MACMILLAN'S MAGAZINE? EDITED BY DAVID MASSON. VOL. XVI. MAY, 1867–OCTOBER, 1867, London: MACMILLAN AND CO. 16, BEDFORD STREET, COVENT GARDEN; AND Cambridge. 1867. W.J.LINTON. SG The Right of Translation and Reproduction is reserved. CONTENTS. Abbot's Way, The America, Eating and Drinking in A Stroll among the Saloons of New York. By Burke's Minority in the House of Commons, 12th March, 1771, The Battle of . Burton's History of Scotland. Celtic Scotland and Feudal Scotland. By GEORGE Correlation of Force, On the, in its Bearing on Mind. By Professor BAIN Culture, The Prophet of. By HENRY SIDGWICK, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge 138 225 47. 490 128 75 245 212 |