low. Happy ashes! you are now delivered from your oppressor, and may grow up with freedom. Just so death at length will hew down every oppressor among men; then shall the oppressed be delivered from their tyranny. As the neighbouring trees were made to quake, while the hewer was cutting down that of the walnut, so at the report of death having done his office on some of our neighbours, we are struck with awe, which almost as soon is over with us, as that vibration of the trees after their neighbour had ̧ fallen, and alas! too often leaveth no salutary effect. Here, in this rather marshy place, is an aged alder, in the trunk of which the nightowl has often shrieked, hatched, and brought forth her young; so brittle, twisted, and crooked, that it is good for nothing but to be cast into the fire. This is an emblem of a sinner who hath lived perhaps threescore and ten, or fourscore years in the world, in whose heart Satan hath often, as it were, brooded and brought forth his horrid temptations; whose life and conversation all that time hath been crooked from the divine law and such deriving no sap from Christ Jesus (not being ingrafted in him) are good for nothing, but being cast forth into hell fire. There are a few elms, straight and tall, which do no little honour to the skill of the woodman; not a dead branch nor superfluous bough encumbers them. By this care, together with the answerableness of the soil where they grow, their trunks are become comely and large; these in due time will be taken from the wood, and put to excellent uses.. So the righteous grow up as the planting of the Lord, Isa. Ixi. 3., being purged from and pruned of every thing that might hinder their growth in grace, with the potion of personal affliction, and sharp knife of outward crosses; they grow up heavenward, strong in the Lord; and when they are cut out of the wood of the world, will be put to a noble use, even to glorify God, and to enjoy him through all eternity. Here is the lofty bay proudly spreading his branches around, as if he were king of the wood, and valued none of his neighbours. This is that tree to which the royal Psalmist compareth the prosperous state of the wicked: "I have seen the wicked," saith he, " in great power, and spreading himself like "a green bay tree," Psal. xxxvii. 35. How just is the comparison! To look with a superficial eye on the wicked in prosperity, we are apt, with Israel's king, to conclude they are happy, and envy their state, Psal. lxxiii, Yonder is a tree with a large and beautiful shade, under which I may find an asylum from the beams of the sun, which are now become scorching: Thither will I go for a little. How salutary is such a shade when the sun is so hot! O how infinitely more so is the covert which Christ's blood and righte ousness. afford from the scorching wrath of Almighty God! And glory to his name who hath made all men welcome, nay, even invited them to fly under this shelter for protection. O! this is the plane; how exceedingly broad are its leaves, of a lovely green, and curious delicate shape: the shade is truly delightful! This is that tree which was anciently so much esteemed, according to history, by the Romans, that they went to Africa to fetch it into Italy, from whence it was propagated in France, where those who walked under its shade had to pay tribute to the Romans. What infinitely more reason have all men to pay the tribute of thanks and praise to the Creator of all, for not only making the world, but also bountifully furnishing it with excellent, comfortable, and useful accommodations for man and beast, of which trees are none of the smallest. There on these branches the birds sing, and may build their nests in safety, free from the ravages of quadrupeds, which, if their nests were not so elevated, would thereby often be destroyed: and under their shadows, not only the beasts, but also men, often find a shelter from rain, cold, or heat, as I do at present. But incomparably more ought I and all men to praise the Lord for his unspeakable gift, Christ Jesus, who is an hiding place from the wind of the Almighty's fury, and a covert from the tempest of his infinite wrath, and as refreshing as rivers of water in a dry place, to all those who will fly under his shadow, which is as a great rock in a weary land, Isa. xxxii. 2. The spouse proved this when she saith, "I sat under his "shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste," Cant. ii. 3. He is that tree of life whose leaves are for the healing of the nations, Rev. xxii. 2., but blessed be God, though he debarred man from approaching the tree of life in paradise, he hath discovered unto him one in the paradise above, of a spiritual kind, and infinitely better, to which he hath not only allow ed free access, but also invited, nay, even entreated,--astonishing love !---and earnestly besought us, who were not his friends, but enemies, and full of enmity, to come under his shadow, eat of his fruit, and live for ever, Isa. Iv. 1. Matt. xi. 28. 2 Cor. v. 20. John iii. 16. O that I may from experience, "I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste," Cant. ii. 3. 66 66 then say While I am pressing through this thicket, I perceive a timorous hare, alarmed for her safety, has sprung from her den: how |