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" That not to know at large of things remote From use, obscure and subtle, but to know That which before us lies in daily life, Is the prime wisdom... "
Bell's Edition: The Poets of Great Britain Complete from Chaucer to ... - Page 53
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Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books, Volumes 1-2

John Milton - Bible - 1711 - 464 pages
...experience taught, ihe learn, 150 That not to know at large of things remote From ufe, sbfcuie and futtle, but to know That which before us lies in daily life, Is the prime Wifdom, what is more, is fume, Oi emptinefs, 01 fond impertinence, 195 And tenders us in things that...
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Paradise lost, a poem. 2nd Scots ed

John Milton - 1746 - 464 pages
...taught, fhe learn, 190 That, not to know at large of things remote From ufe, obfcure, and fubtle ; but, to know That which before us lies in daily life, Is the prime wiWom : what is more, is fume, Or emptinefs, or fond impertinence ; 19* And renders us, in things that...
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Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books, Volume 2

John Milton - 1750 - 714 pages
...experience taught, ihe learn, 1 90 That not to know at large of things remote From ufe, obfcure and fubtle, but to know That which before us lies in daily life, Is the prime wifdom; what is more, is fuméj Or 193. Tint whicb tefart ut lui in whofe folly is truljr reprefented...
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Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books. The Last Edition. The Author John Milton

John Milton - 1754 - 342 pages
...taught , she learn , . That 5 not to know at large of things remote From ufe , obfeure , and fubtile ; but , to know That which before us lies in daily life , Is the prime wifdom : what is more , is fume y Or cmptinefs , 01 fond impertinence ; • And renders us , in things...
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Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books. The Author John Milton. From the ...

John Milton - Epic poetry, English - 1759 - 608 pages
...experience taught, fhe learn, 190 That not to know at large of things remote From ufe, obfcure and fubtle, but to know That which before us lies in daily life, Is the prime wifdom; what is more, is fume, Or emptinefs, or fond impertinence? 195 And renders us.^n things that...
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Hermas, Or the Acarian Shepherds: A Poem. In Sixteen Books. The Author, John ...

John Spencer (of Newcastle.) - 1772 - 938 pages
...BOOKS. The AUTHOR, JOHN SPENCER. ' Not to know at large of things remote From ufe, obfcure and fubtle, but to know , That which before us lies in daily life, Is the prime wifdom ; what is more, is fume, Or emptinefs, or fond impertinence; And renders us in things of more...
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Poems Upon Several Occasions: English, Italian, and Latin

John Milton - English poetry - 1785 - 698 pages
...PAR AD. LB viii. 19). — — Not, to tnovv at large of things remote From ufe, obfcure or fubtle, but to know That which before us lies in daily life, Is the prime wifdom : what is more is fame, Or emptincfs, or fond impertinence ; And renders us in things that moil...
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An Estimate of the Comparative Strength of Britain during the Present and ...

George Chalmers - 1794 - 482 pages
...EXPERIENCE taught, {he learn, That not to know at large of things remote From ufe, obfcufe, and fubtle, but to know That which before us lies in daily life, Is the prime ivifjvm ; what is more, is fume, Or emptinefs, or fond impertinence, And renders us in things, that...
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Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books. The Author John Milton. Printed from ...

John Milton - 1795 - 282 pages to rove Uncheck'd, and of her roving is no end ; Till warn'd, or by experience taught, she lenrn, 190 That not to know at large of things remote From...That which before us lies in daily life, Is the prime wisdoiri ; what is more, is fume, Or emptiness, or fond impertinence, And renders us in things that...
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The Works of the British Poets, Volume 5

Robert Anderson - English poetry - 1795 - 738 pages
...experience taught, (he learn, That not to know at large of things remote From ufe, obfcure and fubtile, but to know That which before us lies in daily life. Is the prime wifdom ; what is more, is fume Or emptinefs, or fond impertinence, And renders us in things that moll...
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