MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE and WRITINGS OF R-CH--D G-RD-N-R, Esq. DICK Alias MERRY-FELLOW. Price THREE SHILLINGS and SIX-PENCE. 16 Facetise-Memoirs of the Life and Writings (Prose and Verse) of R-ch-d G-rd-nr., Esq., alias Dick Merry Fellow, of Serious and Facetious Memory, 8vo, old calf, scarce, 1782 6s A very curious and interesting Miscellany, the author of which is said to have been born at Saffron Walden, in Essex. T : D. 1 ΜΕΜΟIRS OF THE LIFE and WRITINGS (PROSE AND VERSE) OF R-CH--D G-RD-N-R, Efq. Alias DICK MERRY-FELLOW, Of Serious and Facetious Memory! AUTHOR of The HISTORY of PUDICA; An ELEGY on the death of Lady Asgill; An EXPEDITION to the West- The LYNN MAGAZINE; The CONTEST; LETTERS to Sir H-H-, and T-W-C-, Esq. AFRAGMENT; "A man who has much WIT, but too little DISCRETION; one CHARACTER, 1768. LONDON: Printed for G. KEARSLY, Fleet-street; and M. Воотн, NORWICH. PRELUDIO. L + EST the abilities and character of this Gentleman should fuf fer by an improper application of his juvenile and adult performances, whether fatirical or political, to the purposes of malice or party, we are induced, from the pureft motives, and in justice to his memory, to offer the following account of his LIFE and WRITINGS, which we are |