Ad fummam, fapiens uno y minor eft Jove, dives, 1 b z Liber, honoratus, pulcher, rex denique regum; L. e Praecipue fanus, nifi cum pituita molesta est. t I plant, root up; 1 build, and then confound; ▾ You never change one muscle of your face, You think this Madness but a common cafe, Nor w once to Chanc'ry, nor to Hale apply ; Yet hang your lip, to fee a Seam awry! 171 Careless how ill I with myself agree, Kind to my dress, my figure, not to Me. 175 Is this my * Guide, Philofopher, and Friend? This, he who loves me, and who ought to mend ? Who ought to make me (what he can, or none,) That Man divine whom Wisdom calls her own; 180 Great without Title, without Fortune bless'd; Richev'n when plunder'd, honour'd while op prefs'd; b Lov'd a without youth, and follow'd without pow'r; C Nay, half in heav'n- except (what's mighty odd) A Fit of Vapours clouds this Demy-God. * H EPISTOLA A VI. IL admirari, prope res eft una, Numici, NIL Solaque quae poffit facere et fervare beatum. Hunc folem, et ftellas, et decedentia certis Tempora momentis, funt qui formidine nulla Imbuti fpectent. d quid cenfes, munera terrae ? Quid, maris extremos Arabas⚫ ditantis et Indos ? NOTES. VER. 3. Dear MURRAY] This piece is the most finished of all his imitations, and executed in that high manner the Italian Painters call con amore. By which they mean, the exertion of that principle, which puts the faculties on the stretch, and produces the fupreme degree of excellence. For the Poet had all the warmth of affection for the great Lawyer to whom it is addressed, and indeed no man ever more deserved to have a Poet for his friend. In the obtaining of which as neither vanity, party, or fear had any share, fo he supported his title to it by all the offices of true friendship, VER. 4. Creech)] From whose translation of Horace the two first lines are taken. P. VER. 8. trust the Ruler with the flies, To him commit the hour,] Our Author, in these imitations, has been all along careful to correct the loofe morals, and absurd divinity of his Original. |