Pray for divine grace, that you may give to Salvation and Eternity in early life that attention which subjects of such unspeakable importance and solemnity demand of you and of all men. Newchurch in Winwick; INTRODUCTION. "Come Lord, come Wisdom, Love, and Power! Open our ears to hear; Let us not miss th' accepted hour; Save, Lord, by Love or Fear." Christian Year. "No human being is born into the world, however illustrious his lineage, or elevated his rank, or splendid his attainments, over whom, until a mightier power shall break the chain, Satan does not exercise a tyranny the most despotic."-Buddicom's Christian Exodus. THAT religion is a subject which demands and deserves the serious consideration and decided attention of every person, is a position which very few, either of the young or of the aged, will be inclined to dispute. Each individual, it may be safely presumed, is ready to acknowledge, in the moments of calm reflection, that true piety is the best portion, and that those act most wisely who seek to possess it. But if we view religion as a subject essentially spiritual, vital, and practical in its nature and influence; as the teacher of man's mind, the renewer of man's heart, and the master and guide of man's life; we are compelled to acknowledge, that it is too commonly disregarded among persons of all ranks B |