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The learned and pious divine, the Rev. JAMES HERVEY, author of 'Meditations among the Tombs', 'Contemplations on the Starry Heavens,' &c. and whose praise is in all the Churches, in his Dialogues, Vol. I, p. 343, gives the following recommendation of this work :

"See this work of grace, and precedure of conversion more copiously displayed, in a valuable little piece entitled, Human Nature in its Fourfold State,' by Thomas Boston, which, in my opinion, is one of our best books for common readers. The sentences are short, and the comparisons striking: the language is easy, and the doctrine evangelical; the method proper, the plan comprehensive, the manner searching, yet consolatory. If another celebrated treatise is styled 'The whole Duty Duty of Man,' I would call this The whole of Man; as it comprises, what he was, originally; what he is, by transgression; what he should be, through grace; and then what he will be, in glory."

Russell & Martien, Printers.


It is a maxim among wise men, That the knowledge of persons is of as great use in the conduct of human life, as the knowledge of things: and it is most certain, that he who knows the various tempers, humours, and dispositions of men, who can find out their turn of thought, and penetrate into the secret springs and principles of their actings, will not be at a loss to find out proper means of compassing his aims, will easily preserve himself from snares, and either evite or overcome difficulties. But the knowledge of human nature, morally considered, or, in other words, of the temper and disposition of the soul in its moral powers, is of much greater value; as it is of use in the concerns of an unchangeable life and world: he who is possessed of so valuable a branch of knowledge, is thereby capacitated to judge aright of himself, to understand true Christianity, and to conceive justly of perfect happiness, and consummate misery.

The depravity of human nature is so plainly taught, yea, inculcated in sacred scripture, and is so obvious to every thinking man's observation, who searches his own breast, and reflects duly on his temper and actings, that it is surprisingly strange and wonderful, how it comes to pass, that this important truth is so little understood, yea, so much disbelieved, by men who bear the name of gospel Ministers. Are there not persons to be found in a neighbouring nation, in the character of preachers, appearing daily in pulpits, who are so unacquainted with their Bibles and themselves, that they ridicule the doctrine of original sin as unintelligible jargon? If they are persons of a moral life and conversation, they seem to imagine, that they cannot become better than they are; if they are immoral, they seem to indulge a conceit, that they can become virtuous, yea, religious, when they please. These are the men who talk of the dignity of human nature, of greatness of mind, nobleness of soul, and generosity of spirit: as if they intended to persuade themselves and others, that pride is a good principle; and do not know, that pride and selfishness are the bane of mankind, productive of all the wickedness, and much of the misery to be found in this and in the other world; and is indeed that, wherein the depravity of human nature properly consists.

Upright Adam's nature faintly adumbrated the divine, in a moderate self-esteem, an adequate self-love and delightful reflection on his own borrowed excellency, regulated by a just esteem of, and supreme love to, his adored Creator: whence a peaceful serenity of mind, a loving, compassionate and benevolent disposition of soul, a depth of thought, and brightness of imagination, delightfully employed in the rapturous contemplation of his Maker's infinite perfections; thus bearing the divine image, and resembling God that made him. But no sooner did he disobey the divine probatory command, than the scales were cast, his moderated self-esteem degenerated into pride, his adequate self-love shrunk into mere selfishness, and his delightful reflections on his own excellency, varied into the tickling pleasures of vanity and conceit: he lost view of the Author of his being, and thenceforth, instead of delighting in him, first dreaded, and then despised him.

The modest, and therefore hitherto anonymous author of the following discourses, Mr. THOMAS BOSTON, having handled this subject in preaching to his own obscure parochial congregation of Ettrick, in the Sheriffdom of Selkirk, had a particuIar view to their benefit, in printing and publishing them; and therefore the style and method is plain and simple, and the first edition printed on coarse paper; but the subject is so comprehensive and important, so well managed, and the book has been so well received, that it now appears in the world more embellished, as well as better corrected than formerly.

Let it suffice, to recommend it to those who have a right taste of genuine Christianity, that all the Author's notions flow so directly from the sacred fountain, that it is to be doubted, if he has had much recourse to any other helps than his Bible and his God for assistance. Mean-time, I am aware of an exception from those who rank themselves among the polite part of mankind, as that there is the same harsh peculiarity of dialect in it, which is commonly to be found in books of practical divinity. But I beg leave to observe, that the dialect they except against, is borrowed from sacred Scripture: and likewise" it has pleased God, by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe;" so also to countenance what they are displeased with, by the operations of his Spirit on the minds of true Christians, as their common experience witnesseth. However, I heartily wish, the exception was altogether removed, by some person's digesting into a methodical treatise, the views of human nature in its primitive perfection, in its depraved condition, and in its retrieved state, who is master of modern style, and thoroughly understands the subjects discoursed in this book, that by becoming all things to all men, some (viz. of all ranks and kinds of men) may be gained.

I am not to declaim at large in favour of religion; this were to write a book by way of preface. Many able pens have been employed in recommending it to the world by strong arguments drawn from its usefulness to society, its suitableness to the dignity of the rational nature, and the advantages arising to men from it it in this and the other world. But, after all, may not one be allowed to doubt, if religion be rightly understood by all its patrons! may not the beauties and excellencies of a precious gem be elegantly described by a naturalist, or jeweller, who never saw the particular one he talked of, and knows little of its nature, less of the construction of its parts, and nothing of its proper use? Are there not men of bright parts, who reason finely in defence of religion, and yet are so much strangers to it, that they brand the persons who are so happy as to be possessed of it, with the hard name of spiritualists, reckoning them a kind of enthusiasts, unworthy of their regard. The truth is, Christianity is a mystery, mere reason does not comprehend it. There is a spiritual discerning necessary to its being rightly understood, whence it comes to pass, that men of great learning and abilities, though they read the Scriptures with attention, and comment learnedly upon them, yet do not, yea cannot enter into the vain of thought peculiar to the inspired penman, because they share not of the same Spirit; wherefore it is, that the Apostle Paul asserts the natural, that is, unregenerate man, doth not know the things of God, neither indeed can be capable of knowing them, because they are spiritually discerned."

From what has been said, it is easy to conclude, that no pedantic apology on the part of the author, for appearing in print, or fawning compliments to the courteous reader, on the part of the prefacer, are to be expected. The truth is, both the one and the other are rather little arts, vailing pendantry and conceit, than evidences of modesty and good sense. It is of more use to recommend the perusal of the book to persons of all ranks and degrees, from a few suitable topics, than to show wherein this Edition differs from the first.

Let it however, be a prevailing argument with persons of all denominations, carefully to read of practical divinity, That many of them are not written on the same motives and principles as other books are; the authors have often a peculiar divine call to publish them, and well founded hope

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of their being useful to advance Christianity in the world. In consequence whereof it is, that great numbers have reaped benefit by reading them, especially in childhood and youth; many have been converted by them; and it may be questioned if ever there was a true Christian, since the art of printing made these books common, who has not, in some stage of life reaped considerable advantage from them. This book recommends itself in a particular manner, by its being a short substantial system of practical divinity, insomuch that it may with truth be asserted, that a person who is thoroughly acquainted with all that is here taught, may, without danger to his eternal interest, remain ignorant of other things, which pertain to the science called Divinity. It is therefore earnestly recommended to the serious and frequent perusal of all but especially of such as are in that stage of life called youth, and are so stationed in the world, as not to be frequently opportuned to hear sermons, and read commentaries on the sacred text.

It is doubtless incumbent on masters of families to make some provision of spiritual as well as bodily food, for their children and servants; this is effectually done by putting practical books in their hands: and therefore this book is humbly and earnestly recommended as a family book, which all the members of it are not only allowed, but desired to peruse.


Edinburgh, March 18, 1729.

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