I'll tell you, friend! a wise man and a fool. You'll find, if once the monarch acts the monk, Or, cobbler-like, the parson will be drunk, Worth makes the man, and want of it, the fellow; The rest is all but leather or prunella. Extracts, Elegant, Instructive, and Entertaining, in Poetry - Page 210edited by - 1791Full view - About this book
| Vicesimus Knox - English poetry - 1796 - 574 pages
...you, friend ; a wife man and a fool. You '11 find, if once the monarch ails the monk, Or, coblcr-iikc, the parfon will be drunk, Worth makes the man, and want of it the fellow: The rcil is all but leather or prunella, [firings. Stuck o'er with title;, and hung round with That thou... | |
| Mr. Pratt (Samuel Jackson) - Europe - 1796 - 536 pages
...heart, as for a gond foit of eloaths and a gond appetite i for after all, my friend, it will he found " Worth makes the man, and want of it the fellow, " The reft is all hut leather and prunella." Not that I mean in any thing I have faid to apply in particular to the heads... | |
| Alexander Pope - English literature - 1797 - 384 pages
...; The reft is all but leather or prunella. 204 Stuck o'er with titles, and hung round with ftrings, That thou may'ft be by kings, or whores of kings, Boaft the pure blood of an illuflrious race, In quiet flow from Lucrece to Lucrece : But by your fathers' worth if your's you... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1798 - 140 pages
...a wise man and a fool. You'll find, if once the monarch acts the monk, Or, cobler-like, the parson will be drunk, Worth makes the man, and want of it, the fellow; The rest is all but leather or prunello. Stuck o'er with titles, and hung round with strings, That thou... | |
| Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1800 - 496 pages
...tin", il once the monarch acls the monk, <7t, LoKJcr like, ilie parfon will he drunk, Worth m.ikcs tie man, and want of it the fellow : The reft is all but leather or prunella. Stuck o'er with titles and hung round with fir,'! 20 j Thnt thou mayft br by kings, or whores of kings.... | |
| English poetry - 1800 - 322 pages
...a wise man and a fool. You'll find, if once the monarch acts the monk, Or, cobler-like, the parson will be drunk, Worth makes the man, and want of it the fellow, The rest is all but leather or prunella. Stuck o'er with titles, and hung round with strings, That thou... | |
| Noah Webster - Readers - 1802 - 278 pages
...A wise man and a fool. You'll find, if once the wise roan act* the monk, Or, cobler like the parson will be drunk ; Worth makes the man, and want of it the fellow ; The rest is all but leather or prunella. Stuck ov'r with titles and hung round with strings,"That thou... | |
| Readers - 1803 - 250 pages
...you, friend ! a wife man and a fool. You'll find, if once the monarch afts the monk, Or, cobler like, the parfon will be drunk, Worth makes the man, and...want of it the fellow; The reft is all but leather and prunella.—Pope. , AMONG the Sytmr'.ns, or fugitive negroes in the South Seas, being in a flate... | |
| Noah Webster - Elocution - 1804 - 232 pages
...you, friend ! A wife man and a fool. You'll find if once the wife man a£h the monk, Or, cobler-like, the parfon will be drunk ; Worth makes the man, and...fellow ; The reft is all but leather or prunella. Go! ,if your ancient, but ignoble blood, Has crept through fcoundrels ever fince the flood ; Go ! and... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1804 - 498 pages
...others faults, and feel our own: You 'II find, if once tiie monarch aQs the monk, Or, cobler-lik.e, the parfon will be drunk, Worth makes the man, and want of it the fellow : The reft is ail but bother or prunella. Stuck o'er with pities and hung round with ft rings, acy That thou mayft... | |
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