Whether thou seek'st new kingdoms in the sun, And heighten her conceits with sack and ale, 20 Now the sun drove adown the western road, And oxen, laid at rest, forgot the goad; The clown fatigued trudged homeward with his spade, Across the meadows stretch'd the lengthen'd shade; When Sparabella, pensive and forlorn, Alike with yearning love and labour worn, Lean'd on her rake, and straight with doleful guise Did this sad plaint in mournful notes devise: 26 'Come night as dark as pitch, surround my head, From Sparabella, Bumkinet is fled; 30 The ribbon that his valorous cudgel won, Ver. 11.] An opera written by this author, called 'The World in the Sun; or, The Kingdom of Birds;' he is also famous for his song on the Newmarket horse-race, and several others that are sung by the British swains. Ver. 17.] Meed, an old word for fame or renown. - Hanc sine tempora circum Virg. Ver. 25.] Incumbens tereti Damon sic cœpit olivæ. Virg. Ver. 33.] Shent, an old word signifying hurt, or harmed. My plaint, ye lasses! with this burden aid, 35 "Tis hard so true a damsel dies a maid. • Shall heavy Clumsilis with me compare? View this, ye lovers! and like me despair. Her blubber'd lip by smutty pipes is worn, And in her breath tobacco whiffs are borne; 40 The cleanly cheese-press she could never turn, Her awkward fist did ne'er employ the churn; If e'er she brew'd, the drink would straight go sour, Before it ever felt the thunder's power: No huswifery the dowdy creature knew; To sum up all, her tongue confess'd the shrew. My plaint, ye lasses! with this burden aid, "Tis hard so true a damsel dies a maid. 45 50 'I've often seen my visage in yon lake, Nor are my features of the homeliest make. Though Clumsilis may boast a whiter dye, Yet the black sloe turns in my rolling eye; And fairest blossoms drop with every blast, But the brown beauty will like hollies last. Her wan complexion's like the wither'd leek, 55 While Katherine pears adorn my ruddy cheek. Yet she, alas! the witless lout hath won, And by her gain poor Sparabell's undone! Let hares and hounds in coupling straps unite, The clucking hen make friendship with the kite; 60 Ver. 37.] Mopso Nisa datur; quid non speremus amantes? Virg. Ver. 49.] Nec sum adeo informis; nuper me in litore vidi. Virg. Ver. 53.] Alba ligustra cadunt, vaccinis nigra leguntur. Virg. Ver. 59.] Jungentur jam gryphes equis; ævoque sequeni Cum canibus timidi venient ad pocula damæ. Virg. Let the fox simply wear the nuptial noose, My plaint, ye lasses! with this burden aid, 65 'Tis hard so true a damsel dies a maid. 'Sooner shall cats disport in waters clear, And speckled mackarel graze the meadows fair; Sooner shall screech-owls bask in sunny day, And the slow ass on trees, like squirrels, play; 70 Sooner shall snails on insect pinions rove, Than I forget my shepherd's wonted love. My plaint, ye lasses! with this burden aid, "Tis hard so true a damsel dies a maid. 80 "Ah! didst thou know what proffers I withstood, When late I met the squire in yonder wood; 76 To me he sped, regardless of his game, While all my cheek was glowing red with shame; My lip he kiss'd, and praised my healthful look, Then from his purse of silk a guinea took: Into my hand he forced the tempting gold, While I with modest struggling broke his hold. He swore that Dick, in livery striped with lace, Should wed me soon to keep me from disgrace; But I nor footman prized nor golden fee, For what is lace or gold compared to thee? My plaint, ye lasses! with this burden aid, "Tis hard so true a damsel dies a maid. 85 Now plain I ken whence Love his rise begun ; Sure he was born some bloody butcher's son, 90 Ver. 67.] Ante leves ergo pascentur in æthere cervi, Et freta destituent nudos in littore pisces Quam nostro illius labatur pectore vultus. Virg. Ver. 89.] To ken. Scire Chaucero, to ken, and kende, Bred up in shambles, where our younglings slain The son the sillier shepherdess destroys. 'My plaint, ye lasses! with this burden aid, "Tis hard so true a damsel dies a maid. 95 Farewell, ye woods! ye meads! ye streams! that flow; 100 : A sudden death shall rid me of my woe. notus A. S. cunnan. Goth. kunnan. Germanis kennen. Danis kiende. Islandis Kunna. Belgis kennen. This word is of general use, but not very common, though not unknown to the vulgar. Ken, for prospicere, is well known, and used, to discover by the eye. Ray, F. R. S. Nunc scio quid sit amor, &c. Crudelis mater magis, an puer improbus ille? Improbus ille puer; crudelis tu quoque, mater. Virg. Ver. 99.] vivite Sylvæ, Præceps aëri specula de montis in undas Deferar. Virg. 'Ye lasses! cease your burden, cease to moan; And, by my case forewarn'd, go mind your own.' The sun was set; the night came on apace, 115 And falling dews bewet around the place, The bat takes airy rounds on leathern wings, And the hoarse owl his woful dirges sings; The prudent maiden deems it now too late, And till to-morrow comes, defers her fate. 120 Thursday: OR, THE SPELL. HOBNELIA. HOBNELIA, seated in a dreary vale, The woful day, a day indeed of woe! 10 Ver. 8.] Dight, or bedight, from the Saxon word Dightan, which signifies to set in order. |