he has not tranflated ten verses together in any book of Homer with justice to the Poet, and yet he dares reproach his fellow-writers with not understanding Greek 1. He has stuck so little to his Original as to have his knowledge in Greek called in question2. I should be glad to know which it is of all Homer's Excellencies which has so delighted the Ladies, and the Gentlemen who judge like Ladies 3. ! But he has a notable Talent at Burlesque; his genius slides so naturally into it, that he hath burlesqued Homer without designing it *. Mr. POPE trick'd his Subscribers, 'Tis indeed somewhat bold, and almost prodigious, for a fingle man to undertake such a work: But 'tis too late to dissuade by demonftrating the madness of the Project. The Subscribers expectations have been raised in proportion to what their Pockets have been drained of 5. Pope has been concerned in Jobs, and hired out his Name to Booksellers 6. Names bestowed on Mr. POPE. An APE.] Let us take the initial letter of his Chriftian name, and initial and final letters of his furname, viz. APE, and they give you the fame Idea of an Ape as his Face 7, etc. An Ass.] It is my duty to pull off the Lion's skin from this little Afs 8. A FROG.] A squab short Gentleman-a little creature that, like the Frog in the Fable, swells, and is angry that it is not allowed to be as big as an Ox 9. 3 I Daily Jour. April 23, 1728. 2 Suppl. to the Profund, Pref. Oldmixon, Essay on Criticism, p. 66. 4 Dennis's Remarks, p. 28. s Homerides, p. 1, etc. 6 British Journal, Nov. 25, 1727. 7 Dennis, Daily Journal, May 11, 1728. 8 Dennis's Rem. on Hom. Pref 9 Dennis's Rem. on the Rape of the Lock, Pref. p. 9. VOL, II. A COWARD.] A COWARD.] A Clinias or a Damætas, or a man of Mr. Dryden's own Courage'. A KNAVE.] Mr. Dryden has heard of Paul, the Knave of Jesus Christ: And if I mistake not, I've read somewhere of John Dryden, Servant to his Majesty 2. A FOOL.] Had he not been such a felf-conceited Fool 3.-Some great Poets are positive Blockheads 4. A THING.] So little a Thing as Mr. Dryden 5. P. 34. Milb. pag. 176. 2 Pag. 57. 3 Whip and Key, Pr. 4 Milb. 5 Ibid. 33. A COWARD.] A lurking, way-laying coward '. A KNAVE.] He is one whom God and nature have marked for want of common honesty 2. A FOOL.] Great Fools will be chriftened by the names of great Poets, and Pope will be called Homer 3. A THING.] A little abject Thing 4. Char. of Mr. P. p. 3. 2 Ibid. 4 Ibid. 8. 3 Dennis Rem, on Homer, p. 37. Xx 2 INDEX : PERSONS celebrated in this POEM. The first Number shews the Book, the second the BLACKMORE, Sir Richard, i. 104. ii. 268. Befaleel Morris, ii. 126. iii. 168. Banks, i. 146. Broome, ibid. Bond, ii. 126. Brown, iii. 28. Bladen, iv. 560. Budgel, Esq. ii. 397. Bentley, Richard, iv. 201. Bentley, Thomas, ii. 205. Boyer, Abel, ii. 413. Bland, a Gazetteer, i. 231. Breval, J. Durant, ii. 126, 238. Benlowes, iii. 21, Bavius, ibid. Burmannus, iv. 237. Benfon, William, Esq. iii. 325. iv. 110. Burgersdick, iv. 198. 5 Bœotians, |