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are begun to pour down vengeance on our land?

These judgments, or similar, we may well expect (according to the experience of other nations, recorded both in sacred and profane history,) shall continue on our island, till they either make us turn unto him that smiteth us, or destroy us from being a nation altogether.

Let none think they are innocent in bringing down these heavy judgments with which this kingdom is at present afflicted; for every one of us as individuals, of all ranks, have had a high hand in procuring those evils in which we are involved by our sins and iniquities.

O that we would all then nationally and personally humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, and turn unto him who smiteth us, that iniquity may not be our ruin, Ezek. xviii. 30. However others do, may I be complying with that sweet invitation, "Come, my people, enter thou into thy "chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: "hide thyself as it were for a little moment,

"until the indignation be overpast; For, "behold! the Lord cometh out of his place "to punish the inhabitants of the earth for "their iniquity; the earth also shall disclose "her blood, and shall no more cover her "slain," Isa. xxvi. 20, 21.

What becomes of the swallow tribe when they leave us in autumn? Whether, in caverns, or hollow places of the earth, they remain in a torpid state during the winter ; or emigrate beyond the seas to some warmer climate; or cluster together and descend to the bottom of lakes, is equally uncertain, and what naturalists are divided in their opinions about. But not so is it with respect to man when he dieth; for wherein reason is weak in this, revelation steppeth in to assure us, that man goeth either to heaven or hell.

That all men would wish to be happy at last, is a desire founded in nature; but that any are so at length, is wholly owing to grace. Many, nay I may say all, desire, with Balaam, to die the death of the righteous, and to have their last end like his, Num. xxiii. 10. but few truly desire to live a righteous, and holy life. Nature alone may make a man

request to die happy, but it is grace only that can make any desire, and really live the life of the righteous.

May it then be my care through grace to do so, that in the spring morning of eternity, even that wonderful morning of the resurrection, I may with respect to my body return from the dust with joy unspeakable and full of glory, 1 Pet. i. 8., to sing, with all the redeemed, the song of Moses and the Lamb, for ever and ever, in the paradise of God!




THE bright monarch of day having but a little ago disappeared in the west, darkness beginneth again to resume her ancient reign, and claimeth a primeval right; while the village bell calls the laborious husbandman from his toil, and invites the weary traveller to


The herds forsake their dewy pastures, and with their udders richly fraught for the dairy, move lowing on, to be discharged of their most nutritious burdens, one of the chief blessings of Canaan: and the woolly tribes are shut up in their folds.

'The verdure of the fields darkeneth on the sight, while night spreadeth her sable veil

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