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that which, under the unpretending name of a compilation, is, we hesitate not, to assert, one of the most valuable contributions which the labours of a century have added to the library of the Catholic ; and that Catholic, who would fain render to him that asketh a reason of the hope that is in him, will, we are confident, subscribe to our opinion.

The plan of the work is simple. The author lays down a proposition, containing an article of Catholic doctrine: then follow certain passages of Scripture, principally from the New Testament, confirming the doctrine; and to these are appended copious extracts from the fathers, attesting that the same was the doctrine of the church in the ages in which they respectively flourished. If the plan is simple, the execution is very satisfactory. Without the mixture of controversial argument, and generally without the necessity of explanation, the reader is enabled to judge for himself of the connection between the doctrines of the church and the sacred volumes, and the testimonies of those eminent men who have been the best qualified to bear witness to the faith of Christians in the earliest ages. A peculiar advantage possessed by this work is, that the words of the Fathers, which contain the doctrine laid down in the proposition, are given in the original, so that the learned reader will be enabled to decide upon the fidelity of the translation. The most striking characteristic of the author in all his controversies with dissidents from the Catholic church, has been uniformly candour, and this quality appears eminently in the work before us. It has its influence on the translations, from which if the anti-Catholic appeals to the originals, he will very seldom, probably never, receive consolation. The selection of the passages from the fathers, appears to us to have been also not altogether free from the influence of this quality. In exemplification of this remark, we refer our readers to the first passage from Tertullian, attesting the faith of the church on the subject of the holy eucharist. The passage in question unexplained makes against the doctrine of the church, and although the Catholic dreads not the production of any portion of the writings of the fathers, when illustrated by others which explain its meaning; yet the selection of a passage which requires such explanation is hardly consistent with the design of the work, which is to enable the reader to ascertain for himself the real sentiments of these great authorities. We know a clergyman, the multiplicity of whose duties will hardly allow him time to prepare himself as he would wish for the instructions he delivers to bis people. This clergyman, intend

ing to deliver a doctrinal discourse on the holy eucharist, and considering it proper to show that the faith of the church of the present day was the faith of the Christian church in the earliest ages, took the volume before us into the pulpit, having learned from his previous acquaintance to place in it implicit confidence, and read the passage in question to his no small disappointment and embarrassment. We are aware that the author alludes to this passage in his letter to Bishop Poynter; but we must add, that we are not satisfied with the explanation there given.

We have dwelt, we fear, too long on one passage, and invidiously enough, on one with which we are not quite content. The reason may be obvious. If the general character of such a work is mediocrity, you select for observation those parts which by their superiority form a contrast to that general character. If, on the other hand, this character is excellence, those parts which detract from its merit become remarkable. It is so with the work before us. It is impossible to select those parts which claim our unqualified praise, as, with the exception of some two or three pages, we should transcribe the entire volume.

The same principle guides us in our criticism on the propositions. In proportion as the author has taken liberties with them, extracted as they are principally from other works, he has improved them. We wish he had proceeded farther, in which case we are convinced he would not have considered it necessary to request that the sense of one might be extracted by juxta position with another. Such a principle we consider applicable to passages occurring in the body of a work, and treating incidentally of the subjects to which they refer; and this principle is generally applied to the doctrinal points incidentally introduced into the inspired writings. But with great deference to Mr. Berington, we think that propositions, referring expressly to matters of faith, are generally intended to contain within themselves, and without reference to others, those doctrines, upon which they expressly treat.

With the exceptions of these few points, in which we venture to differ from the able and learned author, we have no hesitation in giving our hearty and unqualified praise to the work before us. It has been intimated that on the article of Indulgencies, the proposition is the same as in the work from which those articles have been principally selected, and, consequently, incorrect. The reader who has imbibed this opinion, which was our own previously to our personal inspection of the volume, will be astonished to find that the

proposition in question is altogether different from that in the original, and perfectly orthodox.

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We should be guilty of great injustice, were we to omit all notice of the Introduction. It is, indeed, a very appropriate Introduction to such a work. In it the author, in a chain of clear and cogent reasoning, most satisfactorily elucidates the Rule of Faith, the xisible and speaking authority" of the church of Christ, and the nature of the benefits we derive respectively from the Holy Scriptures, and the testimony of the fathers. The very excellence of this essay, which is distinguished for its conciseness, as well as its perspicuity, precludes us from a more detailed analysis—we must content ourselves with saying, that it is one of the most powerful and logical treatises upon subjects of controversy, which it has ever fallen to our lot to peruse. This is the short but comprehensive character we are enabled to bestow upon this admirable essay.-We would add that the ecclesiastic does not perform strict justice to himself, or to the faith which he is bound to explain and vindicate, who does not make himself master of its substance. He who cannot procure the whole work, will find his labour well requited if he transcribe the Introduction.

In this Introduction the author has exhibited the happy art of reconciling faith and charity. In it, you search in vain for one word of unseemly triumph over the ignorance or prejudices of our separated brethren; for one word of those reproaches, which too frequently exasperate, rather than convince, and which throw around your antagonist a rampart of pertinacity, which the weapons of truth, however powerful, assail in vain. This is the tone of controversy which we cannot too strongly recommend to the Catholic, by which, while he detracts nothing from the force of argument, he lessens the disposition to resist its influence.

In conclusion, we would observe that the style of this Introduction is peculiar; much better adapted to impart vivacity and dramatic effect to argument, than it would be to support an extended narrative.


THIS interesting little work is the result of the combined labours of one Catholic College, setting a laudable example to the rest; and as to this college alone it is indebted, not only for its intellectual, but also for its typographical existence, we shall always think it our duty to take it under our protection. The former spe

cimens of talent which we exhibited to the public were, no doubt, favourably received, and must have created a curiosity in the minds of many. That curiosity we are again, from the kindness of our Oscott friends, enabled to gratify. The article upon Dr. Milner is the only one for which we can find room at present. Kenilworth in

our next.


Quis mihi tribuat, ut scribantur sermones mei? quis mihi det ut exarentur in libro stylo ferreo, et plumbi lamina, vel celte sculpantur in silice?

JOB. Lectio viii. cap. 19.

"IN considering the traits of each individual character, that has commanded our admiration or respect, we shall always discover some peculiar qualification, either incidental to themselves, or connected with the sphere which they have adorned: some leading feature entirely their own, which forcibly contributes to their advance in public opinion, and in public estimation. Around the memory of the patriot and the brave we shall generally find that the supposed chivalry of their devotion, with their singleness of purpose, casts a sacred and mournful lustre while the names of the poet and the orator are handed down to posterity, shrined in all the bright enamel of their splendid and flashing imagery. They have all their own attraction, and a retrospect of their career will develope a chequered maze of flights and depressions that are still gifted with all that impressive charm, which flits around the manes of the illustrious; but, if we seek for those who may exhibit all the unvaried tints of high-mind. edness and of long superiority-whose existence has been one unclouded blaze of living light;' and over whose grave in after times, the stranger will kneel with most of that enthusiasm of soul, which genius ever feels when treading on the soil where kindred spirits sleep, we must turn to the folds of persecution, and devote our scru-, tanies to the champions of religion. They seem to have arrogated to themselves an immortal union of all that heroism extols, and of all that heaven requires. Their portrait presents the most unadorned, and yet truest and most enchanting developement of ability and reso. lution, raising their giant arm, in support of the holiest cause; unabashed by the jeers of derision, and unshaken by the torrent of opposition and tyranny. The combination of excellencies which such a character is calculated to display, being eminently great, we are generally led to regard their existence with a scrutinizing and delighted eye; while the age which is blessed with their exertions may deem itself particularly favoured..

Every century has had 'its luminaries: from the days of an Origen, when Christianity was weeping in lonely destitution beneath. the lash of the Pagan scourge, up to later times, when Catholicity flourished and increased from the operations of that very code, which was instituted to crush her; and when Dr. Milner, the Patriarchal object of this sketch, exerted his mighty powers in its defence. Few, if any, will repeat that consecrated name, without participating in those same sensations of indescribable and holy veneration, with which we presume on a summary of his merits ;-as much above our praise, as they are above the deteriorations of malice,

"To attempt an adequate delineation of his life, would be to unfold our own inability; and as we approach the subject with fear, we almost find it impossible to form expressions sufficiently warm to characterise the vastness of his energies, and the extent of his research and his labours. Ordained from his birth, or at least, from the time when he could breath a wish, for the ministry of the altar, he displayed, at an early age, the embryo formation of those talents, which afterwards rose in all the grandeur of proud maturity. Not an hour was neglected, during the season of improvement, and at the very starting-post he was possessed of that same love of information, which he ever afterwards preserved, and which so highly contributed to exalt him in the records of science and of learning.

"Sunk and buried in the silence and oblivion of his closet, he formed himself to burst forth with splendour more insufferably bright, to enter the wizard stage of polemics with a mind more richly stored, and a pen better pointed for mortal combat. The chime of midnight often passed unheeded by, and the expiring paleness of the lamp as often refused its ghastly light, ere he withdrew from the deeply-read volume, to relax, for one passing hour, until again the earliest dawn should blush on his sleepless toil. Ever intent on polishing those abilities with which nature had so liberally endowed him, the consciousness of their possession seemed to add a new motive to their application; and, instead of wasting the gift in obscurity, he grasped at every thing that came within his enveloping sweep. Prepared and inclined for action, he at last opens his ears to the solicitations which the attacks of prejudice offered him; and entering the list of combatants, he wields his lance with such destructive fury, as to drive his unprotected opponents, with brilliant triumph, from the contest to which they had dared him. Proof crowded upon proof, clothed in the fairest ornament of rhetoric, and strengthened by the! invincible protection of well-directed logic; his adversaries shrink?

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