| Alexander Pope - 1798 - 138 pages
...nature's walks, shoot folly as it flies, And catch the manners living as they rise ; Laugh where we must, be candid where we can; But vindicate the ways of GOD to man. l . Say first, of God above, or man below, What can we reason, but from what we know? Of man, what... | |
 | John Walker - Elocution - 1799 - 438 pages
...earth why oaks are made Taller and fcronger than the weeds they (hade. Ibid, Eye nature's walks, (hoot folly as it flies, And catch the manners living as they rife. Pope. The laft fyllable of the word excellent, in the following couplet, being the place of the ftrefs,... | |
 | Great Britain - 1804 - 492 pages
...heights, explore Of all who blindly creep, or fight!, fs bar ; lye Nature's walks, (hoot Folly ». it flies, And catch the Manners living as they rife: Laugh .where we muft, be candid where we can ; i 5 But vindicate the ways of God to man. Î. Say flrft, of Cod above, or Мал below, What can... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1806 - 472 pages
...field, "Try what the open, what the covert yield ; 10 The latent trafts, the giddy heights, explore Of all who blindly creep, or fightlefs foar ; Eye Nature's...And catch the manners living as they rife ; Laugh NOTES. Of his Philofophy, in which he was the gjeceptor of Pope, we may fay with Burke, " IVho now... | |
 | Alexander Pope, William Lisle Bowles - 1806 - 466 pages
...field, Try what the open, what the covert yield ; 10 The latent tra&s, the giddy heights, explore Of all who blindly creep, or fightlefs foar ; Eye Nature's walks, moot Folly as it ffies, And catch the manners living as they rife ; Laugh VOTES. Of his Philofophy, in which he was... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1807 - 474 pages
...walks, shoot folly as it flies, And catch the manners livmg as they rise ; JLaugh where we must, he candid where we can, But vindicate the ways of God to man. 1. Say first, of God ahove or man helow What can we reason hut from what we know ? Of man what see... | |
 | Alexander Pope, Thomas Park - 1808 - 328 pages
...nature's walks, shoot folly as it flies, And catch the mauners living as they rise -, Laugh where we must, be candid where we can, But vindicate the ways of God to man. 1. Say first, of God above or man below What can we reason but from what we know ? Of man what see... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1808 - 334 pages
...nature's walks, shoot folly as it flies, And catch the manners living as they rise ; Laugh where we mast, be candid where we can, But vindicate the ways of God to man. 1. Say first, of God above, or man below What can we reason but from what we know ? Of man what see... | |
 | Vicesimus Knox - English poetry - 1809 - 606 pages
...Nature's walks, shoot Folly as it flies, And catch the manners living as thc\rise ; Laugh where we must, first, of God »1*>ve, or Man bflow. What can we reason, but from what weknow? Of Man, -what see we... | |
 | William Warburton (Bp. of Gloucester), Richard Hurd - Theology - 1811 - 484 pages
...received with good humour at least, and suffered only to expose themselves ; " Laugh where we must, be candid where we can, " But vindicate the WAYS OF GOD to Man." However, this is a mere act of good- will; and what the Doctor has not the. least claim to ; as may... | |
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