| John Milton - 1746 - 464 pages
...now, lead on ! In me is no delay; with thee to go, cuj' Is to flay here ; without thee here to flay, Is to go hence unwilling : thou to me Art all things...heav'n, all places thou ; Who for my wilful crime art banifh'd hence. This further confolation yet fecure 620 I carry hence ; though all by me is loft, Such... | |
 | John Milton - 1750 - 714 pages
...now lead on ; In me is no delay ; with thee to go, 615 Is to ftay here ; without thee here to ftay, Is to go hence unwilling ; thou to me Art all things...Heav'n, all places thou, Who for my wilful crime art baniih'd hence. This further confolation yet fecure 620 I carry hence ; though all by me is loft, Such... | |
 | John Milton - Epic poetry, English - 1759 - 608 pages
...but now lead on; In me is no delay; with thee to go, 615 Is to ftay here; without thee here to ftay, Is to go hence unwilling; thou to me Art all things...Heav'n, all places thou, Who for my wilful crime art banifh'd hence. This further confolation yet fecure 62o I carry hence; though all by me is loft, Such... | |
 | John Milton - 1767 - 376 pages
...propitious, fome great good Prefaging, fince with forrow and heart's diftrefs Wearied I fell afleep : but now lead on ; In me is no delay ; with thee to go, Is to ftay here ; without thee here to ftay, Is to go hence unwilling ; thou to me Art all things under heav'n,... | |
 | 1778 - 336 pages
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 | Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1779 - 880 pages
...but now lead on, In me is no delay i with thee to go, 615 Is to ftay here; without thee here to ftay, Is to go hence unwilling; thou to me Art all things...Heav'n, all places thou, Who for my wilful crime art banim'd hence. This further confolation yet fecure 620 I carry hence; though all by me is loft, t +... | |
 | John Milton - 1789 - 274 pages
...now lead oa; In me is no delay : with thee to go, 615 Is to ftay here ; without thee here to ftay, Is to go hence unwilling ; thou to me Art all things...Heav'n, all places thou, Who for my wilful crime art banifh'J hence. This further confolation yet fecure 620 I .carry hence ; though ail by me is loft,... | |
 | English poets - 1790 - 258 pages
...now lead on. In me is no delay ; with thee to go, 61 « Is to ftay here ; without thee here to ftay, Is to go hence unwilling ; thou to me Art all things under Heav'n, all places thon, Who for my wilful crime art banifh'd hence. This further confolation yet fecure 620 I carry hence... | |
 | John Milton - 1795 - 282 pages
...Whence them return' st, and whither went'st, I know; 6 10 For Gcd is also' in sleep, and dreams advise, Which he hath sent propitious, some great good Presaging,...fell asleep : but now lead on ; In me is no delay i with thee to go, - Is to stay here ; without thee here to stay, Is to go hence unwilling; t ;ou tome... | |
 | Robert Anderson - English poetry - 1795 - 738 pages
...propitious, fome great good Prefacing, lince with forrow and heart's diftref? Wearied I fell aflecp : but now lead on, In me is no delay ; with thee to go, Is to ftay here ; without thee here to ftay, Is to go hence unwilling ; thou to me Art all things under Heav'n,... | |
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