PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE, IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE SEPTEMBER 3, 1841, AND JANUARY 31, 1842. WASHINGTON: PRINTED BY GALES AND SEAΤΟΝ. CONTENTS. Colonies of Great Britain, with regard to which there exists special enactments, on the part of the mother country, regulating the imports into each 159 Appendix to No. 3, being the tariff of importation into Spain from America, tariff of impor- tation into Spain from the Philippine islands, tariff of importation into Spain from China No. VIII. Kingdom of Portugal-official consular statement with regard to new tariffs; ing Oporto during the year 1840; statement of wine shipped from Oporto, 1838, 1839, 1840, and 18413; port charges, currency, weights, and measures Tabular statements exhibiting the amount and value of the domestic exports, &c., from the Unit- No. XXV. Summary statement exhibiting the aggregate value of exports of articles the No. XXVI. Summary statement exhibiting the average value of exports of articles the growth, produce, or manufacture of the United States, to the countries herein enume- rated, during the three commercial years 1838, 1839, and 1840; together with the ave- rage amount of duties paid thereon, and the character of the same 524 No. XXVII. Duties on importation into foreign countries on the staple or principal pro- 527 No. XXVIII. Commerce. Imports into and exports from foreign countries, special privi- 573 APPENDIX. British tariff. Present and proposed rates of duty; corn laws; esti- 11 h AUTHORITIES. In preparing the report and tables, the following authorities, among others, were consulted: Hume's Report from the Select Committee on Import Duties, to the House of Commons, August 6, 1840. Statutes of the United Kingdom, 3 and 4 William iv, and 3 and 4 Victoria, 1840, and others. Bowring's Report on the Prussian Commercial Union, to both Houses of Parliament, December 23, 1839. British and Foreign State Papers, compiled at the Foreign Office, London. Hansard's Parliamentary Debates. Reuss' Trade between England and the United States, (London.) Tooke's History of Prices, (London.) Pope's (English) Journal of Trade, 1840 and 1842. McCulloch's Commercial Dictionary, (London,) 1837, 1838, 1839, and 1840. Ellis's British Tariff, 1841. Kelly's Cambist; Vere's Cambist. Tate's Cambist. Murray's Encyclopedia of Geography. Digest of Commercial Relations between the United States and Foreign Countries, 1833 and Commerce and Navigation Reports of the Secretary of the Treasury, 1838, 1839, and 1840. Hunt's Merchants' Magazine. Journals of the Proceedings and Laws of the Texan Congress. Archives du Commerce from 1835 to 1841, (Paris.) Tableau General du Commerce de la Belgique, 1839. Gazette National ou le Moniteur Universal, France. Galignanis Messenger. Registro de Legislacion Ultramarina. Consular returns from Bremen, Hamburg, Elsineur, St. Petersburg, Antwerp, Trieste, Stettin, Bordeaux, Naples, Malaga, Cadiz, Oporto, Barcelona, Bilboa, Canton, St. Croix, Havana, Matanzas, St. Jago, Baracoa, Trinidad, St. Juan, Santa Martha, Carthagena, St. John's, N. Β., Halifax and Sidney, N. S., and many others. Codigo de Commercio, Spain. Cuba Balanza Mercantil. Puerto Rico Balanza Mercantil. Memorias de Hacienda, Venezuela, 1839, 1840, and 1841. Memorias del Secretario d'Estado, New Granada, 1839 and 1840. Official Gazettes, published at Madrid, Havana, Caraccas, Carthagena, Bogota, Journal do Commercio, (Rio Janeiro,) &c. Tariffs of the United States, 1832, 1833, and 1841. British Tariff, as officially reported to House of Commons, 1840. Tariff Commercial des Douanes Francaises, 1837 and 1841. Nouveau Tariff des Douanes Belges, 1840. Tariffa de Dritti Dogauale of Naples, 1835. Tariffa Generale per le Dogane Pontificie, 1830. Aranceles Generales, Spain, 1825. Ley de Aduanas, Aranceles, e'Instruccion, Spain, 1841. Arancel General de Cuba, 1839. Arancel General de Puerto Rico, 1836. General Tariff of the Austrian Dominions, 1835. Zell Tariff of Austria, 1838. Tariff of the Dutchies of Sleswick and Holstein, 1839. Russian Tarifs, 1834, 1838, and 1841. Texan Tariff of 2d Congress, December 1837. Texan tariff, April 1842, and tariffs of other nations necessary for the completion of the tables, &c., &c., &c. |