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" Eye Nature's walks, shoot folly as it flies, And catch the manners living as they rise; Laugh where we must, be candid where we can; But vindicate the ways of God to man. "
The Beauties of Pope: Consisting of Selections from His Poetical and Prose Works - Page 88
by Alexander Pope - 1783 - 278 pages
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The British Poets, Volume 2

1866 - 328 pages
...nature's walks, shoot folly as it flies, And catch the manners living as they rise ; Laugh where we must, be candid where we can, But vindicate the ways of God to man. Through worlds unnumber'd though the God be known, 'Tis ours to trace him only in our own. He who through...
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The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope: Ed. by the Rev. H. F. Cary

Alexander Pope - 1867 - 520 pages
...nature's walks, shoot folly as it flies, And catch the manners living as they rise ; Laugh where we must, be candid where we can ; But vindicate the ways of God to Man. I. Say first, of God above, or man below, "What can we reason, but from what we know ? Of man, what...
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Life as it is: Or, Matters and Things in General: Containing, Amongst Other ...

J. W. M. Breazeale - Indians of North America - 1842 - 266 pages
...nature's walks, shoot folly as it flies," Lash evil " manners living us they rise, Laugh where we must, be candid where we can, But vindicate the ways of God to man. " ONE hundred years ago the territory that now lies within the geographical limits of the State of...
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The Daring Muse: Augustan Poetry Reconsidered

Margaret Anne Doody - Literary Criticism - 1985 - 308 pages
...Nature's walks, shoot Folly as it flies, And catch the Manners living as they rise; Laugh where we must, be candid where we can; But vindicate the ways of God to Man. (Essay on Man, i, lines 6- 16) Milton's Paradise as "scene of Man" becomes a gentleman's estate and...
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Words of Wisdom

William Safire, Leonard Safir - Education - 1990 - 436 pages
...nature's walks, shoot folly as it flies, And catch the manners, living as they rise; Laugh where we must, be candid where we can; But vindicate the ways of God to man. — Alexander Pope I don't say we all ought to misbehave, but we ought to look as if we could. —...
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The Columbia Granger's Dictionary of Poetry Quotations

Edith P. Hazen - Literary Criticism - 1992 - 1172 pages
...all this scene of Man; A mighty maze! but not without a plan; (Fr. Epistle I) 59 Laugh where we must, FaFP; ON; OBNV; OxBChV Pippa Passes 66 (Fr. Epistle I) 60 Say first, of God above, or Man below, What can we reason, but from what we know?...
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Arabula: The Divine Guest

Andrew J Davis - Body, Mind & Spirit - 1996 - 412 pages
...Nature's walks, shoot folly as it flies, And catch the manners living as they rise ; Laugh where we must, be candid where we can, But vindicate the ways of God to man." The central principle was PBOGBESS. This principle is the " Philosopher's Stone," which converts all...
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The Ascent of Science

Brian L. Silver - Science - 2000 - 553 pages
...Europe in translation, was typical in this respect. In it Pope says that we will "Laugh where we may, be candid where we can, / But vindicate the ways of God to man." He then goes on to speak very much of man and very little of God. A deist would have felt reasonably...
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The Wordsworth Dictionary of Quotations

Connie Robertson - Reference - 1998 - 686 pages
...Nature's walks, shoot Folly as it flies, And catch the Manners living as they rise. Laugh where we must, ept, and dreamed that life was beauty; I woke, and found that 8891 An Essay on Man Observe how system into system runs, What other planets circle other suns. 8892...
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The Routledge Dictionary of Religious & Spiritual Quotations

Edward Geoffrey Parrinder, Geoffrey Parrinder - Reference - 2000 - 389 pages
...of rest, and Providence their guide. John Milton, Paradise Lost, XII, 646-7 u Laugh where we must, be candid where we can, But vindicate the ways of God to man. Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man, i, 13 (1733) u Behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling face....
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