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Alphabetical Index,

Explaining all the hard Words; for the Ufe of the younger Sort of Readers,


ABBY, A Colledge of Monks.
To abjure, To fwear againft.
Abortive, untimely Birth, mifcarrying.
Abridgement, the fhortning of a Thing, the drawing
of a Difcourfe into fewer Words.

Abfolute, perfect, compleat, alfo tied by no Laws
Abyss, the deep, or depth.

Accident, that which happens or befalls.

Accomplished, well qualified, compleat, finifhed To acquire, to get.

Acroftick, a Copy of Verfes whereof the first Letters contain fome Name or Sentence.

To act, to do.

Active, doing, nimble.

Etna, a burning Mountain of Sicily.

To adhere, to stick or cleave to.

Adieu, Farewel. To God, that is, God be with you

or I commend you to God.

Admiring, wondring..

To adore, to worship.

To adorn, to make fine or handfome.

Adult, grown up to full Age.

Agent, a Doer, one that acts for another


Agony, Ariving or contending, a violent pain, or uneafinefs.

Agreeable, pleafing, fuitable with.

To ail, to be ill, not easy.

The air of the Face, the Shape, Figure.

An alarm or alarum, an Outcry, a Fright; it is a Sign of Arming, as much as to fay, To your Arms. To alarm, to fright one.

Albion, Great Britain, that is, England and Scotland.

To Alledge, to fhew Reasons for, to cite or quote Authors or Witneffes.

Allied, related to, joyned with.

Almighty, all powerful.

Altern, by Turns, one after another.

Allured, inticed, tempted, moved to.

Amain, greatly, eagerly, with all ones Force.
Amazonian, like the Amazons, a warlike Nation of
Women in Scythia.

Ambient Shores, furrounding, encompaffing.
Ambiguous, doubtful, uncertain.

Ambufe, a Place to hide in.

Ambition, too great a defire of Honour, Place, &c. Amiable, Lovely, or that may be loved.

Ammon, the Name of Jupiter, worshipped under the Shape of a Ram, where he had alfo an Oracle.

Amorous, one that loves, full of love.

Amphion, a famous Musician, who was faid to move the Walls by his Harmony.

Ample, large, wide.

Anagram, the changing the Order of the Letters. Anarchy, without Government, Disorder, Confu fion.

Ancestors, thofe that lived before us, Forefathers. Angelical or Angclick, like an Angel, or belonging to an Angel, Annual,

Annual, Yearly, every Year.

Anthem, A Song to the Praife of God.
Antick, Imitating by Dancing or other Motions.
Antique, Old, Ancient.

Antidote, A Remedy against a Thing, properly a gainst Poifon.

Anxious, Uneafy, vexing, full of Thought.

To ape, To imitate, to do (like an Ape) as we fee another do...

Apollo, The God of Mufick, Poetry, &c...
Appetite, Defire, longing, having a Mind to. -
Applaufe, Praife, Commendation.

Apt, Ready, fit.

Ardent, Eager, hurrying.

Aromatick, Spicy, Sweet-fcented.

Arduous, Hard, difficult.
Areeds, Difcourfes, Advices.
Artificer, Maker, Workman,
Artillery, Fire-Arms.

Afcent, Going upwards.

Aligned, Appointed, named.

Askunce, Afide, a-skue, a-fquint.

Afpect, The Sight, Look.

To Allay or Ellay, To try, to endeavour....
Afault, The fetting upon, falling on, the Onfet.
Asthma, Hardness of Breathing, or Stoppage of

To Allume, To take upon one.

Athens, A City of Greece, famous for Learning, and Learned Men...

Atrophy, A Confumption, or pining away, when one's Food does not nourish one.


To Attract, To draw to; Attraction, Drawing to Attractive, that draws to.

To Avail, To help, to ferve; alfo to profit, to be good for.


Audibly, Loudly, plainly to be heard.

Audience, Hearing; alfo the People met together to hear.

To Augment, To increase, to make great or more. Augury, A gueffing or foretelling by Birds.

Autumn, Fall of the Leaf.

Axle or Axis, The long part that goes into the
Wheel, and ferves for Motion.
Azure, Of a blue Colour.


BAal, A God of the Allyrians."
Bacchus, The God of Wine.

Bale, Sorrow, Misfortune, alfo Sorrowful, &c.
To Ballance, To equal the Weight, to even Accounts
Bane, Ruin, Destruction.

Battening, Growing big any way, getting Flesh. A Bay, A Road for Ships.

Bays, Poetry, becaufe the Poets were crowned with the Bays

Beacon, A Sign by Fire, a Watch-Tower. It comes from to becken, which from the Saxon Becennan, to make Signs.

Beaux, Foppifh Fellows, that mind nothing but Dreffing.

Beguiled, Cheated, deceived.

Behemoth, Suppofed to be the Elephant.

Belgia, The Low-Countries, or Netherlands.
Bellona, The Goddess of War.

To Be-moan, To be forry for or with one, to bewail, fament.

Bett, Stake, Wager.

Benefit, Kindnefs.

Bent, Turn of Mind, Inclination, Purpofe.
Bileous, Belonging to the Bile or Gall
Blafphemy, Speaking Evil of God.


Blafted, As Fruit; hurt with the Winds, blafted
Reputation, hurt, damaged.
To Blemish, To fpot, to defile.

Blifs, Happiness, from Blith, merry, gay, pleafant.
Blissful, Full of Happiness. See English Gram-

mar, p. 171

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Bloom or Bloom, The Flower.
Boding or Foreboding,
Bondage, Slavery.

Bottom, Ufed for Ship.

Foretelling, fhewing before.

Bower, A Tent or Building of Leaves and Branches. To Brandish, Fo flourish, fwing about.

Bribe, Taking of Money or Prefents to do a thing. Bridal-Lamp, The Marriage-Lamp.

Brinded, Streaked, fpeckled.

Brittle, Eafy to break.

Brood, A number of Children or Young-ones. Bumbaft, Affected or great fwelling Words, im pertinent Stuff; from

Bumbaft, Cotton-ftuffing.

Burnished, Made fmooth or bright by rubbing.

Eleftial, Heavenly.



Callow, Not feathered.

Calved, Brought forth.

Calumny, Slander, falfe Accufation.

Cancelled, Made void, when the Writing or Thing is made of no force.

Canifter, A Basket for Flowers or Bread, made of
Ofiers or Willows, fometimes of Cane or Reed.
Now we call our little Veffels that hold Tea by
this Name.

Canopy, A Covering over the Head.
Canting-Strain, A finging, toning way.

Capacious, That can receive, hold, or contain a great deal


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