CUD. Answer, thou carl, and judge this riddle right, 115 I'll frankly own thee for a cunning wight; 120 An oaken staff each merits for his pains. Tuesday: OR, THE DITTY. MARIAN. YOUNG Colin Clout, a lad of peerless meed, 2 Rosemary. Ver. 117.] Dic quibus in terris inscripti nomina regum Nascantur flores. Ver. 120.] Et vitulà tù dignus, et hic. Virg. Virg. 5 15 But chief of Marian. Marian loved the swain, 30 "Ah! Colin! canst thou leave thy sweetheart true; What I have done for thee, will Cicely do? Will she thy linen wash or hosen darn, And knit thee gloves made of her own spun yarn? Will she with huswife's hand provide thy meat, 35 And every Sunday morn thy neckcloth plait? Which o'er thy kersey-doublet spreading wide, In service-time drew Cicely's eyes aside. Where'er I gad, I cannot hide my care, My new disasters in my look appear. Ver. 21.] Kee, a west-country word for kine, or cows. 40 White as the curd my ruddy cheek is grown, 45 50 55 60 Whilom with thee 'twas Marian's dear delight To moil all day, and merry-make at night. If in the soil you guide the crooked share, Your early breakfast is my constant care; And when with even hand you strow the grain, I fright the thievish rooks from off the plain. In misling days when I my thrasher heard, With nappy beer I to the barn repair'd; Lost in the music of the whirling flail, To gaze on thee I left the smoking pail : In harvest, when the sun was mounted high, My leathern bottle did thy draught supply; Whene'er you mow'd, I follow'd with the rake, And have full oft been sunburnt for thy sake: When in the welkin gathering showers were seen, I lagg'd the last with Colin on the green; And when at eve returning with thy car, . 65 Awaiting heard the gingling bells from far, Straight on the fire the sooty pot I placed; To warm thy broth I burn'd my hands in haste. When hungry thou stood'st staring, like an oaf, I sliced the luncheon from the barley loaf, 70 With crumbled bread I thicken'd well thy mess : Ah! love me more, or love thy pottage less! 'Last Friday's eve, when as the sun was set, I, near yon stile, three sallow gipsies met: Upon my hand they cast a poring look, 75 Bid me beware, and thrice their heads they shook; 90 Remember, Colin, when at last year's wake I bought thee costly prèsents for thy sake; Couldst thou spell o'er the posy on thy knife, 95 And with another change thy state of life? If thou forget'st, I wot, I can repeat, My memory can tell the verse so sweet: "As this is graved upon this knife of thine, So is thy image on this heart of mine." But woe is me! such presents luckless prove, For knives, they tell me, always sever love.' 100 Thus Marian wail'd, her eyes with tears brimfull, When Goody Dobbins brought her cow to bull: With apron blue to dry her tears she sought, 105 Then saw the cow well served, and took a groat, Wednesday: OR, THE DUMPS'. SPARABELLA. THE wailings of a maiden I recite, Such strains ne'er warble in the linnet's throat, 5 Awhile, O D'Urfey! lend an ear or twain, Nor, though in homely guise, my verse disdain; 10 1 Dumps, or Dumbs, made use of to express a fit of the sullens. Some have pretended that it is derived from Dumopes, a king of Egypt, that built a pyramid, and died of melancholy. So Mopes, after the same manner, is thought to have come from Merops, another Egyptian king, that died of the same distemper; but our English antiquaries have conjectured that Dumps, which is a grievous heaviness of spirits, comes from the word Dumplin, the heaviest kind of pudding that is eaten in this country, much used in Norfolk, and other counties of England. Ver. 5.] Immemor herbarum quos est mirata juvenca Certantes, quorum stupefactæ carmine lynces; Et mutata suos requierunt flumina cursus. Virg. Ver. 9.] Ta mihi, seu magni superas jam saxa Timavi, Sive oram Illyrici legis æquoris Virg. |