Synopsis of the Decisions of the Treasury Department on the Construction of the Tariff, Navigation, and Other Laws for the Year Ended ...U.S. Government Printing Office, 1887 - Customs administration Vols. for 1891-1897 include decisions of the United States Board of General Appraisers. |
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Common terms and phrases
35 per cent act of March Acting Secretary ad valorem appears appellants claim application appraiser reports articles in question assessment of duty Assistant Secretary authorized bill of lading bond Boston boxes Bureau of Navigation C. S. FAIRCHILD cartons cents per pound certificate charges Chicago Cincinnati classified COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS Company consignee containing cotton covered decision assessing duty Department duly received Department's decision district dutiable value duty paid duty thereon enumerated or provided exported fees free entry hereby affirmed imported inspection inspectors instant invoice iron June 19 June 26 liable license manufactures ment merchandise in question Messrs Navigation opinion Pacific packages paragraph penalty protest Railroad rate of 35 receipt received your letter refund regulations Respectfully Revised Statutes specially enumerated steam-vessels steamer steel submitting the appeal Synopsis tariff tion tonnage transmitting the appeal transportation TREASURY DEPARTMENT ultimo United United States attorney valorem vessels warehouse wool York
Popular passages
Page 472 - ... upon vessels wholly belonging to citizens of the United States, or upon the produce, manufactures, or merchandise, imported in the same from the United States, or from any foreign country...
Page 302 - ... composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, the hair of the alpaca, goat, or other like animals, made up or manufactured wholly or in part by the tailor, seamstress, or manufacturer, except knit goods : fifty cents per pound, and, in addition thereto, forty per centum ad valorem.
Page 273 - Government of the foreign country in which such port is situated, and shall, upon the passage of this act, and from time to time thereafter as often as it may become necessary by reason of changes in the laws of the foreign countries above mentioned, indicate by proclamation the ports to which such suspension shnll apply, and the rate or rates of tonnage duty, if any, to be collected under such susiiension.
Page 430 - Open fishing boats and other open boats shall not be required to carry the side lights required for other vessels ; but shall, if they do not carry such lights, carry a lantern having a green slide on the one side and a red slide on the other side ; and on the approach of or to other vessels, such lantern shall be exhibited in sufficient time to prevent collision, so that the green light shall not be seen on the port side, nor the red light on the starboard side.
Page 84 - ... as chargeable with duty, the same rate of duty which is levied and charged on the enumerated article which it most resembles in any of the particulars before mentioned...
Page 98 - States at a price substantially less than the actual market value or wholesale price of such articles, at the time of exportation to the United States...
Page 73 - ... shall, as soon as possible, report in writing and in person to the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, at the port in which the casualty occurred or nearest the port of first arrival...
Page 273 - ... year, is hereby Imposed at each entry on all vessels which shall be entered in any port of the United States from any foreign port or place in North America, Central America, the West India Islands, the Bahama Islands, the Bermuda Islands, or the Coast of South America bordering on the Caribbean Sea, or...
Page 98 - States, the cost of transportation, shipment, and transshipment, with all the expenses included, from the place of growth, production or manufacture, whether by land or water, to the vessel in which shipment is made to the United States...
Page 436 - Beams, girders, joists, angles, channels, car-truck channels, TT, columns and posts or parts or sections of columns and posts, deck and bulb beams, and building forms, together with all other structural shapes of iron or steel, whether plain or punched, or fitted for use, fivetenths of one cent per pound.