Con. You will want a second, I suppose, in this affair; I stood second to my own brother, in the Fifteen Acres; and though that has made me detest the very thought of duelling ever since, yet if you want a friend I'll attend you to the field of death... British Theatre - Page 23by John Bell - 1792Full view - About this book
 | Colley Cibber - 1797 - 460 pages
...You will want a second, I suppose, in this affair : I stood second to my own brother in the Fifteen Acres, and though that has made me detest the very...field of death with a great deal of satisfaction. Leu. I thank you, Connolly, but I think it e1' tremely wrong in any man who has a quarrel to pose his... | |
 | English drama - 1804 - 556 pages
...You will want a second, I suppose, in this affair ? I stood second to my own brother in the Fifteen Acres ; and, though that has made me detest the very...field of death with a great deal of satisfaction. Lee. I thank you, Connolly; but I think it extremely wrong in any man, who has a quarrel, to expose... | |
 | English drama - 1804 - 558 pages
...You will want a second, I suppose, in this affair ? I stood second to my own brother in the Fifteen Acres ; and, though that has made me detest the very...if you want a friend, I'll attend you to the field ot death with a great deal of satisfaction. Lee. I thank you, Connolly; but I think it extremely wrong... | |
 | English drama - 1804 - 552 pages
...You will want a second, I suppose, in this affair ? I stood second to my own brother in the Fifteen Acres ; and, though that has made me detest the very...yet, if you want a. friend, I'll attend you to the iii'ld of death with a great deal of satisfaction. Lee. I thank you, Connolly ; but I think it extremely... | |
 | 1829 - 642 pages
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 | Charles Anderton Read - 1879 - 406 pages
...You will want a second, I suppose, in this affair; I stood second to my own brother, in the Fifteen Acres; and though that has made me detest the very...field of death with a great deal of satisfaction. Lee. I thank you, Connolly, but 1 think it extremely wrong in any man who has a quarrel to expose his... | |
 | Irish literature - 1893 - 386 pages
...You will want a second, I suppose, in this affair; I stood second to my own brother, in the Fifteen Acres; and though that has made me detest the very...field of death with a great deal of satisfaction. Lee. I thank you, Connolly, but I think it extremely wrong in any man who has a quarrel to expose his... | |
 | English drama - 1968 - 786 pages
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 | Elizabeth Inchbald - 762 pages
...You will want a second, I suppose, in this affair : I stood second to my own brother in the Fifteen Acres, and though that has made me detest the very...field of death with a great deal of satisfaction. tremely wrong in any man who has a quarrel, to expose his friend to difficulties ; we shou'dn't seek... | |
 | Hugh Kelly - Drama - 1973 - 522 pages
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