Matt. ii. 2. 9, 10. still "holdeth the seven "stars in his right hand," Rev. ii. 1. ministers of the everlasting gospel, to direct those who are made wise to salvation, 2 Tim. iii. 15.; not only in the east, but in north, south, east, and west, to that city of habitation, Psalm cvii. 3. 7., his kingdom of glory: May I follow their light, in so far as they are enlightened by the glorious Sun of righteousness, until at length I enjoy his beams in that land of bliss, where "the inhabi"tant shall not say, I am sick, and the people that dwell therein shall be forgiven their iniquity," Isa. xxxiii. 24., and reap that endless harvest of light and gladness, which is sown for the righteous and the upright in heart, Psalm xcvii. 11. in the springtime of grace, in the field of the everlasting gospel, by the good Husbandman, "the Fa❝ther of mercies and the God of all com"fort," 2 Cor. i. 3. Some of the inclosures into which it is divided, where this good seed is sown, are, the field of meditation and contemplation, the valley of prayer and praise, the green pastures of the Scriptures, and the mount of the preached gospel, with its verdant sum 53 CONTEMPLATION II. ON THE SINGING OF A LARK. WHAT pleasant sound is this salutes my ear so early! While I listen, I perceive it is a Lark, newly sprung from the turf, where he had reposed during the darkness. Anxious, as it were, to be the first of all the terrestrial creation in expressing its thankfulness to the great Creator, and upholder of all, for his kindness during the night, it pours forth its little, grateful soul, in rapturous strains of melody; swelling the anthem. of praise, with still more, and more, harmonious notes, the nearer it approaches the sky. This delightful bird, above most of the feathered tribe, is truly worthy of my imitation, and that in various points of view. While I am ravished with its song, may I accord with the little charmer, in expressing my gratitude to the bountiful Creator of all, which I am ten thousand times more bound to do than this cheerful songster, How may I be put to shame with the early gratitude of this little creature, which enjoys so little in comparison of what I do, who am still so unthankful! No house nor vault sheltered it from the hawk during the night; while I slept in my house with doors shut against any who might molest either my person or goods. It is now descended from its aerial excursion, and is silent for a little, gathering a scanty meal on yonder spot, but knows not where to find its next repast; while I have provision, not only for sundry meals, but perhaps for some months. Led only by instinct, it gathers a few corns for the present; present; while I have reason to direct me, not only how to provide for the present, but also for future wants. It enjoys but a short temporal life ; while I not only enjoy the same, but also hope to inherit life eternal. No songster of the grove soars so high as the lark, and none sits lower. This is truly SINGING OF A LARK. 55 picturesque of a saint, and teacheth me this excellent lesson, that the higher I arise in holiness and in likeness to God, the more humble I ought to be, calling myself, with the apostle of the Gentiles, "less than the least "of all saints," Eph. iii. 8. Knowing that it is only grace that maketh me, or any, to differ from another, 1 Cor. iv. 7. The lark has a long heel, which is one reason that it does not sit on the spray. So a believer, while he is here, hath a long heel, which keepeth him humble, even the iniquity of his heels, which compasseth him about, Ps. xlix. 5. The songsters of the grove will not sit on the ground, but perch on some elevated station, like the men of the world, who scorn the humble disposition of the saints, and sit high in their own estimation. The lark will not assemble with any but those of its own tribe, except in case of winter's extremity; and even not then, unless for the purpose of gathering a little food.--So a saint only findeth pleasure in the company of saints: these are they whom he maketh his companions, and in them he placeth all his delight, Ps. xvi. 2. And though he be of |