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" Flowers worthy of Paradise, which not nice Art In beds and curious knots, but Nature boon Pour'd forth profuse on hill, and dale, and plain... "
Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books. The Author John Milton. From the ... - Page 87
by John Milton - 1759 - 416 pages
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The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and ..., Volumes 3-5

Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1779 - 880 pages
...brooks, Rolling on orient pearl and fands of gold, With maiy error under pendent fhades Ran neiSar, vifiting each plant, and fed -24o • Flow'rs, worthy'...and plain, Both where the morning fun firft warmly finote The open field, and where the unpierc'd made 245 Inbrown'd the noontide bow'rs i Thus was this...
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The Works of the English Poets: Milton

Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1779 - 278 pages
...fands of gold, With mazy error under pendent fhades Ran ne£tar, vifiting each plant, and fed 1^.0 Flow'rs, worthy' of Paradife, which not nice Art In...curious knots, but Nature boon Pour'd forth profufe .on hilland dale and plain, Both where the morning fun firft warmly fmote . • The open field, and where...
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The Works of the English Poets: Milton

Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1779 - 276 pages
...Paradife, which not nice Art In beds and curious knats, but Nature boon Pour'd forth profufe on 4iiH and dale and plain, Both where the morning fun firft warmly fmote The open field, and where the unpiere'd fhade 145 Inbrown'd the noontide bow'rs : Thus was this place A happy rural ieat of various...
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The Works of the English Poets: Milton

Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1779 - 316 pages
...and curious knots, but Nature boon Pour'd forth profule on hill and dale and plain, Both where die morning fun firft warmly fmote The open field, and where the unpierc'd made 145 Inbrown'd the noontide bow'rs: Thus was this place A happy rural feat of various view ; Groves...
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Philological Inquiries: In Three Parts, Volume 3

Shakey Jake - English essays - 1781 - 432 pages
...truth, our great countryman, MILTON. Speaking of the Flowers of . Paradife^ he cglls . them Flowers^ ' which NOT NICE ART In beds and curious Knots., but NATURE BOON Pours forth prof life on hill, and dale^ and plain. PL IV. 245. SOON P. III. SOON after this Jie fubjoins...
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Les jardins, ou L'art d'embellir les paysages: Poème

Jacques Delille - Gardening - 1782 - 170 pages
...Ran nedlar , vifitingeach plant , and fed Flowers worthy of Paradife , which not nice art In bed:; and curious Knots , but nature boon Pourd' forth profufe...hill , and dale , and plain , Both where the morning fan firft warmly fmote The open field, and where the un-pierc'd shade Imbrown'd the noon-tide bowers.Thus...
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Paradise Lost: A Poem in Twelve Books, Volume 1

John Milton - 1784 - 276 pages
...and fands of gold, With mazy error under pendent fhades Ran Nectar, vifaing each plant, and fed. 240 Flow'rs, worthy! of Paradife, which not nice art In...but Nature boon Pour'd forth profufe on hill, and dais, and plain, J'oth where the morning-fun firft warmly fmote The open field, and where the unpierc'd...
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Planting and Ornamental Gardening: A Practical Treatise

Mr. Marshall (William) - Botany - 1785 - 698 pages
...pearl and fands of gold, With mazy error under pendent (hades Ran nec~tar, vifiting each plant, and fed Flow'rs worthy of Paradife, which not nice art In...beds and curious knots, but nature boon Pour'd forth proWe on hill and dale and plain, * By the great Lord Chatham, who had a good tafte himfelf in mod«fn...
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Anecdotes of Painting in England;: With Some Account of the ..., Volume 4

Horace Walpole - Gardening - 1786 - 360 pages
...pearl and fands of gold, With mazy error under pendent fhades Ran ne&ar, vifiting each plant, and fed Flow'rs worthy of Paradife, which not nice art In...warmly fmote The open field, and where the unpierc'd fhade Imbrown'd the noon-tide bow'rs. — Thus iwas t&it place y rural feat of various view. Read this...
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Annual Register, Volume 23

Edmund Burke - History - 1788 - 762 pages
...fh.ides Han neítai', vifiting each plant, and fed Flow'rs worthy of Paradife," which npt nice ait In beds and curious knots, but nature boon Pour'd...Both where the morning fun firft warmly fmote The ofn Jic/tt, and where the unpierc'd fnade Imbrown'd the noen-ticle bow'rs. — The 4uai tbtî place...
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