brain, Bind rebel Wit,...and double chain on chain ; Confine the thought, to exercise the breath; And keep them in the pale of Words till death. Whate'er the talents, or howe'er... | |
| 1869 - 324 pages
...Memory, we laad the brain, Bind rebel Wit, and double chain on chain. Confine ttte thovijht, to exercise the breath; And keep them in the pale of Words till death. Whaleer the talents, or howeer designa, We hang one jingling padlock on the mind (15). O my dearfriendl... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1869 - 168 pages
...again in the Dunciad, in satirising grammar-school education, 4. 159, ' Confine the thought to exercise the breath, And keep them in the pale of words till death.' BOOKS PRINTED AT THE CLARENDON PRESS, OXFORD, AND PUBLISHED FOR THE UNIVERSITY BY MACMILLAN AND CO.,... | |
| Education - 1871 - 926 pages
...for : — To ask, to guess, to know, ns they commence, At fancy opent the quick springs of seal«, We ply the memory, we load the brain, Bind rebel wit,...and double chain on chain, Confine the thought, to exercise the breath, And keep them in the pale of words tilt death. I think it is a poor and imperfect... | |
| Henry Barnard - Education - 1871 - 930 pages
...To n*k, to piles«:, to know, яя they commence, As Гапсу ojieni the quick springs of кпм, We ply the memory, we load the brain. Bind rebel wit,...and double chain on chain, Confine the thought, to c%crcite the breath, And keep them in the pole of words till death. I think it is a poor and imperfect... | |
| Alexander Pope - Poets, English - 1889 - 574 pages
...memory, we load the brain, Bind rebel wit und double chain on chain ; Confine the thought to exercise the breath, And keep them in the pale of words till death." In this opinion there was more pique than sincerity, for no one can have known better than himself, after... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1872 - 744 pages
...stand too wide. To ask, to guess, to know, as they commence, As fancy opens the quick springs of sense, We ply the memory, we load the brain, Bind rebel wit,...and double chain on chain, Confine the thought, to exercise the breath, And keep them in the pale of words till death. I6D Whate'er the talents, or howe'er... | |
| Henry Barnard - Education - 1872 - 988 pages
...424 To ask, to gneis, to know, n they еотошк*, Ал fancy opens the quick sprinfs of «eose, We ply the memory, we load the brain. Bind rebel wit. and doable chain oo chain. Connue Ibe thought, lo exercise the btealb. And keep them in UK pale of wonfa... | |
| Henry Barnard - Education - 1872 - 984 pages
...know, ns they commence, As fancy opena the quick springs of sense, We ply the memory, we load the bnin. characters of mankind, that an insight which should exercise the breath, And keep them in the pale of words till death. I think it is & poor and imperfect... | |
| John Murdoch - Education - 1873 - 122 pages
...memory, we loud the brain, Bind rebel wit, aud double chain on chain, Confine the thought, to exercise the breath. And keep them in the pale of words till death." It is objected however that Greek and Latin are studied, not for the knowledge they contain, but for... | |
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