Holy-days, statute limiting number of, Honesty must not be without religion, 119. Hospitallers, priory of, 4 and n. House of Commons, erroneous Humility, all think it good for other excess of, is a vice, 78. I. Idolatry, true nature of, 78. Ignorance, invincible, nature of, 79. Images, use of, whether defensible, 80. Impropriations of Tithes, 177, 178. Independents, claim of, to be above the Irish Lords, rank of, in England, 106. J. James, King, his opinion about the Jardine, reading on torture in Eng- Jesuits, learned, 102. Jewish year, how reckoned, 197. Jews are cursed and hated, but thrive, Jews, how a doctor of law was made Johnson, praise of the Table Talk by, XXV. Jonson, Ben, his satire on the disputes of divines, 164. Joseph, Christ's pedigree, why traced Judges, rascality of, the cause of all mischief in the commonwealth, 87. Juggling necessary for government, Jurisdiction in the Church, not spiritual - - - his defence of bowing towards the accused for his sanction of sports — Justice Whitelock's opinion about, Law, human, when binding on the ignorance of, why no excuse, 99. Lawyers of France, learned, 102. Learning, what use it is, what it com- Lecturers, harmful to the English defraud the parochial ministers, 103. why favoured by the parliamentary Libels, indications given by, 105. Marston, quotation from a play of, Martial law, nature and limit of, 190. Metempsychosis believed in by Plato- Minister, ordination of, its force and his position when ordained, 114. degree of respect shown to, among how his claims can be tested, 118. Monopolies, Sir John Culpeper's right of electing to, how fixed, and its power as a court of law, 100, - privilege of, its asserted and its Parliamentary party, unfair tactics of Parson, meaning of word, 129. conjuring by, did much good, 130. Penance, not to be confused with People, good of the, to be studied by Perjury first punished in Queen Eliza- Personatus, meaning of word, 129. Pictures in churches, a discreet rule Pigeon-house, who licensed to keep, 50 n. Platonic, fancy of a, 124. Plays, why written in verse, 134. - Pope, limit of infallibility of the, 136. Possession, diabolical, 55 and n. Praemunire, nature of, 153. Prayer, defence of set forms of, 143. Preach the Gospel, how command is Preaching often, condemned, 146; ap- - democratic influence of, 103. by the Spirit, why most esteemed Preferment, prospect of, makes men - not getting, makes the presbyters some Parliament men discontented Prerogative, nature and limit of the Presbyters, their power over the laity - claim to be jure divino, 175. Pride, how far permissible, 78. Priest has no indelible character, - an Irish, on the accession of James Priests, reason of statutes against, of Rome, their objects and methods, Prior of St. John's, 4 and n. nature of some men's pretence of, - why men say they fight for, 166, Reverence, it is sometimes unreason- Ripley the alchemist, story about, 74. Rosset (Rosetti), Count, 158. S. Sabbath, observance of the, 169 and n. no one can judge about another's Saint John of Jerusalem, Prior of, 4, Saint Nicholas, image of, 80, 106. Salus populi suprema lex esto, 131. - Selden's charitable opinion about, Saracens, how pictured by Crusaders, Scaliger on Erasmus, 15. Scripture, interpretation of, 11, 145. - 219 ridiculous for a lord to print, 135. Vows, instances of absurd, 188. |