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"The flies, you rogue!--the flies, you guttling dog!
Behold, your whiskers still are cover'd thickly ;

I'll make you tell another story quickly."

So out she bounced, and brought, with loud alarms,

Two stout Gens-d'Armes,

Who bore him to the judge-a little prig,
With angry bottle-nose

Like a red cabbage-rose,

While lots of white ones flourish'd on his wig.
Looking at once both stern and wise,
He turn'd to the delinquent,
And 'gan to question him and catechise
As to which way the drink went:
Still the same dogged answers rise,
"The flies, my Lord-the flies, the flies!"

"Psha!" quoth the Judge, half peevish and half pompous,

"Why, you're non compos.

You should have watch'd the bowl, as she desired,
And kill'd the flies, you stupid clown."-
"What! is it lawful then," the dolt inquired,
"To kill the flies in this here town?"
"The man's an ass-a pretty question this!
Lawful? you booby!-to be sure it is.
You've my authority, where'er you meet 'em,
To kill the rogues, and, if you like it, eat 'em.”
"Zooks!" cried the rustic, "I'm right glad to hear it.
Constable, catch that thief! may I go hang
If yonder blue-bottle (I know his face)

Isn't the very leader of the gang

That stole the cream;-let me come near it!"-
This said, he started from his place,

And aiming one of his sledge-hammer blows
At a large fly upon the Judge's nose,

The luckless blue-bottle he smash'd,
And gratified a double grudge;

For the same catapult completely smash'd

The bottle-nose belonging to the Judge !


Nor doth the eye itself,

That most pure spirit of sense, behold itself,
Not going from itself; but eyes opposed
Salute each other with each other's form-


fewer consonants." N contemplated the poss us to speak, any more given similar powers o lated upon the exten rided, supposing tha process of representi by sound. Grief, jo passions, express the clamations in all cou considered as the whe but if she had left th reyed by human fea dressing himself to t have still possessed a as specific as speech being silent as the t tures instead of his the time lost in unr marians from Prisc but he would instal zen of the world, an to the northern maj We are not has bility of carrying point of perfection fairly tried. We reason, and the al many of our origin one sense invariab

THE origin of language is a puzzling point, of which no satisfactory solution has yet been offered. Children could not originally have compounded it, for they would always want intelligence to construct any thing so complicated and difficult; and as it is known that after a certain age the organs of speech, if they have not been called into play, lose their flexibility, it is contended, that adults possessing the faculties to combine a new language would want the power to express it. Divine inspiration is the only clue that presents itself in this emergency; and we are then driven upon the incredibility of supposing that celestial ears and organs could ever have been instrumental in originating the Low Dutch, in which language an assailant of Voltaire drew upon himself the memorable retort from the philosopher : "That he wished him more wit and


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itself, sed



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, if they have exibility, it

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Le retort frou more wit ani

fewer consonants." No one, however, seems
contemplated the possibility that Nature never
us to speak, any more than the parrot, to whom she has
given similar powers of articulation; or to have specu-
lated upon the extent of the substitutes she has pro-
vided, supposing that man had never discovered the
process of representing appetites, feelings, and ideas
by sound. Grief, joy, anger, and some of the simple
passions, express themselves by similar intelligible ex-
clamations in all countries; these, therefore, may be
considered as the whole primitive language of Nature;
but if she had left the rest of her vocabulary to be con-
veyed by human features and gestures, man, by ad-
dressing himself to the eyes instead of the ears, would
have still possessed a medium of communication nearly
as specific as speech, with the great advantage of its
being silent as the telegraph. Talking with his fea-
tures instead of his tongue, he would not only save all
the time lost in unravelling the subtleties of the gram-
marians from Priscian to Lily and Lindley Murray,
but he would instantly become a cosmopolitan, a citi-
zen of the world, and might travel "from old Belerium
to the northern main," without needing an interpreter.

We are not hastily to pronounce against the possibility of carrying this dumb eloquence to a certain point of perfection, for the experiment has never been fairly tried. We know that the exercise of cultivated reason, and the arts of civilized life, have eradicated many of our original instincts, and that the loss of any one sense invariably quickens the others; and we may


ear and tear of lungs,
am vociferation. Nay,

ares. By a silent inter to a third party, ho tep up a by-play of co mutual incredulity, ang nent, grief, or languor arth, but the eyes sh condenses all the eleme ane single emanation. nage of feeling is inclu the look serene and thacted frown with the fsentiment in the me bhe fiery flash of indig ter, the soft beaming radiance of love! Propertius; and cert the tender passion kn the ocular language, nors that every lover own attachment, or long before it is pro It required very littl Cupids perpetually h a conceit which is a liest creations of th dart, says Anacreon No-from a A host of q And now m Beneath th



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No-from an eye of liquid blue
A host of quiver'd Cupids flew,
And now my heart all bleeding lies
Beneath this army of the eyes.

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