120 122 ibid Receives a Lettes from Mr. 122 ibid 123 What he fays on Paftoral How he 130 fpeak of their Sweethearts 118 Mr. Gay to Mr. Pope a Letter of Complaint and about his Epitaph. Mr. Pope to Mr. Gay a Let ter of Confolation Mr. Pope to Mr. Gay a Letter of Wit and Humour 22 Mr. Pope to Mr. Blount concerning his Way of Living 1453. To Mr. Cromwell on the fame Subject 155 Mr. Pope to Mr. Blount on his Recovery from a Frt of Illness Mr. Pope to Mr. Blount de fcribing his Grotto 190 Lord Chancellor Harcourt to Mr. Pope about his Epitaph 372 217 Mr. Pope to Mr. Fenton a Letter of Invitation 220) Dean Berkely to Mr. Pope defcribing the Inland Inarire 261 Mr. Pope to Mr. Richardfon about drawing the Picture of his dead Mother 1274 Mr. Savage to the Earl of Middlefex about the Dan ciad, &c. 281 His Letter to a Friend at Bristol on being arrested M Earl of, Part of his Letter to Mr. Pope 248 May on, lightly Pleafures of no Value but as 212 Marlborough, Duke and Dutchefs of, diflik'd by Mr. Pope and why Miracles not to be conftantly expected 361 Miler dying makes his Will N communicable or commu 92 Phillips, Mr. Ambrofe, falfe Report of him at Button's 87 Imitates the Song of Solomon in one of his Paftorals 136 29 What he fays concerning Paftoral Writing 128 NAmby Pamby Stile, A Shepherd speaking of his what 90, 91 Narciffus and his Flatterer Mistress 137 Shepherd's Difcourfe about Magick 159 Story of the Nightingale 181 Poet, a certain one, makes a great Mistake about the Author of the Effay on Man 216 Poetry, what Kinds Mr. Pope did not attempt 48 Polly, a Sequel to the Beggars Opera wrote by Mr. Pope Prohibited by the Chamberlain 116 Lord ibid Printed with fome Alterations ibid Pope, Mr. his Modesty in the Publication of his Works 16 18 Receives a Letter from Mr. Secretary Craggs Writes a Letter to Mr. Gay concerning the Progress he had made in Painting Goes to Oxford 20 :22 Gets |