! * The alterations in the tariff of 1840 are specified in a royal ordinance of December 8, 1839, relative to a modification of the duties on imports in the colonies of Martinique and Guadaloupe. 1 Amount of duties paid.(1) No. 14. Tabular statement exhibiting the amount and value of articles the growth, produce, and manufacture of the United States, imported into Spain during the commercial years 1838, 1839, and 1840; together with the tariff, and amount of duties paid thereon. 2,831,388 pounds 25,838 Vide page 17 8,250 yards 495 10 cents per pound 6 cents per pound 660 00 Copper and brass, manufactures of 1,805 If for machines, 2 per cent. ad valorem. Drugs, medicinal 134 Great variety. Fish, cured (2) Flour 150 barrels 1,635 Prohibited. (2) 38 Hides 6,381 hides Masts and spars (1) The amount of duties paid is estimated with reference to the mean of importation in United States and Spanish vessels, viz: The discriminating duty, and the comparative number of vessels employed by each nation. (2) Prohibited by the arancel of 1825. (3) Nails over one inch prohibited. (4) Staves and heading pay an additional duty of 30 per cent., denominated "puertas." WEBCHY (6) Vide page 18. Αρκ 9,771 00 |