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" ... their state shall lend To her ; for her the willow bend ; Nor shall she fail to see, Even in the motions of the Storm, Grace that shall mould the Maiden's form By silent sympathy. " The stars of midnight shall be dear To her ; and she shall lean her... "
The Book of Gems: Wordsworth to Bayly - Page 7
edited by - 1838
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A Forest Tragedy: And Other Tales

Grace Greenwood - American fiction - 1856 - 362 pages
...midnight shall be dear To her ; and she shall lean her ear In many a secret place Where rivulets dance their wayward round, And beauty born of murmuring sound Shall pass into her face. WORDSWORTH. WE must now return to Fort Stanwix and its inmates. There was, as yet, no appearance of...
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A forest tragedy, by Grace Greenwood

Sara Jane Lippincott - 1856 - 208 pages
...midnight shall be dear To her ; and she shall lean her ear In many a secret place Where rivulets dance their wayward round, And beauty born of murmuring sound Shall pass into her face. — WORDSWORTH. WE must now return to Fort Stanwix and its inmates. There was, as yet, no appearance...
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Maid Marian, and Crotchet Castle

Thomas Love Peacock - Children's stories, English - 1856 - 514 pages
...midnight shall be d«a ro her, and she shall lean her ear ,n many a secret place, Where rivulets dance their wayward round, And beauty, born of murmuring sound, Shall pass into her face. — WORDSWORTH. Miss Susannah Touchandgo had read the four great poets of Italy, and many of the best...
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The United States Democratic Review, Volume 6; Volume 37

United States - 1856 - 642 pages
...midnight shall bo dear To her; and she shall bend her ear In many a secret place, TVTiere rivulets dance their wayward round, And beauty, born of murmuring sound, Shall pass into her face." Oh, why not much more of the same sort ? They are blessings, for which even the strongest of us may...
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The Earlier Poems of William Wordsworth: Corrected as in the Latest Editions ...

William Wordsworth - English poetry - 1857 - 480 pages
...midnight shall be dear To her ; and she shall lean her ear In many a secret place Where rivulets dance their wayward round, And beauty born of was done — How soon my Lucy's race was run ! * This stanza and the two preceding are dwelt upon with much admiration by Sara Coleridge in her...
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English poetry, for use in the schools of the Collegiate institution ...

English poetry - 1857 - 334 pages
...midnight shall be dear To her ; and she shall lean her ear In many a secret place Where Rivulets dance their wayward round, And beauty born of murmuring...she and I together live Here in this happy dell." 294 Thus Nature spake — the work was done — How soon my Lucy's race was run ! She died, and left...
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The National Review, Volume 4

1857 - 494 pages
...midnight shall be dear To her ; and she shall lean her ear In many a secret place Where rivulets dance their wayward round ; And beauty born of murmuring...form to stately height — Her virgin bosom swell : These thoughts to Lucy I will give, When she and I together live Here in this happy dell.' Thus Nature...
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National Review, Volume 4

Great Britain - 1857 - 496 pages
...midnight shall be dear To her ; and she shall lean her ear In many a secret place Where rivulets dance their wayward round ; And beauty born of murmuring...form to stately height — Her virgin bosom swell : These thoughts to Lucy I will give, When she and I together live Here in this happy delL' Thus Nature...
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the poetical works of william wordsworth

WILLIAM WORDSWOTH - 1858 - 564 pages
...midnight shall be dear To her ; and she shall lean her ear In many a secret place Where rivulets dance their wayward round, And beauty born of murmuring...she and I together live Here in this happy dell." A SLUMRER did my spirit seal ; 1 had no human foam : Sho soom'da thing that could not foci Tbo touch...
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The Home Affections Pourtrayed by the Poets

Charles Mackay - Love poetry - 1858 - 426 pages
...midnight shall be dear To her, and she shall lean her ear In many a secret place ; Where rivulets dance their wayward round, And beauty born of murmuring...she and I together live Here in this happy dell." 278 Tims Nature spake — the work was done — How soon my Lucy's race was run ! She died, and left...
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