When statesmen, heroes, kings, in dust repose Whose sons shall blush their fathers were thy foes, Shall then this verse to future age pretend Thou wert my guide, philosopher, and friend,— That urg'd by thee, I turn'd the tuneful art From sounds to things,... Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Alexander Pope, Esq;: Faithfully ... - Page 369by William Ayre, Edmund Curll - 1745Full view - About this book
| James Miller - 1735 - 102 pages
...Loves, and Graces fmile, Poliih the Manners, and adorn the Stile? 70 Whil'ft, Fertuis FRIEND, * Ht turns the tuneful Art From Sounds to 'Things, from Fancy to the Heart^ Yet flavifhly to Truth and Senfe tied down, He impotently toils t« pleafe the Town. Heav'n grant I... | |
| Alexander Pope - Human beings - 1736 - 64 pages
...fhall my little Bark Attendant fail, 375 Purfue the Triumph, and partake the Gale ? And mall this Verie to future Age pretend, Thou wert my Guide, Philofopher,...Art From Sounds to Things, from Fancy to the Heart : 380 For Wit's falfe Mirror held up Nature's Light : Shew'd erring Pride Whatever Is, is Right ; That... | |
| William Warburton - 1742 - 220 pages
...Heroes, Kings, inDuftrepofe, Whofe Sons fliall blufli their Fathers were thy Foes, Shall then this Vcrfe to future Age pretend Thou wert my Guide, Philofopher,...Sounds to Things, from Fancy to the Heart ; For Wit's falfe Mirror held up Nature's Light ; And fifthly r, which includes in it f elf all the re/l, a Weight... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1751 - 272 pages
...triumph, and partake the gale ? When ftatefmen, heroes, kings, in duft repofe, Whofe fons fhall blufh their fathers were thy foes, Shall then this verfe...pretend Thou wert my guide, philofopher, and friend ? 390 That urg'd by thee, I turn'd the tuneful art From founds to things, from fancy to the heart ;... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1751 - 374 pages
...JVhofe fans Jhall bluf!) their fathers were thy fees, Shall theft this verfe to future age pretend Thau Wert my guide, philofopher, and friend ? That, urg'd by thee, I turnd the tuneful art. From founds to things, from fancy to the heart ; For Wit's falfe mirror held up Nature's light ; 5. And... | |
| Alexander Pope - English literature - 1751 - 274 pages
...When ftatefmen, heroes, kings, in duft repofe, Whofe ions fhall blufh their fathers were thy fees, Shall then this verfe to future age pretend Thou wert my guide, philofopher, and friend ? 390 That urg'd by thee, I turn'd the tuneful art From founds to things, from fancy to the heartf... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1752 - 378 pages
...triumph, and partake the gale? When ftatefmen, heroes, kings, in daft repofe, Whofe fons mail blufh their fathers were thy foes, Shall then this verfe...pretend Thou wert my guide, philofopher, and friend ? 3 9 o NOTES. 4. A fplendid Diclion : When ftatefmen, heroes, kincs, in d«ft repofc, Whofe fons {hall... | |
| Alexander Pope - English literature - 1757 - 234 pages
...gale ! 4: A fplendid Diftion : When ftatefmen, heroes, kings, in duft repofe, Whofe fons mall blufli their fathers were thy foes, Shall then this verfe to future age pretend Thou wert my guide, philofophtr, and friend ? x^ci nrov TO vrl^i ton; vorVei; a^few^Cd^w. 2« tfii ij EvSaywriKcmraS®-.... | |
| Alexander Pope - English poetry - 1760 - 402 pages
...triumph, and partake the gale ? When ftatefmen, heroes, kings, in duft repofe, Whofe fons mail blufh their fathers were thy foes, Shall then this verfe...pretend Thou wert my guide, philofopher, and friend ? 390 That urg'd by thee, I turn'd the tuneful art From (bunds to things, from fancy to the heart j... | |
| New and general biographical dictionary - 1762 - 544 pages
...triumph, and partake the gale ? " When Statefmen, Heroes, Kings, in duft repofe, " Whofe fons fhall blufh their fathers were thy foes, " Shall then this verfe...That urg'd by thee, I turn'd the tuneful art " From founds to things, from fancy to the heart ; " For wit's falfe mirror held up nature's light ; " Shewed... | |
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