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engaged in illustrating a History of Fishes. His Quadrupeds and Birds went through several editions and are universally considered the most correct delineations of natural history that ever appeared.


The day of the Lord Mayor taking upon the office was formerly considered as a grand gala day; the cavalcade by water and land was magnificent; and on many occasions, the royal family have graced the entertainment with their presence. This stately pomp has, however, very considerably diminished; the Lord Mayor, upon the death of the king, is said to be the prime person of England; for Sir Robert Lee, then Lord Mayor, was the first subscribing witness, when James I. was invited to take upon himself the government.—Hughson.


A physician of great eminence, a celebrated chemist, senior physician to St. George's Hospital, and a fellow of the Royal Society, born at Rotherham, in Yorkshire, in 1751. He was the author of a number of papers in the Philosophical Transactions, and also of Observations and Experiments on the Buxton Waters; An Enquiry concerning the Cow Pox: Experiments on the Potato Root, &c. &c.


He was born in Lower Hungary, about 316. After being in the army, he was made an exorcist by St. Hilary, and worked many miracles. In 371 he was made bishop of Tours, and after a life of great zeal, piety, and meekness, died in 397.


Britius, or Brice, was born at Tours, and becoming a monk under St. Martin, succeeded him in the see of that city. He died in 444.


Machutus, or Malo, was born in Britain and received his education in Ireland,-in which country he was offered a bishopric, but declined it. Going afterwards to Brittainy, he was induced to accept the see of that city, being the first who filled. that place. He died in the year 565.

17.-ST. HUGH.

Hugh, prior of Witham, commonly called St. Hugh Burgundus, was consecrated bishop of Lincoln, September 21, 1186. His piety and austere life obtained him universal esteem while living, and canonization after his death.


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St. Edmund was the last titular king of East Anglia. In 867, the Danes invaded the East Angles and was opposed by king Edmund, who being taken prisoner, fell a victim to his enemies' barbarity. He was tied to a tree and shot to death with arrows, in 870. The place of his death was called St. Edmund's Bury, and Canute built a stately church over his grave.


A Roman lady who converted her husband Valerian, and her brother Tibertius to the Christian faith, for which all three suffered martyrdom, about the year 230.


He was converted by St. Peter, and was afterwards a follower and coadjutor of the apostle Paul. He is mentioned in the Phillipians, chap. iv. ver. 3. He was one of the first bishops of Rome. Some · say he died a natural death, others contend that he suffered martyrdom, by being thrown into the sea with an anchor round his neck.

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This was quarter day among the ancients, at the period when the year commenced with the month of March.


A native of Alexandria, converted to Christianity about the year 305; which afterwards professing, she was sentenced to a torturing death by the Emperor Maxentius.

25.-2348.-B. C.-THE Deluge.

According to the most experienced chronologists the deluge commenced this day 2348 years before Christ, and in the year 1656 of the world.



Ride on-the ark, majestic, and alone
On the wide waste of the careering deep,
Its hull scarce peering through the night of clouds,
Is seen.
But lo! the mighty deep has shrunk !

On Ararat! The raven is sent forth,

Send out the dove, and as her wings far off

Shine in the light, that streaks the sev'ring clouds,
Bid her speed on, and greet her with a song:

Go, beautiful and gentle dove,

But wither wilt thou go?

For though the clouds ride high above,
How sad and waste is all below!

The wife of Shem, a moment to her breast
Held the poor bird, and kiss'd it. Many a night
When she was listening to the hollow wind,
She prest it to her bosom, with a tear;
Or when it murmur'd in her hand, forgot
The long, loud tumult of the storm without.
She kisses it, and, at her father's word,
Bids it go forth.

The dove flies on! In lonely flight
She flies from dawn till dark;
And now, amid the gloom of night,
Comes weary to the ark.

Oh! let me in, she seems to say,

For long and lone hath been my way;

Oh! once more, gentle mistress, let me rest,
And dry my dripping plumage on thy breast.

So the bird flew to her who cherish'd it.
She sent it forth again out of the ark;
Again it came at ev'ning fall, and lo,
An olive-leaf pluck'd off, and in its bill.
And Shem's wife took the green leaf from its bill,
And kiss'd its wings again, and smilingly
Dropp'd on its neck one silent tear for joy.
She sent it forth once more, and watch'd its flight,
Till it was lost amid the clouds of heaven:
Then gazing on the clouds where it was lost,
Its mournful mistress sung this last farewell:

Go, beautiful and gentle dove,
Ánd greet the morning ray;

For lo! the sun shines bright above,
And night and storm are pass'd away.

No longer drooping, here confined,

In this cold prison dwell;

Go, free to sunshine and to wind,

Sweet bird, go forth, and fare-thee-well.

Oh! beautiful and gentle dove,
Thy welcome sad will be,

When thou shalt hear no voice of love
In murmurs from the leafy tree :
Yet freedom, freedom shalt thou find,
From this cold prison cell;

Go, then, to sunshine and the wind,

Sweet bird, go forth, and fare-thee-well.


Advent denotes the coming of our Saviour, and Advent Sunday is always the fourth Sunday before Christmas, and the nearest Sunday to St. Andrew's day.

30.-ST. ANDrew.

This apostle, the younger brother of Simon Peter, was born at Bethsaida, in Galilee. He was a disciple of John the Baptist, and followed Jesus upon the testimony given of him by the Baptist. He travelled to Scythia and the neighbouring countries to propagate the Gospel, but at Patræ, in Achaia, in endeavouring to convert the pro-consul Egeas, he was by order of that governor scourged and crucified.

St. Andrew is the patron Saint of Scotland, and the anniversary of the Order of the Thistle is celebrated on this day.

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