This Nymph, to the destruction of mankind, Nourish'd two Locks, which graceful hung behind In equal curls, and well conspir'd to deck With shining ringlets the smooth iv'ry neck. Love in these labyrinths his flaves detains, And mighty hearts are held in slender chains. With hairy springes we the birds betray, Slight lines of hair surprise the finny prey, Fair tresses man's imperial race infnare, And beauty draws us with a single hair. 21 25 Th' advent'rous Baron the bright locks admir'd; 30 He saw, he wish'd, and to the prize afpir'd. 35 There PARALLEL PASSAGES, VER. 28. And beauty draws us, &c.] Steevens quotes Bu chanan's Epigrams, Lib. I. xiv. p. 77. " Et modo membra pilo vinctus miser abstrahor uno." "One hair of thine in fetters ties." NOTES. SANDYS. VER. 28. with a fingle hair. In allusion to those lines of Hu dibras, applied to the same purpose: "And tho' it be a two foot Trout, " 'Tis with a single hair pull'd out." WARBURTON. There lay three garters, half a pair of gloves, 40 Then proftrate falls, and begs with ardent eyes 46 But now secure the painted Vessel glides, PARALLEL PASSAGES. 50 55 60 Loofe VER. 50. And foften'd founds, &c.] Steevens quotes Milton : " And Music dying in remoter founds." IMITATIONS. VER 45. The Pow'rs gave ear,] VIRG. Eneid. xi. POPE. Loofe to the wind their airy garments flew, 65 Where light disports in ever-mingling dyes; Amid the circle, on the gilded mast, Superior by the head, was Ariel plac'd; 70 His purple pinions op'ning to the fun, He rais'd his azure wand, and thus begun. Ye Sylphs and Sylphids, to your chief give ear, Fays, Fairies, Genii, Elves, and Demons hear! Some in the fields of pureft Ether play, PARALLEL PASSAGES. Some VER. 65. tincture of the skies,] "Sky-tinctur'd grain." MILTON. NOTES. VER. 75. Ye know] Those who are fond of tracing images and sentiments to their fource, may, perhaps, be inclined to think, that the hint of afcribing tasks and offices to such imaginary beings, is taken from the Fairies, and the Ariel of Shakespear; let the impartial critic determine, which has the superiority of fancy. The employment of Ariel in the Tempest, is said to be "To tread the ooze Of the falt deep; To run upon the sharp wind of the north; -To dive into the fire; to ride And Some guide the course of wand'ring orbs on high, Or roll the planets through the boundless sky. Some less refin'd, beneath the moon's pale light 80 Pursue the stars that shoot athwart the night, Or And again, NOTE9. " In the deep nook, where ofice Nor muft I omit that exquisite song, in which his favourite and peculiar pastime is expressed : "Where the bee fucks, there fuck I, In a cowflip's bell I lie; There I couch when owls do cry, Under the blossom that hangs on the bough." With what wildness of imagination, but yet, with what propriety, are the amusements of the fairies pointed out in the Midfummer Night's Dream; amusements proper for none but fairies! "For the third part of a minute, hence : Some to kill cankers in the musk-rose buds : Shakespear only could have thought of the following gratifications for Titania's lover; and they are fit only to be offered to her lover by a fairy-queen. "Be kind and courteous to this gentleman, And ( Or fuck the mists in grosser air below, 85 And guard with Arms divine the British Throne. ge To draw fresh colours from the vernal flow'rs; 95 NOTES. And light them at the fiery glow-worm's eyes, And pluck the wings from painted butter-flies, A brighter To fan the moon beams from his sleeping eyes." WARTON. Nothing can be more appropriate, and elegant, than the lines which defcribe the employment affigned to the Sylphs in this Poem. But how can Warton think, that in fancy they equal any thing of the kind? but there is no comparison between beings who - "pluck the wings from painted butterflies To fan the moon beams," &c. VER. 90. And guard with Arms] The Poet was too judicious to defire this should be understood as a compliment. He intended it for a meer piece of raillery; such as he more openly purfues on another occafion; when he says, "Where's now the Star which lighted Charles to rife ? WARBURTΟΝ. |