Impatient sees his country bought and sold, To purge and let thee blood with fire and sword, Is all the help stern S 2 would afford. That those who bind and rob thee would not kill, Good Chopes, and candidly sits still. Б No more than of Sir Har y or Sir P··:5 Whose names once up, they thought it was not wrong To lie in bed, but sure they lay too long. Gr, Cm, Bt, pay thee due regards, Unless the ladies bid them mind their cards. with wit that must And Cd who speaks so well and writes, Whose wit and must needs • equally provoke one, Finds thee, at best, the butt to crack his joke on. As for the rest, each winter up they run, And all are clear, that something must be done. 8 Perhaps the Earl of Carlisle. 4 Sir Charles Hanbury Williams. 5 Sir Henry Oxenden and Sir Paul Methuen. Lord Chesterfield. Then urged by Ct, or by Ct stopp'd, 8 Rise, rise, great W., fated to appear, .. At length to B kind, as to thy.... What can thy H Dress in Dutch... Though still he travels on no bad pretence, To show Or those foul copies of thy face and tongue, Veracious W...5 and frontless Young; 6 1 Lord Carteret. 2 William Pulteney, created in 1742 Earl of Bath. 8 Walpole. 4 Either Sir Robert's brother Horace, who had just quitted his embassy at the Hague, or his son Horace, who was then on his travels. W. Winnington. 6 Sir William Young. Sagacious Bub, so late a friend, and there How! what can Ow, what can D The wisdom of the one and other chair, Or thy dread truncheon M's mighty peer? C. 12, that Roman in his nose alone, Who hears all causes, B.,18 but thy own, Or those proud fools whom nature, rank, and fate Made fit companions for the sword of state. Can the light packhorse, or the heavy steer, The sowzing prelate, or the sweating peer, Drag out with all its dirt and all its weight, The lumbering carriage of thy broken state? 1 Dodington. 2 Probably Hare, Bishop of Chichester. 8 Fox and Henley. 4 Hinton. 5 Blackburn, Archbishop of York, and Hoadley, Bishop of Winchester. 6 Onslow, Speaker of the House of Commons, and the Earl of Delawar, Chairman of the Committees of the House of Lords. 7 Newcastle. 8 Dorset; perhaps the last word should be sneer. 9 Duke of Marlborough. 10 Jekyll. 11 Hardwick. 12 Probably Sir John Cummins, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. 18 Britain. Alas! the people curse, the carman swears, The plague is on thee, Britain, and who tries To save thee, in the infectious office dies. The first firm P·y soon resign'd his breath, Brave Sw1 loved thee, and was lied to death. Good M⚫mt's 2 fate tore Pth from thy side, And thy last sigh was heard when Wm died. 6 Thy nobles sls, thy ses bought with gold, Thy clergy perjured, thy whole people sold, An atheist, a 's ad...... Blotch thee all o'er, and sink..... Alas! on one alone our all relies, Let him be honest, and he must be wise. Let him no trifler from his Nor like his......... still a.... school, Be but a man! unminister'd, alone, And free at once the senate and the throne; Rich with his...... in his.....strong, 9 His public virtue makes his title good. Europe's just balance and our own may stand, And one man's honesty redeem the land. 9 An allusion perhaps to Frederick Prince of Wales. THE FOURTH EPISTLE OF THE FIRST BOOK OF HORACE.1 SAY, St. John, who alone peruse Than all the tomes of Haines's band? To you (the all envied gift of heaven) What could a tender mother's care Wish better, to her favourite heir, 1 Attributed to Pope. |