I. The STATE of INNOCENCE, or Primitive Integrity, Discoursed from Eccles. vii. 29. His understanding a lamp of light, 20 His will straight with the will of God, ib. The qualities of this righteousness, ib. Man a glorious creature, ib. II. The STATE of NATURE: or State of Entire Depravation. From men's experience and observation, Fallen Adam's image, in eleven particulars, natural to men, Why it is to be specially noticed, Wherein that sin is to be specially noticed, How to get a view of the corruption of nature, Man's natural state, a state of wrath, Against the law as a rule of life, Contumacy against the Lord, Perverseness in reference to the chief end, Corruption, of the affections, conscience, and memory, The body partaker of this corruption, How man's nature was corrupted, The doctrine of the corruption of nature applied, The natural man can do nothing but sin, God takes special notice of the sin of our nature, HEAD II. The MISERY of MAN'S NATURAL STATE, Discoursed from Eph. ii. 3. A view of the nature of God, whose wrath it is, HEAD III. MAN'S UTTER INABILITY to recover himself, Only two ways of man's recovering himself supposable, viz. the way of the law, and the way of the gospel, Object. God is merciful: we hope to be saved, if we do as well ib. ib. Man unable to recover himself in the way of the gospel, to embrace and use the help offered for his recovery, Object. (1) If we be under an utter inability to do any good, how can God require us to do it? Answered, Object (3.) The use of means needless, seeing we are utterly Quest. Has God promised to convert and save them, who, in the use of means, do what they can towards their own relief? Answered, III. The STATE of GRACE, or Begun Recovery. HEAD I. REGENERATION, Discoursed from 1 Pet i. 23. Of the nature of regeneration, ib. Disposed to receive Jesus Christ, ib. The whole conversation changed, ib. Case (3.) Corruptions more violent than formerly, To qualify one to do good, To communion with God in duties, To make one meet for heaven, ib. 187 ib. Now a degenerate stock, ib. A killing stock, 202 The condition of the branches in that respect, ib. Quest. What shall be said of those Christians who, instead of growing, are going back? Answered, Quest. Do hypocrites grow at all? And if so, how A store-house for contentment and patience, A bridle to curb lusts conversant about the body, A spring of Christian resolution, A spur to incite to prepare for death, HEAD II. The difference betwixt the Righteous and the Wicked in their death, discoureed from Prov, χίν. 32. Whence they are driven, and whither, Driven away in their wickedness, The hopelessness of their state at death, Their hopes of peace and pleasure in this life cut off, They have no solid grounds to hope for eternal happiness, Death roots up their delusive hopes of heaven, Makes their state absolutely and for ever hopeless, Caution against false hopes of heaven: Characters of Exhortation to hasten out of sinful state, To be concerned for the salvation of others, The state of the godly in death, a hopeful state, Christ, their best friend, is Lord of the other world, Object. Many of the godly, when dying, full of fears, and have little hope. Answered, Death uncomfortable to them, in three cases, ib. ib. |