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that which will as well preserve their outward and resources of worldly cunning, signify nothing
state here, as satisfy their consciences within, and in comparison of this one plain, easy way, of se-
save their souls hereafter. All the Machiavelian curing and promoting our interest; it is so excel-
arts and tricks, all the sleights and fetches of lent even in this point of view, that but for it, all
worldly craft, do signify nothing in comparison to things would be lost."
this one plain and easy way of securing and fur-
thering their interests."

"If, then, it be a gross absurdity to desire the fruits, and not to take care of the root, not to cultivate the stock whence they sprout; if every prince gladly would have his subjects loyal and obedient, every master would have his servants honest, diligent, and observant, every parent would have his children officious and grateful, every man would have his friend faithful and kind, every one would have those just and sincere, with whom he doth negotiate or converse; if any one would choose to be related to such, and would esteem their relation a happiness; then consequently should every man in reason strive to further piety, from whence alone these good dispositions and practices do proceed."

"Is a man prosperous, high, or wealthy in condition? Piety guardeth him from all the mischiefs incident to that state, and disposeth him to enjoy the best advantages thereof. It keepeth him from being swelled and puffed up with vain conceit, from being transported with fond complacence or confidence therein; minding him, that it is purely the gift of God; that it absolutely dependeth on his disposal, so that it may soon be taken from him; and that he cannot otherwise than by humility, by gratitude, by the good use of it, be secure to retain it; minding him also, that he shall assuredly be forced to render a strict account concerning the good management thereof. It preserveth him from being perverted or corrupted with the temptations to which that condition is most liable; from luxury, from sloth, from stupidity, from forgetfulness of God, and of himself; maintaining among the floods of plenty a sober and steady mind."

The discourse continues in the same manner; but we have quoted enough. But much of the DR. BARROW.

"On the duty of Prayer.

the fruit, and not cultivate the stock from whence "If, then, it is the greatest of all follies to covet it springs-if a ruler would have his subjects loyal, if a master would have his servants observant, if a parent would have his children grateful, if a man would have his friend faithful—if every one would have those with whom they converse just and sincere-if to bear any relation to men of this stamp be happiness, then is the Gospel most excellent, even in this world, for from the Gospel do these good dispositions and sound practices ever proceed."

tion, the Gospel guards him from all mischief "If a man be prosperous and wealthy in condiincident to that state, and while it disposes him to enjoy its best advantages, it keeps him from being swelled with conceit, and transported with fond complacence in his fortune. It reminds him that his lot is the gift of God, that it depends upon His disposal, that it may be soon taken away from him, and that he cannot otherwise than by humility and gratitude, and by the good use of it, be sure to retain it. It preserves him from luxury, sloth, forgetfulness of God and himself; it maintains among the floods of plenty a sober mind."

best of Barrow's matter is omitted. We will give an illustration from another sermon.


"On the necessity of Prayer.

" 1 Thess. v. 17.-Pray without ceasing. "It is the manner of St. Paul in his Epistles, "1 Thess. v. 17.-Pray without ceasing. after that he hath discussed some main points of after he has discussed doctrines, to propose rules, "It is the manner of St. Paul in his Epistles, doctrine or discipline, (which occasion required in the observance of which the life of a Christian that he should clear and settle,) to propose several consists: these he ranges not in any formal mangood advices and rules, in the observance whereof ner, but freely scatters them as they are suggested the life of Christian practice doth consist. These by the Holy Spirit which guided him.” he rangeth not in any formal method, nor linketh together with strict connexion, but freely scattereth them, so as from his mind (as out of a fertile soil, impregnated with all seeds of wisdom and goodness,) they did aptly spring up, or as they were suggested by that Holy Spirit which continually guided and governed them.'


Pray without ceasing. For understanding these words, let us first consider what is meant by the act enjoined, praying; then what the qualification or eircumstance adjoined, without ceasing, doth import.

"The word prayer doth, in its usual latitude of acceptation, comprehend all sorts of devotion

It includeth that praise which we should yield to
God, implying our due esteem of his most excellent

these words I will first consider what is meant by
"Pray without ceasing!' For understanding
praying, then what is meant by the qualification
adjoined, of praying without ceasing.

"The word prayer in its usual meaning, com-
praise we yield to God, implying our admiration
prehends every sort of devotion. It includes the
of his perfections, of his works, of the wise dispen-

[blocks in formation]

perfections, most glorious works, most just and sations of his providence and grace; it includes wise dispensations of providence and grace; that that thanksgiving by which we express an affecthanksgiving whereby we should express an affec- tionate remembrance of our obligations to God for tionate presentment of our obligation to him for the numberless great benefits we receive from him; that acknowledgment of our entire dependence upon him, or our total subjection to his power and pleasure; together with that profession of faith in him, and avowing of service to him, which we do owe as his natural creatures and subjects; that humble confession of our infirmity, our vileness, our guilt, our misery, (joined with deprecation of wrath and vengeance,) which is due from us as wretched men, and grievous sinners; that petition of things needful or convenient for us, of supply in our wants, of succor and comfort in our distresses, of direction and assistance in our understandings, of mercy and pardon for our offences

numberless benefits; it includes acknowledgment of entire dependence, of subjection to his power and pleasure; it includes possession of faith, and avowal of service; it includes humble acknowledgment of guilt and misery due from grievous sinners. We must ask in prayer supply for our wants, succor for our distress, direction for our undertaking, pardon for our offences. All these religious performances prayer comprises; according to which, our whole body of divine service is called prayer, and temples consecrated to the performance of all holy duties, are called houses of prayer."

All these religious performances, prayer, in its larger notion, doth comprise; according whereto in common use, the whole body of divine service, containing all such acts, is termed prayer; and temples, consecrated to the performance of all holy duties, are styled houses of prayer."


"Praying incessantly may import the maintain- "Praying incessantly may mean, a ready dispoing in our souls a ready disposition or habitual sition to devotion, that which in Scripture is termed inclination to devotion; that which in Scripture is the spirit of supplication: this in common language termed the spirit of supplication. This, in moral amounts to a continual practice, a man being said esteem, and according to current language derived to do that to which he is ever prompt, as it is said thence, amounteth to a continual practice; a man of the righteous man that he is ever merciful, being reckoned and said to do that, to which he is and lendeth;' because he is constantly ready to ever prompt and propense; as it is said of the supply his neighbor with needful relief. righteous man, that he is ever merciful and lendeth, heart,' says David, 'is fixed: I will sing and give because he is constantly disposed to supply his praise; fixed-that is, readily prepared, and neighbor with needful relief; although he doth steadily inclined to devotion. So should ours connot ever actually dispense alms, or furnish his stantly be! If there be from coldness, from slugneighbor with supplies for his necessity. My gishness, from distraction, any aversion to prayer, heart, said David, is fixed; I will sing and give we should by consideration and care labor to praise: fired, that is, readily prepared, and steadily remove them, rousing in our spirits, and kindinclined to devotion. So should ours constantly ling in our affections, fervor towards spiritual be. If there be (from stupidity of mind, from cold- things."

ness of affection, from sluggishness of spirit, from worldly distraction) any indisposition or averseness thereto, we should, by serious consideration and industrious care, labor to remove them; rousing our spirits, and kindling in our affections some fervency of desire toward spiritual things."

"Praying incessantly may denote a vigilant attendance (with earnest regard, and firm purpose) employed upon devotion: such attendance as men usually bestow on their affairs, whereof although the actual prosecution sometimes doth stick, yet the design continually proceedeth;

as we

say that such an one is building a house, is writing a book, is occupying such land, although he is at present sleeping, or eating, or following any other business; because his main design never sleepeth, and his purpose continues uninterrupted. This is that which is so often enjoined under the phrase of watching about prayer. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, saith our Lord. Continue in prayer, and watch in the same, said St. Paul. Be ye sober, and watch unto prayer, saith St. Peter. Which expressions import a most constant and careful attendance upon this duty; that we do not make it a matter of small consideration or indifference, of curiosity, of chance, to be transacted drowsily or faintly, with a desultorious and slight endeavor, by fits as the humor taketh us; but that, accounting it a business of the choicest nature and weightiest moment, we do adhere thereto


'Praying incessantly may denote a vigilant attendance with an earnest regard and firm purpose employed upon devotion such attendance as you bestow in your affairs, where, though the prosecution sometimes stops, the design always proceeds; as we say that such a person is building an house, or writing a book, or occupying land, though he is at the moment following some other business, his main design never sleeps, and his purpose continues uninterrupted. This is that which is so often enjoined under the phrase of watching about prayer. Watch ye, therefore, and pray,' says our Lord. 'Continue in prayer, and watch in the same,' saith St. Paul. 'Be ye sober, and watch in prayer,' saith St. Peter. Which expressions import constant and careful attendance upon this duty, that we do not make it a matter of small consideration or indifference, of curiosity, or chance, to be transacted faintly, and with slight endeavor, just as the humor takes you; but that, accounting it a business of choice nature, and weighty moment, you adhere to it immovably, regard it without distraction, and pursue it with diligence unwearied."


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with unmovable purpose; regard it with undistracted attention, pursue it with unwearied diligence." "Praying incessantly may signify, that we do actually embrace all fit seasons and emergent occasions of devotion. This in moral computation doth pass for continual performance as a tree is said to bear that fruit which it produceth in the season; and a man is accounted to work in that trade, which he exerciseth whenever he is called thereto. The sense is, in several precepts parallel to that in hand, plainly expressed. Pray, saith St. Paul, with all prayer and supplication.


'Every one (saith the Psalmist) that is godly will pray unto thee in a time when thou mayst be found. Thus, when we have received any singular blessing or notable favor from God, when prosperous success hath attended our honest enterprises, when we have been happily rescued from imminent dangers, when we have been supported in difficulties, or relieved in wants and straits; then is it seasonable to render sacrifices of thanksgiving and praise to the God of victory, help, and mercy; to admire and celebrate him, who is our strength and our deliverer, our faithful refuge in trouble, our fortress and the rock of our salvation. To omit this piece of devotion, then, is vile ingratitude, or stupid negligence and sloth. In surveying the glorious works of nature, or the strange events of Providence; then is a proper occasion suggested to send up hymns of praise to the power, the wisdom, the goodness of the world's great Creator and Governor."

"When we undertake any business of special moment and difficulty, then it is expedient (wisdom prompting it) to sue for God's aid, to commit our affairs into his hand, to recommend our endeavors to the blessing of him, by whose guidance all things are ordered, without whose concourse nothing can be effected, upon whose arbitrary disposal all success dependeth. * * When we do fall into doubts or darknesses, (in the course either of our spiritual or secular affairs,) not knowing what course to steer, or which way to turn ourselves, (a case which, to so blind silly creatures as we are, must often happen,) then doth the time hid us to consult the great Oracle of truth, the mighty Counsellor, the Father of lights, seeking resolution and satisfaction, light and wisdom from him; saying with the Psalmist, Shew me thy ways, O Lord, lead me in thy truth, and teach me; for thou art the God of my salvation: Order my steps in thy word, and let not any iniquity have dominion over me."

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"When any storm of danger blustereth about us, perilously threatening, or furiously assailing us with mischief, (so that hardly by our own strength or wit we can hope to evade,) then with the wings of ardent devotion we should fly unto God for shelter and for relief. *** When also (from ignorance or mistake, from inadvertency, negligence or rashness, from weakness, from wantonness, from presumption) we have transgressed our duty, and incurred sinful guilt; then (for avoiding the consequent danger and vengeance, for unloading our consciences of the burden and discomfort thereof) with humble confession in our mouths and serious contrition in our hearts, we should apply ourselves to the God of mercy, deprecating his wrath, and imploring pardon from him; remembering that promise of St. John, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, &c."


"Praying incessantly may signify that you embrace all fit seasons for devotion; as a tree is said to bear that fruit which it produces in the season, and a man is accounted to work in that trade which he exercises whenever he is called upon. 'Pray,' says St. Paul, in every season.""

"Every one," says the Psalmist,' that is godly will pray unto thee when thou mayest be found. My prayer is made unto thee in an acceptable time. Thus when you have received any singular favor or notable blessing from God, when success has attended your honest enterprises, when you have been happily rescued from danger, when you have been supported in any difficulty or relieved in want, then it is highly seasonable to render sacrifices of thanksgiving to the God of mercy; to celebrate him who is our strength and our deliverer, our faithful refuge in trouble, our fortress, and the rock of our salvation. To omit devotion under such circumstances is base ingratitude or stupid sloth. In surveying the glorious works of nature, or the awful events of Providence-then is a proper occasion to send up hymns to the power, the wisdom, and the goodness of the world's Creator and Governor."

"When you undertake any business of special moment and difficulty, then is it expedient to sue for God's aid, to commit your affairs into his hands, to recommend your endeavors to the blessing of Him by whose guidance all things are ordered, without whose consent nothing can be effected, upon whose disposal all success depends. When you fall into doubt and darkness, not knowing what course to steer, or which way to turn, (and to which of you all, does not this sometimes happen?) then is the time also to consult the great oracle of truth, the mighty counsellor, the Father of lights, and saying with the Psalmist, Show me thy ways, oh Lord! lead me in thy truth, and teach me, for thou art the God of my salvation. Order my steps in thy word, and let not any iniquity have dominion over me."

"When any storm of danger threatens, then on the wings of ardent devotion you should fly to God for shelter and relief. When any strong temptation invades you, which by your own strength you cannot grapple, but are likely to sink under it, then is it needful that you should seek from God a supply of spiritual force and the succor of Almighty grace. When from ignorance, or mistake, or rashness, you have transgressed your duty and incurred guilt, then for turning away vengeance and for disburthening your conscience, with humble confession in your mouth, and serious contrition in your heart, you should apply yourself to the God of mercy; deprecating his wrath, and imploring pardon from him. If you confess your sins, he is faithful and just to forgive you your sins,' &c."

We again presume that the above will suffice as a specimen of Sydney Smith's borrowings and mutilations. His discourse is not an honest digest, making the matter his own; but (in a man so able | in composition) either sheer idle larceny, or an indication of consciousness that he could not write on the subject to any good purpose. He is too lazy even to take a reasonable portion of what he pillages; for the whole of his discourse may be read in ten minutes; a very meagre repast for a congregation hungering for the bread of life. It was evident he loved not his employment, and took very little pains in it.

We leave our readers to compare these extracts for themselves. It will be seen that some passages which last month we said surprised us from the pen of Sydney Smith-such, for instance, as that above-cited, where he speaks of the Holy Spirit as guiding the Apostle; and another a few lines after the last extract, where he urges his auditors "Not to quench or damp any sparks of devout affection kindled by the Divine Spirit," -are mere quotations from Barrow, and not the suggestion of his own thoughts. We much doubt whether in any passage the essential peculiarities of the doctrines of Jesus Christ were referred to spontaneously and heartily by him; though he might endure some reference to them in copying a sermon, as he did in the Church Service, in condescension to the weakness of "fanatics."

The Sermon entitled "Upright Walking sure Walking," from Psalm x. 9, is so notoriously one of Barrow's, and the heading is so conspicuous, that it indicated a great defect of recollection in us last month that we did not recognize it at the first glance. Extracts would be superfluous. It is Barrow's, as those above mentioned are ;-not the fall feast of that munificent purveyor, but a few scraps of his dainties, and the washings of his dishes.

How far the same system is pursued with respect to other authors, or to Barrow himself, we have already said that we have not examined; for to do so might require us to refer to hundreds of volumes; and with no certainty at last that we had tracked all his sources. We feel quite sure that many passages or discourses are borrowed; they have not the native turn of Sydney Smith's mind; and in various places we seem to have reminiscences of having read them in substance elsewhere. We conjecture that the preacher's habit was very much to limit the original working out and composition of sermons, to those cases in which he had some passing and favorite topic to dilate upon; and to content himself in regard to the ordinary subjects of pastoral instruction with giving to his auditors what cost him least.

We survey such a volume as this with pain. What might a man, gifted as Sydney Smith was, have been as a preacher of Christ's holy gospel, had he understood and felt it in its real character; had it been the joy of his heart; and had he determined, by God's grace, not to know anything among men save Jesus Christ, and him crucified; setting forth his salvation as the only remedy for the sins and the sorrows of a guilty world? There might have been peculiarity of manner; he might

have been as original as an evangelical instructor, as he was as a political satirist ;-every man has his gift-and it is not necessary or desirable to drill all the ministers of Christ into a platoon uniformity of topics or style; but the characteristics of the Gospel are unchangeable; its essential features must ever be kept in distinct prominence; and never must the preacher overlook man's desolate and degraded condition by reason of the fall; the work of the Holy and undivided Trinity in his recovery; the Father giving his Son as a ransom for lost mankind; the Son undertaking and completing the mighty task; the Holy Spirit enlightening, regenerating, and purifying the soul; justification by faith, which receives the Redeemer, as made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption; and the heavenly graces divinely implanted in the heart of the believer, and evinced, as the necessary fruits of faith, in a holy and spiritual life. Such was not the character of Sydney Smith's preaching; he did not recognize such principles, or look for such effects; and he would have scoffed at any man as a fanatic who should set forth the Gospel after this fashion. But if it be anything, it is this; if it is not "a cunningly devised fable," it is "the power of God unto salvation unto every one that believeth." There is no middle course consistent with Scripture, or the documents of the Anglican confession; and those who declare that they believe themselves moved by the Holy Ghost to take upon them the office of a Gospel minister, and upon that declaration are admitted thereto, but when admitted become mere lecturers in good morals or good manners, abuse their trust, and are answerable for "the blood of souls." Whether Sydney Smith seriously considered his responsibility in this awful light, and acted upon it, was a question between him and his God; but his published sermons are before the world, and we dare not assert that they bear evidence that such were his views; or that he had duly weighed the solemn declaration of St. Paul, "Woe is unto me if I preach not the Gospel."

COAL GAS LIGHTING IN CHINA.-Whether, or to what extent, the Chinese artificially produce illuminating gas from bituminous coal we are uncertain. But it is a fact that spontaneous jets of gas, derived from boring into coal beds, have for centuries been burning, and turned to that and other economical purposes. If the Chinese are not manufacturers, they are, nevertheless, gas consumers and employers on a large scale; and have evidently been so ages before the knowledge of its application was acquired by Europeans. Beds of coal are frequently pierced by the borers for salt water; and the inflammable gas is forced up in jets, twenty or thirty feet in height. From these fountains the vapor has been conveyed to the saltworks in pipes, and there used for the boiling and evaporation of the salt. Other tubes convey the gas intended for lighting the streets, and the larger apartments and kitchens. As there is still more gas than is required, the excess is conducted beyond the limits of the salt-works, and there forms separate chimneys or columns of fire.

From the Gentleman's Magazine.

are not more or less acquainted with, except, indeed, the "Irish-Wolf-dog," and that we should

Anecdotes of Dogs. By EDWARD JESSE, Esq. have known had it not been extinct.


But, before we give any notices from the volume IN very ancient times, we do not at present itself, we may as well mention what are the somerecollect the exact country-but there was once a what extraordinary results of a closer investigation dragon that fell deeply in love with a very beauti- of the peculiar and individual characteristics of ful young lady, whom he had seen when he went dogs, as witnessed and recorded by persons who in disguise to her father's court, for in those early have devoted much attention to the subject, and periods of the world it did not seem unusual for who have been equally acute in their observations dragons and princesses to fall in love with one and accurate and faithful in their record. It another. Now this young lady, who was the appears, then, that there is scarcely a character daughter of the king of the country, had the mis- which it has been supposed the human being is fortune to be blind from her birth; but, notwith-alone able to possess, but the dog can also, standing, her eyes were so bright that no one whether by imitation, by instinct, or intelligence, could possibly suspect the defect, and, so care- claim his share. fully was the secret kept by the strict command of Thus, a DOG is a poulterer; he is a time keeper; the king and queen, her august and afflicted a penny postman; a butler. He is a member of parents, that it would probably have remained the Humane Society; he is a calculator; he posunknown to this day, had not a favorite dog of sesses imagination; understands hospital practice; the princess' accidentally sitting by her on the sofa, is a goal deliverer; a ferryman. He is one of as she was helping herself to a small plate of the detective police; a thief-catcher; he carries minced veal;-but we are afraid that if we begin a lanthorn by night; he provides dinners; he is our history of dogs so far back, not only may the a caterer; he is a fireman; he dislikes new marfurther details appear somewhat too redundant and ried ladies-eschews all brides; he knocks and copious, but, besides, we shall deprive ourselves rings; he peels turnips; he has an antipathy to of the power of mentioning the more authentic whips; he is a hypocrite-an imposter; he is a anecdotes given by Mr. Jesse of the canine species truly excellent person; he likes apples; he calls in the excellent, interesting, and instructive volume Mr. Williams by his name; he detects housebefore us for Mr. Jesse has most judiciously breakers; he is given to melancholy; he rememmade his book a repository of facts, and has neither bers injuries; he is kind and attentive in sickness; bewildered himself nor his readers in an endless he does not take bribes; he is an undertaker; he maze of metaphysical speculations regarding the will not do other people's work; he comes from theory of instinct. Every additional and authen- Asia, but does not seem inclined to go back; he ticated fact is a step gained in our knowledge of never tells lies; he takes long tours; he knows the animal. We must first know what dogs do, those who are descended from the kings of Irebefore we can reason as to how they do it. It is land; he is superior to the generality of mankind; not every one who has the opportunity of gaining he dislikes parts of the morning service; he does such acquaintance with the singularities of charac- not appear to believe in a future state, &c. &c. ter here mentioned. We meet everywhere plenty Such is the result of the information in the volume of sad dogs and comical dogs; but dogs who can before us, where we find an account of twenty think, and talk, and argue, and act, like Christians species of dogs, consisting of those most remarka-these are dogs worth knowing, and a larger ble and most interesting; and we must say that acquaintance can be gained among them in this there is not a single species described in which volume than in any other we have ever met with. Mr. Jesse has not introduced some new matterBut to read it with advantage requires, we think, some additional information regarding their habits, some preparatory education. Thus, to those of instincts, and peculiarities, which stamp an auour readers who are quite unacquainted with the thentic value on the work, and add another link to genus which is called by Linnæus "Canis," by the chain of science. On the very disputed subBuffon "Le Chien," and by English naturalists, ject of the "Irish wolf-dog" he has collected, we as Pennant, Shaw, and others, "The Dog," it think, all the information that is available; and may be as well to describe it, or perhaps it would the result in our minds agrees with the conclusions be better to refer to the very scientific and learned of Mr. Scrope, that it is probably the same animal volumes of the authors we have mentioned; when, as the original Highland deerhound, the dog after making themselves masters of the description described in the chase (p. 84;) and we reluctantly -as Ordo, Ferarum; Genus, Canis; Species, Culinarius, or Turnspit-the plan we should devise them to adopt is as follows; when they have mastered the definitions, they should then, in order to understand the internal structure, attend a few mornings at the Hunterian Museum, where Professor Owen will be happy to exhibit them specimens of the various skeletons from that superb collection; and perhaps one or two subsequent days spent attentively with Mr. Gray of the British Museum in inspecting the various skins of the animals in his cases, will suffice for general purposes; after which they will find little difficulty in becoming acquainted with specimens of the living animals in the zoological and other collections. We have only to say, that this is the method we pursued, and so successfully that there is not a single dog mentioned in Mr. Jesse's book that we

but firmly repudiate the authority of the picture we saw at Mr. Lambert's (now at Lord Derby's,) said to be taken of one of Lord Altamont's breed, as a resemblance of the true animal; and so we told Mr. Lambert at the time.

Some persons have objected to the identity of the Irish and Scotch dogs, on the ground that the latter, in the few specimens still remaining, would not be able to cope with the wolf or master him. Probably not, nor generally would a single foxhound master a fox. The destruction of the wolf was not trusted alone to the dog; he was no doubt pursued in Ireland and England formerly, as in France now, by chasseurs with guns, assisted by dogs; just as Mr. Scrope describes the system adopted in the deer-stalking. The large wolf-dogs would either retard, or bring the wolf to bay till the hunters came up, or follow and destroy him if

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