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feet high, at Marli: the rod was found capable of giving out electrical sparks when a thunder-cloud passed over the place. This was repeated in various parts of Europe, and Franklin suggested that a communication with the clouds might be formed by means of a kite. By these, and similar means, the electricity of the atmosphere was studied by Canton in England, Mazeas in France, Beccaria in Italy, and others elsewhere. These essays soon led to a fatal accident, the death of Richman at Petersburg, while he was, on Aug. 6th, 1753, observing the electricity collected from an approaching thunder-cloud, by means of a rod which he called an electrical gnomon: a globe of blue fire was seen to leap from the rod to the head of the unfortunate professor, who was thus struck dead.

[2nd Ed.] [As an important application of the doctrines of electricity, I may mention the contrivances employed to protect ships from the effects of lightning. The use of conductors in such cases is attended with peculiar difficulties. In 1780 the French began to turn their attention to this subject, and Le Roi was sent to Brest and the various sea-ports of France for that purpose. Chains temporarily applied in the rigging had been previously suggested, but he endeavoured to place, he says, such conductors in ships as might be fixed and durable. He devised certain long linked rods, which led from a point in the mast-head along a part of the rigging, or in divided stages along the masts, and were fixed to plates of metal in the ship's sides communicating with the sea. But these were

either unable to stand the working of the rigging, or otherwise inconvenient, and were finally abandoned. 15

The conductor commonly used in the English navy, till recently, consisted of a flexible copper chain, tied, when occasion required, to the mast-head, and reaching down into the sea; a contrivance recommended by Dr. Watson in 1762. But notwithstanding this precaution, the shipping suffered greatly from the effects of lightning.

15 See Le Roi's Memoir in the Hist. Acad. Sc. for 1790.

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Mr. Snow Harris (now Sir William Snow Harris), whose electrical labours are noticed above, proposed to the Admiralty, in 1820, a plan which combined the conditions of ship-conductors, so desirable, yet so difficult to secure:-namely, that they should be permanently fixed, and sufficiently large, and yet should in no way interfere with the motion of the rigging, or with the sliding masts. The method which he proposed was to make the masts themselves conductors of electricity, by incorporating with them, in a peculiar way, two lamine of sheet-copper, uniting these with the metallic masses in the hull by other laminæ, and giving the whole a free communication with the sea. This method was tried experimentally, both on models and to a large extent in the navy itself; and a Commission appointed to examine the result reported themselves highly satisfied with Mr. Harris's plan, and strongly recommended that it should be fully carried out in the Navy.16]

It is not here necessary to trace the study of atmospheric electricity any further: and we must now endeavour to see how these phenomena and laws of phenomena which we have related, were worked up into consistent theories; for though many experimental observations and measures were made after this time, they were guided by the theory, and may be considered as having rather discharged the office of confirming than of suggesting it.

We may observe also that we have now described the period of most extensive activity and interest in electrical researches. These naturally occurred while the general notions and laws of the phenomena were becoming, and were not yet become, fixed and clear. At such a period, a large and popular circle of spectators and amateurs feel themselves nearly upon a level, in the value of their trials and speculations, with more profound thinkers: at a later period, when the subject is become a science, that is, a study in which all must be left far behind who do not come to it with disci

16 See Mr. Snow Harris's paper in Phil. Mag. March 1841.

plined, informed, and logical minds, the cultivators are far more few, and the shout of applause less tumultuous and less loud. We may add, too, that the experiments, which are the most striking to the senses, lose much of their impressiveness with their novelty. Electricity, to be now studied rightly, must be reasoned upon mathematically; how slowly such a mode of study makes its way, we shall see in the progress of the theory, which we must now proceed to narrate.

[2nd Ed.] [A new mode of producing electricity has excited much notice lately. In October, 1840, one of the workmen in attendance upon a boiler belonging to the Newcastle and Durham Railway, reported that the boiler was full of fire; the fact being, that when he placed his hand near it an electrical spark was given out. This drew the attention of Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Pattinson, who made the circumstance publicly known. 17 Mr. Armstrong pursued the investigation with great zeal, and after various conjectures was able to announce 18 that the electricity was excited at the point where the steam is subject to friction in its emission. He found too that he could produce a like effect by the emission of condensed air. Following out his views, he was able to construct, for the Polytechnic Institution in London, a Hydro-electric Machine,' of greater power than any electrical machine previously made. Dr. Faraday took up the investigation as the subject of the Eighteenth Series of his Researches, sent to the Royal Society, Jan. 26, 1842; and in this he illustrated, with his usual command of copious and luminous experiments, a like view;-that the electricity is produced by the friction of the particles of the water carried along by the stream. And thus this is a new manifestation of that electricity, which, to distinguish it from voltaic electricity, is sometimes called Friction Electricity or Machine Electricity. Dr. Faraday has, however, in the course of this investigation, brought to light several new electrical relations of bodies.]


17 Phil. Mag. Oct. 1840.

18 Phil. Mag. Jan. 1842, dated Dec. 9, 1841.




HE cause of electrical phenomena, and the mode


of its operation, were naturally at first spoken of in an indistinct and wavering manner. It was called the electric fire, the electric fluid; its effects were attributed to virtues, effluvia, atmospheres. When men's mechanical ideas became somewhat more distinct, the motions and tendencies to motion were ascribed to currents, in the same manner as the cosmical motions had been in the Cartesian system. This doctrine of currents was maintained by Nollet, who ascribed all the phenomena of electrized bodies to the contemporaneous afflux and efflux of electrical matter. It was an important step towards sound theory, to get rid of this notion of moving fluids, and to consider attraction and repulsion as statical forces; and this appears to have been done by others about the same time. Dufay1 considered that he had proved the existence of two electricities, the vitreous and the resinous, and conceived each of these to be a fluid which repelled its own parts and attracted those of the other: this is, in fact, the outline of the theory which recently has been considered as the best established; but from various causes it was not at once, or at least, not generally adopted. The hypothesis of the excess and defect of a single fluid is capable of being so treated as to give the same results with the hypothesis of two opposite fluids, and happened to obtain the preference for some time. We have already seen that this hypothesis, according to which electric phenomena arose from the excess and defect of a generally diffused fluid, suggested itself to Watson and Franklin about 1747. Watson found that when an electric body was excited, the electricity was not created, but collected; and Franklin held, that when the Leyden jar was charged,

1 Ac. Par. 1733, p. 467.

the quantity of electricity was unaltered, though its distribution was changed. Symmer maintained the existence of two fluids; and Cigna supplied the main defect which belonged to this tenet in the way in which Dufay held it, by showing that the two opposite electricities were usually produced at the same time. Still the apparent simplicity of the hypothesis of one fluid procured it many supporters. It was that which Franklin adopted, in his explanation of the Leyden experiment; and though, after the first conception of an electrical charge as a disturbance of equilibrium, there was nothing in the development or details of Franklin's views which deserved to win for them any peculiar authority, his reputation, and his skill as a writer, gave a considerable influence to his opinions. Indeed, for a time he was considered, over a large part of Europe, as the creator of the science, and the terms Franklinism, Franklinist, Franklinian system, occur in almost every page of continental publications on the subject. Yet the electrical phenomena to the knowledge of which Franklin added least, those of induction, were those by which the progress of the theory was most promoted. These, as we have already said, were at first explained by the hypothesis of electrical atmospheres. Lord Mahon wrote a treatise, in which this hypothesis was mathematically treated; yet the hypothesis was very untenable, for it would not account for the most obvious cases of induction, such as the Leyden jar, except the atmosphere was supposed to penetrate glass.

The phenomena of electricity by induction, when fairly considered by a person of clear notions of the relations of space and force, were seen to accommodate themselves very generally to the conception introduced by Dufay;4 of two electricities each repelling itself and attracting the other. If we suppose that there is only one fluid, which repels itself and attracts all other matter, we obtain, in many cases, the same general

2 Phil. Trans. 1759.

3 Priestley, p. 160.

4 Mém. A. P. 1733, p. 467.

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