| Alexander Pope - 1735 - 488 pages
...days, and years Jlidefoft away, In health of body, Peace of mind, by day, Sound Jleep by night ; Study and Eafe, together mixt ; fweet Recreation, And Innocence...unlamented let me die, Steal from the 'world, and not aftone Tell where J lie. Augufl 19, 1709. IF I were to write to you as often as I ) think of you, my... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1735 - 238 pages
...night ; Study and Eafe, Together mixt ; fweet Recreation, And Innocence which moft does pleafe, - 'ith Meditation. Thus, let me live unfeen, unknown, 'thus,...unlamented let me die, Steal from the world, and not ajlone lell where I lie. Auguft 19, 1709. IF I were to write to you as often as I think of you, my... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1737 - 286 pages
...night ; ftudy and eafe. Together mix'd ; -faoeet recreation. And innocence which moft does plcafe, Witb meditation. Thus, let me live, unfeen, unknown, Thus,...unlamented let me die, Steal from the world, 'and not a Jlone '-— — Tell where I lie. LETTER IX. Auguft 19, 1709. JF I were to write to you as often as... | |
| William Ayre, Edmund Curll - Poets, English - 1745 - 392 pages
...Years, ffide foft away, In Health of Body, Peace of Mind, Quiet by Day. Sound Sleep by Night ; Study and Eafe, Together mixt ; fweet Recreation, And Innocence,...unlamented let me die, Steal from the World, and not a Stone Tell where I lie. So far from being fond of childifh Sports, that he would not engage in any... | |
| English essays - 1754 - 726 pages
...deep by night, ftudy and eafe Together mix'd, fweet recreation, And innocence, which mod difpleafe, With meditation. Thus let me live, unfeen, unknown, Thus unlamented let me die j Steal from the world, and not a done Tell where I lie. jl Latin Tranflation of ikt fame ODE. . From... | |
| English literature - 1750 - 370 pages
...unconcern'dly find, Hours, days, and years flide foft away,. In health of bod.y, peace of mind, Quiet by Jay, Sound fleep by night ; ftudy and eafe, Together mixt...from the world, and not a ftone Tell where I lie. D da 4" d lailv's * la ft fareviel tv her hufland. Wrote a feiu days before her death. THou who doft... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1751 - 430 pages
...ihe had the more inclination to. In ihc/rt, Sound fleep by night ; ftudy and eafe, Together mix'd ; fweet recreation, And innocence which moft does pleafe,...from the world, and not a ftone Tell where I lie. LETTER IX. Aug. 19, 1709. IF I were to write to you as often as I think of you, my letters would be... | |
| Alexander Pope - English literature - 1751 - 240 pages
...night ; ftudy and eafe, Together mixt ; fweet recreation ; And innocence, which moft does pleafe 1 5 With meditation. Thus let me live, unfeen, unknown,...from the world, and not a ftone Tell where I lie. * This was a very early produftion of our Author, written at about twelve years old. P. VOL. I. G The... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1751 - 306 pages
...Together mix'd ; fweet recreation, And innocence which moft does pleafe, With meditation. TT , Thus, . Thus, let me live, unfeen, unknown, Thus, unlamented...from the world, and not a ftone Tell where I lie. I LETTER IX. Aug. 19, 1709. FI were to write to you as often as I think of you, my letters would be... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1751 - 304 pages
...Together mixM ; fweet recreation, And innocence which moft does pleafe, With meditation. F 3 Thus> Thuj, let me live, unfeen, unknown, Thus, unlamented let...from the world, and not a ftone Tell where I lie. LETTER IX, Aug. 19, 1709, IF I were to write to you as often as I think of you, my letters would be... | |
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