| Fitz-Greene Halleck - Literary Criticism - 1840 - 374 pages
...no more your mighty deeds, Upon death's purple altar now See where the victor-victim bleeds ; Your heads must come To the cold tomb. Only the actions of the just Are sweet, and blossom in the dust. WILLIAM STRODE. 1600-1644. MUSIC. WHEN whispering strains do softly... | |
| Sacred cabinet - 1841 - 222 pages
...more your mighty deeds ; Upon Death's purple altar now See where the victor victim bleeds : All hands must come To the cold tomb, Only the actions of the just, Smell sweet and blossom in the dust. Co a Bfpartrtr Cfn'ttr. J. AITKEN. Thou art not in yon lovely star, The brightest of the sky, Whose... | |
| Richard Winter Hamilton - Literature - 1841 - 616 pages
...more your mighty deeds ; (rpon Death's purple altar now, See, where the victor-victim bleeds : Your heads must come To the cold tomb, Only the actions of the just Smell sweet, and blossom in their dust." SHIRLEY — Contention of Ajax and Ulysses. OX THE OLYMPIC GAMES.... | |
| Hymns, English - 1841 - 586 pages
...boast no more your mighty deeds : Upon death's purple altar now See where the victor victim bleeds ! 4 All heads must come to the cold tomb ; Only the actions of the just Preserve in death a rich perfume, Smell sweet and blossom in the dust. 480 C- M. WATTs. Man frail and... | |
| Hymns, English - 1844 - 586 pages
...boast no more your mighty deeds : Upon death's purple altar now See where the victor victim bleeds ! 4 All heads must come to the cold tomb ; Only the actions of the just Preserve in death a rich perfume, Smell sweet and blossom in the dust. 48 O C- M. WATT.. Man frail... | |
| Anna Eliza Bray - 1841 - 996 pages
...your mighty deeds ; Upon death's purple altar now, See, where the victor-victim bleeds. Your beads must come To the cold tomb. Only the actions of the just Smell sweet and blossom in their dust I" I could not help quoting these lines from one of the noblest elegies... | |
| Bible - 1841 - 598 pages
...boast no more your mighty deeds : - death's purple altar now ee where the victor victim bleeds ! -ll heads must come to the cold tomb ; Only the actions of the just Preserve in death a rich perfume, Smell sweet and blossom in the dust. 480 C- M- WATTS. Man frail and... | |
| Richard Winter Hamilton - Literature - 1841 - 662 pages
...more your mighty deeds ; Upon Death's purple altar now, See, where the victor-victim bleeds : Your heads must come To the cold tomb, Only the actions of the juit Smell sweet, and blossom in their dust." SBIRLET. — Contention of Ajax and Ulysses. ON THE OLYMPIC... | |
| Eliza Robbins - American poetry - 1842 - 352 pages
...garlands wither on your brow ; Then boast no more your mighty deeds : Upon death's purple altar now See where the victor victim bleeds. All heads must...of the just Smell sweet, and blossom, in the dust. THE GENIUS OF DEATH. What is death ? 'Tis to be free f No more to love, or hope, or fear ; To join... | |
| R. M. Evans - Christian saints - 1842 - 264 pages
...shadows, not substantial things ; There is no armour against fate, Death lays his icy hand on kings : All heads must come To the cold tomb ; Only the actions of the just Smell sweet and blossom in the dust. CHAPTER IX. DEATH OF KING CHARLES—WAR AGAINST THE DAUPHIN, OR CHARLES VII., CARRIED ON BY THE DUKE... | |
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