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" And if I give thee honor due Mirth, admit me of thy crew, To live with her, and live with thee In unreproved pleasures free; To hear the lark begin his flight And singing startle the dull night From his watch-tower in the skies, Till the dappled dawn... "
Select Works of the British Poets: In a Chronological Series from Ben Jonson ... - Page 19
by John Aikin - 1843 - 807 pages
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Elegant Extracts, Or, Useful and Entertaining Passages from the ..., Volume 6

English letters - 1826 - 636 pages
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The Poetical Works of John Milton, Volume 2

John Milton - 1826 - 360 pages
...And in thy righth and lead with thee, The mountain nymph, sweet Liberty ; And if I give thee honour due, Mirth, admit me of thy crew To live with her,...flight, And singing startle the dull night, From his watch-tow'r in the skies, Till the dappled dawn doth rise ; Then to come in spite of sorrow, And at...
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Studies in Poetry: Embracing Notices of the Lives and Writings of the Best ...

George Barrell Cheever - American poetry - 1830 - 518 pages
...wreathed smiles, Such as hang on Hebe's cheek, And love to live in dimple sleep ; Sport that wrinkled Care derides, And Laughter holding both his sides. Come, in the skies, Till the dappled dawn doth rise ; Then to come, in spite of sorrow, And at my window bid good-morrow, Through the sweet briar,...
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The Cambridge Book of Poetry and Song: Selected from English and American ...

Mme. Charlotte Fiske (Bates) Rogé - American poetry - 1832 - 1022 pages
...trip it as you go On the light fantastic toe, And in thy right hand lead with thee The mountain nymph, sweet Liberty; And, if I give thee honor due, Mirth, in the skies, Till the dappled dawn doth rise; Then to come in spite of sorrow. And at my window bid good-morrow, Through the sweet-briar, or...
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The Book of Gems: Chaucer to Prior

Samuel Carter Hall - English poetry - 1836 - 390 pages
...And in thy right hand lead with thee, The mountain nymph, sweet Liberty ; And if I give thee honour due, Mirth, admit me of thy crew To live with her,...flight, And singing startle the dull night, From his watch-towre in the skies, Till the dappled dawn doth rise ; Then to come in spight of sorrow, And at...
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Principles of elocution

William Graham (teacher of elocution.) - 1837 - 370 pages
...And, in thy right hand, lead with thee The mountain nymph, sweet Liberty. And, if I give thee honour due, Mirth, admit me of thy crew ; To live with her, in the skies, Till the dappled dawn doth rise ; Then to come, in spite of sorrow, And, at my window, bid good-morrow, Through the sweetbriar,...
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The Moral and Intellectual School Book: Containing Instructions for Reading ...

William Martin - Readers - 1838 - 368 pages
...LIVELY. In thy right hand lead with thee The mountain nymph, sweet Liberty ; And if I give thee honour due, Mirth, admit me of thy crew, — To live in the skies, Till the dappled dawn doth rise ; Then to come, in epite of sorrow, And at my window bid good morrow, Through the sweet-briar...
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The Young Lady's Reader

Louisa Caroline Tuthill - English language - 1839 - 482 pages, as you go, On the light fantastic toe ; And in thy right hand lead with thee, The mountain nymph, sweet liberty ; And, if I give thee honor due, in the skies, Till the dappled dawn doth rise ; Then to come, in spite of sorrow, And at my window bid good morrow, Through the sweet brier,...
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The Ladies' Cabinet of Fashion, Music & Romance

Fashion - 1866 - 858 pages
...— " la thy right hand lead with thee The mountain nymph, sweet Liberty ; And if I give thee honour due, Mirth, admit me of thy crew To live with her, in the skies, Till the dappled dawn doth rise ; Then to come, in spite of sorrow, And at my window bid good-morrow, Through the sweet-briar...
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Selections from the British Poets, Volume 1

Fitz-Greene Halleck - Literary Criticism - 1840 - 374 pages
...And in thy right hand lead with thee The mountain-nymph, sweet Liberty ; And, if I give thee honour due, Mirth, admit me of thy crew, To live with in the skies, Till the dappled dawn doth rise ; Then to come, in spite of sorrow, And at my window bid good-morrow, Through the sweet-brier,...
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