Thine was the sway ere heav'n was form'd, or earth, Ere fruitful thought conceiv'd creation's birth, Or midwife word gave aid,and spoke the infant forth. Then various elements against thee join'd, And fram'd the clamorous race of busy humankind. The tongue mov'd gently first, and speech was low, But rebel wit deserts thee oft in vain : And seeks a surer state, and courts thy gentle reign. Afflicted sense thou kindly dost set free, Oppress'd with argumental tyranny, And routed reason finds a safe retreat in thee. With thee in private modest dulness lies, Yet thy indulgence is by both confess'd; Silence! the knave's repute, the whore's good name, The very want of tongue makes thee a kind of fame. But couldst thou seize some tongues that now are free, How church and state should be oblig❜d to thee! At senate and at bar how welcome wouldst thou be! Yet speech, e'en there, submissively withdraws The courtier's learning, policy o' the' gown, EARL OF DORSET. ARTEMISIA. THOUGH Artemisia talks by fits Reads Malbranche, Boyle, and Locke: Haughty and huge as High Dutch bride, On her large squab you find her spread, That lies and stinks in state. She wears no colours (sign of grace) All white and black beside: Dauntless her look, her gesture proud, Her voice theatrically loud, And masculine her stride. So have I seen, in black and white, A stately worthless animal, That plies the tongue, and wags the tail, All flutter, pride, and talk. PHRYNE. PHRYNE had talents for mankind; Her learning and good breeding such, In di'monds, pearls, and rich brocades, So have I known those insects fair (Which curious Germans hold so rare) Still vary shapes and dyes; Still gain new titles with new forms; DR. SWIFT. THE HAPPY LIFE OF A COUNTRY PARSON. PARSON, these things in thy possessing A Chrysostom to smooth thy band in: Toast church and queen, explain the news, Pray heartily for some new gift, And shake his head at Doctor S-t. ΤΟ DR. ARBUTHNOT. BEING THE PROLOGUE TO THE SATIRES. ADVERTISEMENT. This paper is a sort of bill of complaint, begun many years since, and drawn up by snatches, as the several occasions offered. I had no thoughts of publishing it, till it pleased some persons of rank and fortune [the authors of Verses to the Imitator of Horace,' and of an Epistle to a Doctor of Divinity from a Nobleman at Hampton-Court'] to attack, in a very extraordinary manner, not only my writings (of which, being public, the public is judge) but my person, morals, and family; whereof, to those who know ine not, a truer information may be requisite. Being divided between the necessity to say something of myself, and my own laziness to undertake so awkward a task, Í thought it the shortest way to put the last hand to this epistle. If it have any thing pleasing, it will be that by which I am most desirous to please, the truth and the sentiment; and if any thing offensive, it will be only to those I am least sorry to offend, the vicious or the ungenerous. Many will know their own pictures in it, there being not a circumstance but what is true; but I have, for the most part, spared their names, and they may escape being laughed at if they please. I would have some of them know, it was owing to the request of the learned and candid friend, to whom it is inscribed, that I make not as free use of theirs as they have done of mine. However, I shall have this advantage and honour on my side, that whereas, by their proceeding, any abuse may be directed at any man, no injury can possibly be done hy mine, since a nameless character can never be found out but by its truth and likeness. P. 'SHUT, shut the door, good John!' fatigued, I 'Tie up the knocker, say I'm sick, I'm dead,' {said; |